Namespace aspose.slides
]Namespace aspose.slides
Class | Description |
AdjustValue | Represents a geometry shape’s adjustment value. These values affect shape’s form. |
AdjustValueCollection | Reprasents a collection of shape’s adjustments. |
AfterAnimationType | Represents the after animation type of an animation effect. |
AlphaBiLevel | Represents an Alpha Bi-Level effect. Alpha (Opacity) values less than the threshold are changed to 0 (fully transparent) and alpha values greater than or equal to the threshold are changed to 100% (fully opaque). |
AlphaCeiling | Represents an Alpha Ceiling effect. Alpha (opacity) values greater than zero are changed to 100%. In other words, anything partially opaque becomes fully opaque. |
AlphaFloor | Represents an Alpha Floor effect. Alpha (opacity) values less than 100% are changed to zero. In other words, anything partially transparent becomes fully transparent. |
AlphaInverse | Represents an Alpha Inverse effect. Alpha (opacity) values are inverted by subtracting from 100%. |
AlphaModulate | Represents an Alpha Modulate effect. Effect alpha (opacity) values are multiplied by a fixed percentage. The effect container specifies an effect containing alpha values to modulate. |
AlphaModulateFixed | Represents an Alpha Modulate Fixed effect. Effect alpha (opacity) values are multiplied by a fixed percentage. |
AlphaReplace | Represents and Alpha Replace effect. Effect alpha (opacity) values are replaced by a fixed alpha. |
AnimateTextType | Represents the animate text type of an animation effect. |
AnimationTimeLine | Represents timeline of animation. |
AsposeLicenseException | This exception is thrown if any errors with license are detected. |
Audio | Represents an embedded audio file. |
AudioCollection | Represents a collection of embedded audio files. |
AudioFrame | Represents an audio clip on a slide. |
AudioPlayModePreset | Constants which define how a sound is played. |
AudioVolumeMode | Constants which define audio volume. |
AutoShape | Represents an AutoShape. |
AutoShapeLock | Determines which operations are disabled on the parent AutoshapeEx. |
AxesCompositionNotCombinableException | Exception which thrown when axes composition of the series is not combinable with present axes composition in chart. |
AxesManager | Provides access to chart axes. |
Axis | Encapsulates the object that represents a chart’s axis. |
AxisAggregationType | Represents aggregation type of category axis. Used with Histogram or HistogramPareto series only. |
AxisFormat | Represents chart format properties. |
AxisPositionType | Determines a position of axis. |
Backdrop3DScene | Defines a plane in which effects, such as glow and shadow, are applied in relation to the shape they are being applied to. |
Background | Represents background of a slide. |
BackgroundType | Defines the slide background fill source. |
BaseChartValue | Represents a value of a chart. |
BaseHandoutNotesSlideHeaderFooterManager | Represents manager which holds behavior of the placeholders, including header placeholder for all types handout and notes slides. |
BaseHeaderFooterManager | Represents manager which holds behavior of the footer, date-time, page number placeholders for all slide types. |
BaseOverrideThemeManager | Base class for classes that provide access to different types of overriden themes. |
BasePortionFormat | Common text portion formatting properties. |
BaseScript | Math script |
BaseShapeLock | Represents a base class for locks (disabled operation). |
BaseSlide | Represents common data for all slide types. |
BaseSlideHeaderFooterManager | Represents manager which holds behavior of the footer, date-time, page number placeholders for all slide types. |
BaseThemeManager | Base class for classes that provide access to different types of themes. |
Behavior | Represent base class behavior of effect. |
BehaviorAccumulateType | Represents types of accumulation of effect behaviors. |
BehaviorAdditiveType | Represents additive type for effect behavior. |
BehaviorCollection | Represents collection of behavior effects. |
BehaviorFactory | Allows to create animation effects For COM compatibility. |
BehaviorProperty | Represent property types for animation behavior. Follows the list of properties from and |
BehaviorPropertyCollection | Represents timing properties for the effect behavior. |
BevelPresetType | Constants which define 3D bevel of shape. |
BiLevel | Represents a Bi-Level (black/white) effect. Input colors whose luminance is less than the specified threshold value are changed to black. Input colors whose luminance are greater than or equal the specified value are set to white. The alpha effect values are unaffected by this effect. |
BlackWhiteConversionMode | Provides options that control how slides’ images will be converted to bitonal images. |
BlackWhiteMode | Determines how colored shape should be transformed into black and white. |
BlobManagementOptions | Represents options which can be used to manage BLOB handling rules and other BLOB settings. |
Blur | Represents a Blur effect that is applied to the entire shape, including its fill. All color channels, including alpha, are affected. |
BrowsedAtKiosk | Browsed at a kiosk (full screen) |
BrowsedByIndividual | Browsed by individual (window) |
BubbleSizeRepresentationType | Specifies the possible ways to represent data as bubble chart sizes. |
BuildType | Determines how text will appear on a shape during animation. |
BuildVersionInfo | Contains information about version of Aspose.Slides. |
BulletFormat | Represents paragraph bullet formatting properties. |
BulletType | Represents the type of the extended bullets. |
Camera | Represents Camera. |
CameraPresetType | Constants which define camera preset type. |
CannotCombine2DAnd3DChartsException | Exception which thrown when trying to combine 2D and 3D chart types. |
CategoryAxisType | Represents a type of a category axis. |
Cell | Represents a cell of a table. |
CellCircularReferenceException | The exception that is thrown when one or more circular references are detected where a formula refers to its own cell either directly or indirectly. |
CellCollection | Represents a collection of cells. |
CellFormat | Represents format of a table cell. |
CellInvalidFormulaException | The exception that is thrown when a calculated formula is not correct or was not parsed. |
CellInvalidReferenceException | The exception that is thrown when an invalid cell reference is encountered. |
CellUnsupportedDataException | The exception that is thrown when an unsupported data is encountered in a spreadsheet cell. |
Chart | Represents an graphic chart on a slide. |
ChartCategory | Represents chart categories. |
ChartCategoryCollection | Represents collection of ChartCategory |
ChartCategoryLevelsManager | Managed container of the values of the chart category levels. |
ChartCellCollection | Represents collection of a cells with data. |
ChartData | Represents data used for a chart plotting. |
