
ICellFormat interface

Represents format of a table cell.

public interface ICellFormat


BorderBottom { get; }Returns a bottom border line properties object. Read-only ILineFormat.
BorderDiagonalDown { get; }Returns a top-left to bottom-right diagonal line properties object. Read-only ILineFormat.
BorderDiagonalUp { get; }Returns a bottom-left to top-right diagonal line properties object. Read-only ILineFormat.
BorderLeft { get; }Returns a left border line properties object. Read-only ILineFormat.
BorderRight { get; }Returns a right border line properties object. Read-only ILineFormat.
BorderTop { get; }Returns a top border line properties object. Read-only ILineFormat.
FillFormat { get; }Returns a cell fill properties object. Read-only IFillFormat.
Transparency { get; set; }Gets or sets the transparency of the fill color. Read/write Single.


GetEffective()Gets effective table cell formatting properties with inheritance and table styles applied.

See Also