
IConnector interface

Represents a connector.

public interface IConnector : IGeometryShape


AsIGeometryShape { get; }Allows to get base IGeometryShape interface. Read-only IGeometryShape.
ConnectorLock { get; }Returns Connector’s locks. Read-only IConnectorLock.
EndShapeConnectedTo { get; set; }Returns or sets the shape to attach the end of the connector to. Read/write IShape.
EndShapeConnectionSiteIndex { get; set; }Returns or sets the index of connection site for end shape. Read/write UInt32.
ShapeLock { get; }Returns shape’s locks. Read-only IConnectorLock.
StartShapeConnectedTo { get; set; }Returns or sets the shape to attach the beginning of the connector to. Read/write IShape.
StartShapeConnectionSiteIndex { get; set; }Returns or sets the index of connection site for start shape. Read/write UInt32.


Reroute()Reroutes connector so that it take the shortest possible path between the shapes it connect.

See Also