ChartDataCell | Represents cell for chart data. |
ChartDataPoint | Represents series data point. |
ChartDataPointCollection | Represents collection of a series data point. |
ChartDataPointLevel | Represents data point level. Applies for Treemap and Sunburst chart. |
ChartDataPointLevelsManager | Container of data point levels. Applied for Treeamp and Sunburst series. Data point levels indexing is zero-based. |
ChartDataSourceType | Represents a type of data source of the chart |
ChartDataWorkbook | Provides access to embedded Excel workbook |
ChartDataWorksheet | Represents worksheet associated with IChartDataCell |
ChartDataWorksheetCollection | Represents the collection of worksheets of chart data workbook. |
ChartLinesFormat | Represents gridlines format properties. |
ChartPlotArea | Represents rectangle where chart should be plotted. |
ChartPortionFormat | This class contains the chart portion formatting properties used in charts. Unlike IPortionFormatEffectiveData, all properties of this class are writeable. This class is used to return and manipulate text portion formatting properties defined for the particular portion. This means that no inheritance is applied when getting values so for the majority of cases you will get values meaning “undefined”. In order to get the effective formatting parameter values including inherited you need to use PortionFormat#getEffective method which returns a IPortionFormatEffectiveData instance. |
ChartSeries | Represents a chart series. |
ChartSeriesCollection | Represents collection of ChartSeries |
ChartSeriesGroup | Represents group of series. 1) See summary and remarks for ChartSeriesGroupCollection class and CombinableSeriesTypesGroup enum. 2) Group of series contains some series properies whitch is common for each series in group (“series group properties”). “Series group properties” in ChartSeriesGroup class is read/write. Each of “series group properties” can have a read-only projection in ChartSeries class. |
ChartShapeType | Represents a shape of chart. |
ChartTextFormat | Specifies default text formatting for chart text elements. |
ChartThemeManager | Provides access to chart theme overriden. |
ChartTitle | Represents chart title properties. |
ChartType | Represents a type of chart. |
ChartTypeCharacterizer | Helper for getting additional information about charts and series by its ChartType. |
ChartWall | Represents walls on 3d charts. |
Collect | Represents a group of methods intended to collect model objects of different types from Presentation. |
ColorChange | Represents a Color Change effect. Instances of FromColor are replaced with instances of ToColor. |
ColorDirection | Represents color direction for color effect behavior. |
ColorEffect | Represents a color effect for an animation behavior. |
ColorFormat | Represents a color used in a presentation. |
ColorOffset | Represent color offset. |
ColorOperation | Represents different color operations used for color transformations. Immutable object. |
ColorOperationCollection | Represents a collection of color transform operations. |
ColorReplace | Represents a Color Replacement effect. All effect colors are changed to a fixed color. Alpha values are unaffected. |
ColorScheme | Stores theme-defined colors. |
ColorSchemeIndex | Represents an index in a colorscheme. |
ColorSpace | Represents color space for color effect behavior. |
ColorStringFormat | Represents a type of hyperlink action. |
ColorTransformOperation | Defines color transform operation. |
ColorType | Represents different color modes. |
Column | Represents a column in a table. |
ColumnCollection | Represents collection of columns in a table. |
ColumnFormat | Represents format of a table column. |
CombinableSeriesTypesGroup | Enumeration of groups of combinable series types. Each element relates to group of types of chart series that can persist simultaneously in one ChartSeriesGroup. For example: ChartType.PercentsStackedArea series cannot be simultaneously with ChartType.StackedArea series in one ChartSeriesGroup. But two or more ChartType.PercentsStackedArea can be in one ChartSeriesGroup simultaneously (CombinableSeriesTypesGroup.AreaChart_PercentsStackedArea). And ChartType.Line series can be with ChartType.LineWithMarkers series simultaneously in one CombinableSeriesTypesGroup.LineChart_Line ChartSeriesGroup. |
CommandEffect | Represents a command effect for an animation behavior. |
CommandEffectType | Represents command effect type for command effect behavior. |
Comment | Represents a comment on a slide. |
CommentAuthor | Represents an author of comments. |
CommentAuthorCollection | Represents a collection of comment authors. |
CommentCollection | Represents a collection of comments of one author. |
CommentsPositions | Represents the rule to render comments into exported document |
CommonSlideViewProperties | Represents common slide view properties. |
Compress | Represents a group of methods intended to compress Presentation. |
Conformance | Specifies the conformance class to which the PresentationML document conforms. |
Connector | Represents a connector. |
ConnectorLock | Determines which operations are disabled on the parent Connector. |
Control | Represents an ActiveX control. |
ControlCollection | A collection of ActiveX controls. |
ControlPropertiesCollection | A collection of AcitveX properties. |
ControlType | Defines a control type which should be embedded by IControlCollection#addControl(int,float,float,float,float). |
Convert | Represents a group of methods intended to convert Presentation. |
CornerDirectionTransition | Corner direction slide transition effect. |
CrossesType | Determines where axis will cross. |
CurrentThreadSettings | Auxiliary class that allows to define default Locale for current thread |
CustomData | Represents container for custom data. |
CustomXmlPart | Represents custom xml part. |
CustomXmlPartCollection | Represents collection of custom xml parts. |
DataLabel | Represents a series labels. |
DataLabelCollection | Represents a series labels. |
DataLabelFormat | Represents formatting options for DataLabel. |
DataSourceType | Data source types. |
DataSourceTypeForErrorBarsCustomValues | Specifies types of values in ChartDataPoint.ErrorBarsCustomValues properties list |
DataTable | Represents data table properties. |
DigitalSignature | Digital signature in signed file. |
DigitalSignatureCollection | Represents a collection of digital signatures attached to a document. |
DisplayBlanksAsType | Determines how missing data will be displayed. |
DisplayUnitType | Determines multiplicity of the displayed data. |
DocumentProperties | Represents properties of a presentation. |
DomObject | Base DOM object TParent: Type of parent DOM object |
DoubleChartValue | Represent double value which can be stored in pptx presentation document in two ways: 1) in cell/cells of workbook related to chart; 2) as literal value. |
