
Backdrop3DScene class

Defines a plane in which effects, such as glow and shadow, are applied in relation to the shape they are being applied to.

public sealed class Backdrop3DScene : PVIObject, IBackdrop3DScene


AnchorPoint { get; set; }Returns or sets a point in 3D space. This point is the point in space that anchors the backdrop plane. 3D point represented by array of 3 float values which define X, Y and Z coordinates. Read/write Single[].
AsIPresentationComponent { get; }Allows to get base IPresentationComponent interface. Read-only IPresentationComponent.
NormalVector { get; set; }Returns or sets a normal vector. To be more precise, this attribute defines a vector normal to the face of the backdrop plane. Vector represented by array of 3 float values which define X, Y and Z coordinates. Read/write Single[].
UpVector { get; set; }Returns or sets a vector representing up. To be more precise, this attribute defines a vector representing up in relation to the face of the backdrop plane. Vector represented by array of 3 float values which define X, Y and Z coordinates. Read/write Single[].


override Equals(object)Compares with specified object.
override GetHashCode()Returns hash code.

See Also