
FontsManager.FontFallBackRulesCollection property

Represents a user’s collection of FontFallBack rules for managing of collections of fonts for proper substitutions by fallback functionality Read/write IFontFallBackRulesCollection.

public IFontFallBackRulesCollection FontFallBackRulesCollection { get; set; }


using (Presentation pres = new Presentation ())
    // Getting of empty or preinitialized rules collection from FontsManager
    IFontFallBackRulesCollection rulesList = pres.FontsManager.FontFallBackRulesCollection;

    // adding of rules to collection
    rulesList.Add(new FontFallBackRule(0x400,0x4FF, "Times New Roman"));

    // or 
    // initialization of new instance of rules collection
    IFontFallBackRulesCollection rulesList = new FontFallBackRulesCollection();

    // adding of rules to collection
    rulesList.Add(new FontFallBackRule(0x400,0x4FF, "Times New Roman"));

    // and replacing of existing collection by the new one in FontsManager 
    pres.FontsManager.FontFallBackRulesCollection = rulesList;

See Also