Duotone | Represents a Duotone effect. For each pixel, combines Color1 and Color2 through a linear interpolation to determine the new color for that pixel. |
Effect | Represents animation effect. |
EffectChartMajorGroupingType | Represents the type of an animation effect for chart’s element. |
EffectChartMinorGroupingType | Represents the type of an animation effect for chart’s element in series or category. |
EffectFactory | Allows to create effects For COM compatibility. |
EffectFillType | Represent fill types. |
EffectFormat | Represents effect properties of shape. |
EffectPresetClassType | Represent effect class types. |
EffectRestartType | Represent restart types for timing. |
EffectStyle | Represents an effect style. |
EffectStyleCollection | Represents a collection of effect styles. |
EffectSubtype | Represents subtypes of animation effect. |
EffectTriggerType | Represent trigger type of effect. |
EffectType | Represents the type of an animation effect. |
EightDirectionTransition | Eight direction slide transition effect. |
EmbedAllFontsHtmlController | The formatting controller class to use for embedding all presentation fonts in WOFF format. |
EmbedFontCharacters | Represents the rule to use for adding new embedding font into IPresentation |
EmbeddedEotFontsHtmlController | The formatting controller class to use for fonts embedding in EOT format |
EmbeddedWoffFontsHtmlController | The formatting controller class to use for fonts embedding in WOFF format |
EmbeddingLevel | Represents the licensing rights for embedding the font. |
EmptyTransition | Empty slide transition effect. |
ErrorBarType | Represents type of error bar |
ErrorBarValueType | Represents type of error bar value |
ErrorBarsCustomValues | Specifies the errors bar values. It shall be used only when the Error bars value type is Custom. |
ErrorBarsFormat | Represents error bars of chart series. ErrorBars custom values are in IChartDataPointCollection (in ( IChartDataPoint#getErrorBarsCustomValues) property). |
ExternalResourceResolver | Callback class used to resolve external resources during Html, Svg documents import. Using this resolver could create a vulnerability when client provided HTML or SVG file will make server software to obtain local or network file. Use with caution. It is recommended not to specify ExternalResourceResolver at all (only embedded objects will be read) or create some subclass which checks if specified uri is valid. |
ExtraColorScheme | Represents an additional color scheme which can be assigned to a slide. |
ExtraColorSchemeCollection | Represents a collection of additional color schemes. |
Field | Represents a field. |
FieldType | Represents a type of field. This value determines which text will be set to the field portion when it will be updated. |
FillBlendMode | Determines blend mode. |
FillFormat | Represents a fill formatting options. |
FillFormatCollection | Represents the collection of fill styles. |
FillOverlay | Represents a Fill Overlay effect. A fill overlay may be used to specify an additional fill for an object and blend the two fills together. |
FillType | Specifies the interior fill type of various visual objects. |
FilterEffect | Represent filter effect of behavior. |
FilterEffectRevealType | Represents filter reveal type. |
FilterEffectSubtype | Represents filter effect subtypes. |
FilterEffectType | Represents filter effect types. |
Flavor | All markdown specifications used in program. |
FlyThroughTransition | Fly-through slide transition effect. |
FontAlignment | Represents vertical font alignment. |
FontCollectionIndex | Represents font’s index in a collection. |
FontData | Represents a font definition. Immutable. |
FontDataFactory | FontData factory |
FontFallBackRule | Represents font fallback rule |
FontFallBackRulesCollection | Represents a collection of FontFallBack rules, defined by user |
FontScheme | Stores theme-defined fonts. |
FontSources | Provides file and memory sources for external fonts. |
FontStyle | Font style enumeration |
FontSubstCondition | Represents a rule fot font substitution |
FontSubstRule | Represents font subtituition information |
FontSubstRuleCollection | Represents collection of fonts substitution. |
FontSubstitutionInfo | This structure represents the information about the font replacement when it will be rendered. |
Fonts | Fonts collection. |
FontsLoader | Class for loading custom fonts defined by user. Should be used before creating any presentation objects. |
FontsManager | Manages fonts across the presentation. |
ForEach_ | Represents a group of methods intended to iterate over different Presentation model objects. These methods can be useful if you need to iterate and change some Presentation’ elements formatting or content, e.g. change each portion formatting. |
Format | Represents chart format properties. |
FormatFactory | Allows to create formats via COM interface. |
FormatScheme | Stores theme-defined formats for the shapes. |
FrameTickEventArgs | Represents arguments of the PresentationPlayer.FrameTick event. |
GeometryPath | Represents geometry path of GeometryShape |
GeometryShape | Represents the parent class for all geometric shapes. |
GifOptions | Represents GIF exporting options. |
GlitterTransition | Glitter slide transition effect. |
GlobalLayoutSlideCollection | Represents a collection of all layout slides in presentation. Extends LayoutSlideCollection class with methods for adding/cloning layout slides in context of uniting of the individual collections of master’s layout slides. |
Glow | Represents a Glow effect, in which a color blurred outline is added outside the edges of the object. |
GradientDirection | Represents the gradient style. |
GradientFormat | Represent a gradient format. |
GradientShape | Represents the shape of gradient fill. |
GradientStop | Represents a gradient format. |
GradientStopCollection | Represnts a collection of gradient stops. |
GradientStopCollectionEffectiveData | Represents a collection of GradientStopData objects. |
GradientStopEffectiveData | Immutable object which represents a gradient stop. |
GradientStyle | Represents the available gradient styles. |
GraphicalObject | Represents abstract graphical object. |
GraphicalObjectLock | Determines which operations are disabled on the parent GraphicalObject. |
GrayScale | Represents a Gray Scale effect. Converts all effect color values to a shade of gray, corresponding to their luminance. Effect alpha (opacity) values are unaffected. |
GroupShape | Represents a group of shapes on a slide. |
GroupShapeLock | Determines which operations are disabled on the parent GroupShape. |
HSL | Represents a Hue/Saturation/Luminance effect. The hue, saturation, and luminance may each be adjusted relative to its current value. |
HandoutLayoutingOptions | Represents the handout presentation layout mode for export. |
HandoutType | Specifies how many slides and in what sequence will be placed on the page. |
Html5Options | Represents a HTML5 exporting options. |
HtmlExternalResolver | Callback object used by HTML import routine to obtain referrenced objects such as images. Using this resolver could create a vulnurability when client provided HTML file will make server software to obtain local or network file. Use with caution. It is recommended not to specify HtmlExternalResolver at all (only embedded objects will be read) or create some subclass which checks if specified uri is valid. |
HtmlFormatter | Represents HTML file template. |
HtmlGenerator | Html generator. |
HtmlOptions | Represents a HTML exporting options. |
Hyperlink | Represents a hyperlink. |
HyperlinkActionType | Represents a type of hyperlink action. |
HyperlinkColorSource | Represents source of hyperlink color. |
HyperlinkManager | Provide hyperlinks management (adding, removing). |
HyperlinkQueries | Provide easy access to contained hyperlinks. |
IImage | Represents the raster or vector image. |
ImageCollection | Represents collection of PPImage. |
ImageFormat | Represents the file format of the image. |
ImagePixelFormat | Specifies the pixel format for the generated images. |
ImageTransformOCollectionEffectiveData | Immutable object that represents a readonly collection of effective image transform effects. Name IImageTransformOperationCollectionEffectiveData truncuted to IImageTransformOCollectionEffectiveData because of COM names length cannot be more then 39. |
ImageTransformOperation | Represents abstract image transformation effect. |
ImageTransformOperationCollection | Represents a collection of effects apllied to an image. |
ImageTransformOperationFactory | Allows to create image transform operations For COM compatibility. |
Images | Methods to instantiate and work with IImage. |
InOutTransition | In-Out slide transition effect. |
Ink | Represents an ink object on a slide. |
InkBrush | Represents an inkBrush object. |
InkOptions | Provides options that control the look of Ink objects in exported document. |
InkTrace | Represents an Trace object. A Trace element is used to record the data captured by the digitizer. It contains a sequence of points encoded according to the specification given by the InkTraceFormat object. |
InnerShadow | Represents a Inner Shadow effect. |
Input | Represents a collection of input elements (templates). |
InterruptionToken | This class represents the token to use for signaling long running tasks whether the interruption was requested. |
InterruptionTokenSource | Represents the source of InterruptionToken. |
InvalidPasswordException | Exception which thrown when presentation file format is unsupported. |
LayoutPlaceholderManager | Represents manager that allows you to add placeholders to the layout slide. |
LayoutSlide | Represents a layout slide. |
LayoutSlideCollection | Represents a base class for collection of a layout slides. |
LayoutSlideHeaderFooterManager | Represents manager which holds behavior of the layout slide footer, date-time, page number placeholders and all child placeholders. Child placeholders mean placeholders are contained on depending slides. Depending slides use and depend on layout slide. |
LayoutSlideThemeManager | Provides access to layout slide theme overriden. |
LayoutTargetType | If layout of the plot area defined manually this property specifies whether to layout the plot area by its inside (not including axis and axis labels) or outside (including axis and axis labels). |
LeftRightDirectionTransition | Left-right direction slide transition effect. |
LegacyDiagram | Represents a legacy diagram object. |
Legend | Represents chart’s legend properties. |
LegendDataLabelPosition | Determines position of data labels. |
LegendEntryCollection | Represents legends collection. |
LegendEntryProperties | Represents legend properties of a chart. |
LegendPositionType | Determines a position of legend on a chart. |
License | Provides methods to license the component. In this example, an attempt will be made to find a license file named MyLicense.lic in the folder that contains the component, in the folder that contains the calling assembly, in the folder of the entry assembly and then in the embedded resources of the calling assembly. |
LightRig | Represents LightRig. |
LightRigPresetType | Constants which define light preset types. |
LightingDirection | Constants which define light directions. |
LineAlignment | Represents the lines alignment type. |
LineArrowheadLength | Represents the length of an arrowhead. |
LineArrowheadStyle | Represents the style of an arrowhead. |
LineArrowheadWidth | Represents the width of an arrowhead. |
LineCapStyle | Represents the line cap style. |
LineDashStyle | Represents the line dash style. |
LineFillFormat | Represents properties for lines filling. |
LineFormat | Represents format of a line. |
LineFormatCollection | Represents the collection of line styles. |
LineJoinStyle | Represents the lines join style. |
LineSketchType | Represents which sketch type or effect a shape has been assigned. |
LineStyle | Represents the style of a line. |
LinkEmbedDecision | Determines how object will be processed during saving. |
LoadFormat | Indicates the format of the document that is to be loaded. |
LoadOptions | Allows to specify additional options (such as format or default font) when loading a presentation. |
LoadingStreamBehavior | The passed to a method is considered as a Binary Large Object (BLOB) (see IBlobManagementOptions description). Values of this enumeration identify how the should be treated when it passed to the method. Depending on the requirements, different decisions could be made to provide the most efficient behavior. |
Luminance | Represents a Luminance effect. Brightness linearly shifts all colors closer to white or black. Contrast scales all colors to be either closer or further apart. |
MarkdownExportType | Type of rendering document. |
MarkdownSaveOptions | Represents options that control how presentation should be saved to markdown. |
Marker | Represents marker of a chert. |
MarkerStyleType | Determines form of marker on chart’s data point. |
MasterHandoutSlide | Represents master slide for handouts. |
MasterHandoutSlideHeaderFooterManager | Represents manager which holds behavior of the master handout slide placeholders, including header placeholder. |
MasterLayoutSlideCollection | Represents a collections of all layout slides of defined master slide. Extends LayoutSlideCollection class with methods for adding/inserting/removing/cloning/reordering layout slides in context of the individual collections of master’s layout slides. |
MasterNotesSlide | Represents master slide for notes. |
MasterNotesSlideHeaderFooterManager | Represents manager which holds behavior of the master notes slide footer, date-time, page number placeholders and all child placeholders. Child placeholders mean placeholders are contained on depending notes slides. Depending notes slides use and depend on master notes slide. |
MasterSlide | Represents a master slide in a presentation. |
MasterSlideCollection | Represents a collection of master slides. |
MasterSlideHeaderFooterManager | Represents manager which holds behavior of the master slide footer, date-time, page number placeholders and all child placeholders. Child placeholders mean placeholders are contained on depending layout slides and depending slides. Depending layout slides and slides use and depend on master slide. |
MasterTheme | Represents a master theme. |
MasterThemeManager | Provides access to presentation master theme. |
MaterialPresetType | Constants which define material of shape. |
MathAccent | Specifies the accent function, consisting of a base and a combining diacritical mark Example: ?? |
MathAccentFactory | Allows to create a math accent For COM comparibility |
MathArray | Specifies a vertical array of equations or any mathematical objects |
MathArrayFactory | Allows to create a math array For COM comparibility |
MathBar | Specifies the bar function, consisting of a base argument and an overbar or underbar |
MathBarFactory | Allows to create a math bar For COM comparibility |
MathBlock | Specifies an instance of mathematical text that contained within a MathParagraph and starts on its own line. All math zones, including equations, expressions, arrays of equations or expressions, and formulas are represented by math block. |
MathBlockFactory | Allows to create a math block For COM comparibility |
MathBorderBox | Draws a rectangular or some other border around the IMathElement. |
MathBorderBoxFactory | Allows to create a math border box For COM comparibility |
MathBox | Specifies the logical boxing (packaging) of mathematical element. For example, a boxed object can serve as an operator emulator with or without an alignment point, serve as a line break point, or be grouped such as not to allow line breaks within. For example, the “==” operator should be boxed to prevent line breaks. |
MathBoxFactory | Allows to create a math box For COM comparibility |
MathDelimiter | Specifies the delimiter object, consisting of opening and closing characters (such as parentheses, braces, brackets, and vertical bars), and one or more mathematical elements inside, separated by a specified character. Examples: (?2); [?2 |
MathDelimiterFactory | Allows to create a math delimiter For COM comparibility |
MathDelimiterShape | The location and size of the delimiters relative to the content of the operands |
MathElementBase | Base class for IMathElement with the implementation of some methods that are common to all inherited classes For internal use only. Inherited class must be IMathElement. |
MathFraction | Specifies the fraction object, consisting of a numerator and denominator separated by a fraction bar. The fraction bar can be horizontal or diagonal, depending on the fraction properties. The fraction object is also used to represent the stack function, which places one element above another, with no fraction bar. |
MathFractionFactory | Allows to create a math fraction For COM comparibility |
MathFractionTypes | Fraction Types |
MathFunction | Specifies a function of an argument. |
MathFunctionFactory | Allows to create a math function For COM comparibility |
MathFunctionsOfOneArgument | Common mathematical functions of one argument |
MathFunctionsOfTwoArguments | Common mathematical functions of two arguments |
MathGroupingCharacter | Specifies a grouping symbol above or below an expression, usually to highlight the relationship between elements |
MathGroupingCharacterFactory | Allows to create a math grouping character For COM compatibility |
MathHorizontalAlignment | Horizontal Alignment |
MathIntegralTypes | Mathematical integral types |
MathJustification | Specifies justification of the math paragraph (a series of adjacent instances of mathematical text within the same paragraph) |
MathLeftSubSuperscriptElement | Specifies the Sub-Superscript object, which consists of a base and a subscript and superscript placed to the left of the base. |
MathLimit | Specifies the Limit object, consisting of text on the baseline and reduced-size text immediately above or below it. |
MathLimitFactory | Allows to create IMathLimit For COM comparibility |
MathLimitLocations | Location of limits (subscript/superscript) in n-ary operators. |
MathMatrix | Specifies the Matrix object, consisting of child elements laid out in one or more rows and columns. It is important to note that matrices do not have built in delimiters. To place the matrix in the brackets you should use the delimiter object (IMathDelimiter). Null arguments can be used to create gaps in matrices. |
MathMatrixFactory | Allows to create a math matrix For COM comparibility |
MathNaryOperator | Specifies an N-ary mathematical object, such as Summation and Integral. It consists of an operator, a base (or operand), and optional upper and lower limits. Examples of N-ary operators are: Summation, Union, Intersection, Integral |
MathNaryOperatorFactory | Allows to create IMathNaryOperator For COM comparibility |
MathNaryOperatorTypes | Nary operator IMathNaryOperator types (excluding integrals) For integrals MathIntegralTypes |
MathParagraph | Mathematical paragraph that is a container for mathematical blocks (IMathBlock) |
MathParagraphFactory | Allows to create a math paragraph For COM comparibility |
MathPortion | Represents a portion with mathematical context inside. |
MathRadical | Specifies the radical function, consisting of a base, and an optional degree. Example of radical object is ??. |
MathRadicalFactory | Allows to create math radical For COM comparibility |
MathRightSubSuperscriptElement | Specifies the Sub-Superscript object, which consists of a base and a subscript and superscript placed to the right of the base. |
MathRightSubSuperscriptElementFactory | Allows to create IMathRightSubSuperscriptElementFactory For COM comparibility |
MathRowSpacingRule | The type of vertical spacing between columns in a matrix or array |
MathSpacingRules | Types of gap (horizontal spacing) between columns of a matrix |
MathSubscriptElement | Specifies the subscript object, which consists of a base and a reduced-size subscript placed below and to the right. |
MathSubscriptElementFactory | Allows to create IMathSubscriptElement For COM comparibility |
MathSuperscriptElement | Specifies the superscript object, which consists of a base and a reduced-size superscript placed above and to the right |
MathSuperscriptElementFactory | Allows to create IMathSuperscriptElement For COM comparibility |
MathTopBotPositions | Top/bottom positions enumeration |
MathVerticalAlignment | Vertical Alignment |
MathematicalText | Mathematical text |
MathematicalTextFactory | Allows to create a MathematicalText element For COM comparibility |
Metered | Provides methods to set metered key. |
ModernComment | Represents a comment on a slide. |
ModernCommentStatus | Represents the status of a modern comment. |
MorphTransition | Ripple slide transition effect. |
MotionCmdPath | Represent one command of a path. |
MotionCommandPathType | Represent types of command for animation motion effect behavior. |
MotionEffect | Represent motion effect behavior of effect. |
MotionOriginType | Specifies what the origin of the motion path is relative to. Such as the layout of the slide, or the parent. |
MotionPath | Represent motion path. |
MotionPathEditMode | Specifies how the motion path moves when the target shape is moved |
MotionPathPointsType | Represent types of points in animation motion path. |
NewLineType | Type of new line that will be used in generated document. |
NormalViewProperties | Represents normal view properties. The normal view consists of three content regions: the slide itself, a side content region, and a bottom content region. |
NormalViewRestoredProperties | Specifies the sizing of the slide region ((width when a child of restoredTop, height when a child of restoredLeft) of the normal view, when the region is of a variable restored size(neither minimized nor maximized). |
NotesCommentsLayoutingOptions | Provides options that control the look of layouting of notes and comments in exported document. |
NotesPositions | Represents the rule to render notes into exported document |
NotesSize | Represents a size of notes slide. |
NotesSlide | Represents a notes slide in a presentation. |
NotesSlideHeaderFooterManager | Represents manager which holds behavior of the notes slide placeholders, including header placeholder. |
NotesSlideManager | Notes slide manager. |
NotesSlideThemeManager | Provides access to notes slide theme overriden. |
NullableBool | Represents triple boolean values. |
NumberedBulletStyle | Represents the style of the numbered bullets. |
OOXMLCorruptFileException | Exception which thrown when Office Open XML file format is corrupted. |
OOXMLException | Represents a standard internal exception type related to Office Open XML file format. |
OdpException | Represents a standard internal exception type. |
OdpReadException | Represents an exception which thrown on presentation reading errors. |
OleEmbeddedDataInfo | Represents embedded data info for OLE object. |
OleObjectFrame | Represents an OLE object on a slide. |
OptionalBlackTransition | Optional black slide transition effect. |
OrganizationChartLayoutType | Represents formatting type the child nodes in an organization chart |
Orientation | Represents the orientation of a shape. |
OrientationTransition | Orientation slide transition effect. |
OuterShadow | Represents an Outer Shadow effect. |
Output | Represents a collection of output elements for IWebDocument. |
OutputFile | Represents an output file. |
OverrideTheme | Represents a overriding theme. |
PPImage | Represents an image in a presentation. |
PVIObject | Encapsulates basic service infrastructure for objects can be a subject of property value inheritance. |
Paragraph | Represents a paragraph of text. |
ParagraphCollection | Represents a collection of a paragraphs. |
ParagraphFactory | Allows to create paragraphs For COM compatibility. |
ParagraphFormat | This class contains the paragraph formatting properties. Unlike IParagraphFormatEffectiveData, all properties of this class are writeable. This class is used to return and manipulate paragraph formatting properties defined for the particular paragraph. This means that no inheritance is applied when getting values so for the majority of cases you will get values meaning “undefined”. In order to get the effective formatting parameter values including inherited you need to use ParagraphFormat#getEffective method which returns a IParagraphFormatEffectiveData instance. |
ParentLabelLayoutType | Represents layout of category data labels. Used with Treemap series only. |
PathCommandType | Represents graphics path commands |
PathFillModeType | Specifies the manner in which a path should be filled |
PathSegment | Represents segment of graphics path of GeometryShape |
PatternFormat | Represents a pattern to fill a shape. |
PatternStyle | Represents the pattern style. |
PdfAccessPermissions | Contains a set of flags specifying which access permissions should be granted when the document is opened with user access. |
PdfCompliance | Constants which define the PDF standards compliance level. |
PdfImportOptions | Represents the PDF import options |
PdfOptions | Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in Pdf format. |
PdfTextCompression | Constants which define the type of a compression applied to all content in the PDF file except images. |
PersistenceType | Specifies the method used to store properties of the ActiveX control. |
Picture | Represents a picture in a presentation. |
PictureFillFormat | Represents a picture fill style. |
PictureFillMode | Determines how picture will fill area. |
PictureFrame | Represents a frame with a picture inside. |
PictureFrameLock | Determines which operations are disabled on the parent PictureFrame. |
PictureType | Determines mode of bar picture filling. |
PicturesCompression | Represents the pictures compression level |
PieSplitCustomPointCollection | Represents a collection of points for splitting point in a bar-of-pie or pie-of-pie chart with a custom split. |
PieSplitType | Represents a type of splitting points in the second pie or bar on a pie-of-pie or bar-of-pie chart. |
Placeholder | Represents a placeholder on a slide. |
PlaceholderSize | Represents the size of a placeholder. |
PlaceholderType | Represents the type of a placeholder. |
Point | Represent animation point. |
Point2DDouble | |
Point2DFloat | |
PointCollection | Represent collection of animation points. |
Portion | Represents a portion of text inside a text paragraph. |
PortionCollection | Represents a collection of portions. |
PortionFactory | Allows to create test portions For COM comparibility |
PortionFormat | This class contains the text portion formatting properties. Unlike IPortionFormatEffectiveData, all properties of this class are writeable. This class is used to return and manipulate text portion formatting properties defined for the particular portion. This means that no inheritance is applied when getting values so for the majority of cases you will get values meaning “undefined”. In order to get the effective formatting parameter values including inherited you need to use PortionFormat#getEffective method which returns a IPortionFormatEffectiveData instance. |
PptCorruptFileException | Exception which thrown when presentation file is probably corrupt. |
PptEditException | Represents an exception thrown when edit presentation error is detected. |
PptException | Represents a standard internal exception type. |
PptOptions | Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in PPT format. |
PptReadException | Represents an exception which thrown on presentation reading errors. |
PptUnsupportedFormatException | Exception which thrown when presentation file format is unsupported. |
PptxCorruptFileException | Exception which thrown when presentation file is probably corrupt. |
PptxEditException | Represents an exception thrown when edit presentation error is detected. |
PptxException | Represents a standard internal exception type. |
PptxOptions | Represents options for saving OpenXml presentations (PPTX, PPSX, POTX, PPTM, PPSM, POTM). |
PptxReadException | Represents an exception which thrown on presentation reading errors. |
PptxUnsupportedFormatException | Exception which thrown when presentation file format is unsupported. |
Presentation | Represents a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. |
PresentationAnimationsGenerator | Represents a generator of the animations in the Presentation. |
PresentationFactory | Allows to create presentation via COM interface |
PresentationHeaderFooterManager | Represents manager which holds behavior of all footer, date-time and page number placeholders of presentation. |
PresentationInfo | Information about presentation file |
PresentationLockingBehavior | Represents the behavior regarding treating the IPresentation source (file or while loading and working with an instance of IPresentation. The source is the parameter passed to the IPresentation constructor. In the example below, the source is the “pres.pptx” file: For this example, the source (“pres.pptx” file) will be locked for a IPresentation instance lifetime, i.e. can’t be changed or deleted by the other process. |
PresentationPlayer | Represents the player of animations associated with the Presentation. |
PresentationText | Represents the text extracted from the presentation |
PresentedBySpeaker | Presented by a speaker (full screen) |
PresetColor | Represents predefined color presets. |
PresetShadow | Represents a Preset Shadow effect. |
PresetShadowType | Represents a preset for a shadow effect. |
PropertyCalcModeType | Represent calc mode for animation property. |
PropertyEffect | Represent property effect behavior. |
PropertyValueType | Represent property value types. |
ProtectionManager | Presentation password protection management. |
QuartileMethodType | Returns type of quartile method |
RectangleAlignment | Defines 2-dimension allignment. |
Reflection | Represents a Reflection effect. |
RenderingOptions | Provides options that control how a presentation/slide is rendered. |
ResourceLoadingAction | Specifies the mode of external resource loading. |
ResponsiveHtmlController | Responsive HTML Controller |
ReturnAction | Represents warning callback decision options. |
RevealTransition | Reveal slide transition effect. |
RippleTransition | Ripple slide transition effect. |
Rotation3D | Represents 3D rotation of a chart. |
RotationEffect | Represent rotation behavior of effect. |
Row | Represents a row in a table. |
RowCollection | Represents table row collection. |
RowFormat | Represents format of a table row. |
SVGOptions | Represents an SVG options. |
SaveFormat | Constants which define the format of a saved presentation. |
SaveOptions | Abstract class with options that control how a presentation is saved. |
SaveOptionsFactory | Allows to create save options’ instances For COM compatibility. |
ScaleEffect | Represents animation scale effect. |
SchemeColor | Represents colors in a color scheme. |
Section | Represents section of slides. |
SectionCollection | Represents a collection of sections. |
SectionSlideCollection | Represents a collection of slides in the section. |
SectionZoomFrame | Represents a Section Zoom object in a slide. |
Sequence | Represents sequence (collection of effects). |
SequenceCollection | Represents collection of interactive sequences. |
SetEffect | Represents a set effect for an animation behavior. |
Shape | Represents a shape on a slide. |
ShapeBevel | Contains the properties of shape’s main face relief. |
ShapeCollection | Represents a collection of a shapes. |
ShapeElement | Represents a part of shape with same outline and fill properties. |
ShapeElementFillSource | Represents how shape element should be filled. |
ShapeElementStrokeSource | Represents how shape element should be drawn. |
ShapeFrame | Represents shape frame’s properties. |
ShapeStyle | Represent shape’s style reference. |
ShapeThumbnailBounds | Enumeration of types of shape thumbnail bounds. |
ShapeType | Represents preset geometry of geometry shapes. |
ShapeUtil | Offer methods which helps to process shapes objects. |
ShapesAlignmentType | Defines a way to change the placement of selected shapes on the slide. |
ShredTransition | Shred slide transition effect. |
SideDirectionTransition | Side direction slide transition effect. |
SketchFormat | Represents properties for lines sketch format. |
Slide | Represents a slide in a presentation. |
SlideCollection | Represents a collection of a slides. |
SlideHeaderFooterManager | Represents manager which holds behavior of the slide footer, date-time, page number placeholders. |
SlideImageFormat | Determines format in which slide image will be saved for presentation to HTML export. |
SlideLayoutType | Represents the slide layout type. |
SlideOrientation | Represents the slide orientation. |
SlideShowSettings | Represents the slide show settings for the presentation. |
SlideShowTransition | Represents slide show transition. |
SlideShowType | Base slide show settings. Ancestors represent types of the slide show: PresentedBySpeaker Presented by a speaker (full screen) BrowsedByIndividual Browsed by individual (window) BrowsedAtKiosk Browsed at a kiosk (full screen) |
SlideSize | Represents a size of slide. |
SlideSizeScaleType | Represents the scale type of slide content. |
SlideSizeType | Represents the slide size preset. |
SlideThemeManager | Provides access to slide theme overriden. |
SlideUtil | Offer methods which help to search shapes and text in a presentation. |
SlidesRange | Slides range |
SmartArt | Represents a SmartArt diagram |
SmartArtColorType | Represents color scheme of a SmartArt diagram. |
SmartArtLayoutType | Represents layout type of a SmartArt diagram. |
SmartArtNode | Represents node of a SmartArt object |
SmartArtNodeCollection | Represents a collection of SmartArt nodes. |
SmartArtQuickStyleType | Represents style scheme of a SmartArt diagram. |
SmartArtShape | Represents SmartArt shape |
SmartArtShapeCollection | Represents a collection of a SmartArt shapes |
SoftEdge | Represents a soft edge effect. The edges of the shape are blurred, while the fill is not affected. |
SourceFormat | Represents source file format. |
SplitTransition | Split slide transition effect. |
SplitterBarStateType | Specifies the state that the splitter bar should be shown in. The splitter bar separates a primary and secondary region within a viewing area. |
SpreadsheetOptions | Represents options which can be used to specify additional spreadsheets behavior. |
Storage | Represents a temporary data storage for WebDocument. |
StringChartValue | Represent string value which can be stored in pptx presentation document in two ways: 1) in cell/cells of workbook related to chart; 2) as literal value. |
StringOrDoubleChartValue | Represent string or double value which can be stored in pptx presentation document in two ways: 1) in cell/cells of workbook related to chart; 2) as literal value. |
StyleType | Represents chart style. |
SummaryZoomFrame | Represents a Summary Zoom object in a slide. |
SummaryZoomSection | Represents a Summary Zoom Section object in a Summary Zoom frame. |
SummaryZoomSectionCollection | Represents a collection of Summary Zoom Section objects. |
SvgCoordinateUnit | Represents CSS2 coordinate units used to define SVG coordinates. |
SvgEvent | Represents options for SVG shape. |
SvgExternalFontsHandling | Represents a way to handle external fonts used for text drawing. |
SvgImage | Represents an SVG image. |
SvgShape | Represents options for SVG shape. |
SvgTSpan | Represents options for SVG text portion (“tspan”). |
SwfOptions | Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in Swf format. |
SystemColor | Represents predefined system colors. |
Tab | Represents a tabulation for a text. |
TabAlignment | Represents the tab alignment. |
TabCollection | Represents a collection of tabs. |
TabFactory | Allows to create ITab instances For COM compatibility. |
Table | Represents a table on a slide. |
TableFormat | Represents format of a table. |
TableStylePreset | Represents builtin table styles. |
TagCollection | Represents the collection of tags (user defined pairs of strings) |
TemplateContext | Represents a model object interface for a template engine. |
TextAlignment | Represents different text alignment styles. |
TextAnchorType | text box alignment within a text area. |
TextAnimation | Represent text animation. |
TextAnimationCollection | Represents collection of text animations. |
TextAutofitType | Represents text autofit mode. |
TextCapType | Represents the type of text capitalisation. |
TextExtractionArrangingMode | Represents the mode to use during text extraction |
TextFrame | Represents a TextFrame. |
TextFrameFormat | Contains the TextFrame’s formatTextFrameFormatting properties. |
TextHighlightingOptions | Represents options which can be used to highlight text in text frame. |
TextInheritanceLimit | Controls the depth of the text properties inheritance. |
TextSearchOptions | Represents options that can be used to search for text in a Presentation, Slide or TextFrame. |
TextShapeType | Represents text wrapping shape. |
TextStrikethroughType | Represents the type of text strikethrough. |
TextStyle | This class contains the text style formatting properties. |
TextToHtmlConversionOptions | Options for extracting HTML from the Pptx text. |
TextUnderlineType | Represents the type of text underline. |
TextVerticalOverflowType | Represents text vertical overflow type. |
TextVerticalType | Determines vertical writing mode for a text. |
Theme | Represents a theme. |
ThreeDFormat | Represents 3-D properties. |
TickLabelPositionType | Represents the position type of tick-mark labels on the specified axis. |
TickMarkType | Represents the tick mark type for the specified axis. |
TiffCompressionTypes | Provides options that control how a presentation is compressed in TIFF format. |
TiffOptions | Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in TIFF format. |
TileFlip | Defines tile flipping mode. |
TimeUnitType | Represents the base unit for the category axis |
Timing | Represents animation timing. |
Tint | Represents a Tint effect. Shifts effect color values towards/away from hue by the specified amount. |
TransitionCornerAndCenterDirectionType | Specifies a direction restricted to the corners and center. |
TransitionCornerDirectionType | Represent corner direction transition types. |
TransitionEightDirectionType | Represent eight direction transition types. |
TransitionInOutDirectionType | Represent in or out direction transition types. |
TransitionLeftRightDirectionType | Specifies a direction restricted to the values of left and right. |
TransitionMorphType | Represent a type of morph transition. |
TransitionPattern | Specifies a geometric pattern that tiles together to fill a larger area. |
TransitionShredPattern | Specifies a geometric shape that tiles together to fill a larger area. |
TransitionSideDirectionType | Represent side direction transition types. |
TransitionSoundMode | Represent sound mode of transition. |
TransitionSpeed | Represent transition speed types. |
TransitionType | Represent slide show transition type. |
TransitionValueBase | Base class for slide transition effects. |
Trendline | Class represents trend line of chart series |
TrendlineCollection | Represents a collection of Trendline |
TrendlineType | Represents type of trend line |
UpDownBarsManager | Provide access to up/down bars of Line- or Stock-chart. |
VbaModule | Represents module that is contained in VBA project. |
VbaModuleCollection | Represents a collection of a VBA Project modules. |
VbaProject | Represents VBA project with presentation macros. |
VbaProjectFactory | Allows to create VBA project via COM interface |
VbaReferenceCollection | Represents a collection of a VBA Project references. |
VbaReferenceFactory | Allows to create VBA project references via COM interface |
VbaReferenceOleTypeLib | Represents OLE Automation type library reference. |
Video | Represents an image embedded into a presentation. |
VideoCollection | Represents a collection of Video objects. |
VideoFrame | Represents a video clip on a slide. |
VideoPlayModePreset | Constants which define how a video is played. |
VideoPlayerHtmlController | This class allows export of video and audio files into a HTML |
VideoPlayerHtmlControllerFactory | Allows to create VideoPlayerHtmlController. For COM compatibility. |
ViewProperties | Presentation wide view properties. |
ViewType | Presentation view types |
WarningType | Represents a type of warning. |
WebDocument | Represents a transition form of the presentation for saving into a web format. |
WebDocumentOptions | Represents an options set for WebDocument saving. |
WheelTransition | Wheel slide transition effect. |
XamlOptions | Options that control how a XAML document is saved. |
XpsOptions | Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in XPS format. |
Zip64Mode | Specifies when to use ZIP64 format extensions for OpenXML file. OpenXML file is a ZIP-archive that has a 4 GB (2^32 bytes) limit on uncompressed size of a file, compressed size of a file, and total size of the archive, as well as a limit of 65,535 (2^16-1) files in archive. ZIP64 format extensions increase the limits to 2^64. |
ZoomFrame | Represents a Slide Zoom object in a slide. |
ZoomImageType | Defines whether the Zoom object is using the slide preview or a cover image. |
ZoomLayout | Specifies the summary zoom layout. |
ZoomObject | Represents an Zoom object in a slide. |