
ShapeThumbnailBounds class

Enumeration of types of shape thumbnail bounds.


Slide0Shape thumbnail will have the size equal to slide size. Shape position will be saved.
Shape1Shape thumbnail will have size equal to the shape bounds rectangle with taking into account shape outline settings.
Appearance2Shape thumbnail will have size equal to the shape appearance (in bounds of a slide). It can be cases when shape appearance doesn’t fit into the shape bounds. E.g. rotation, miter join of acute angle , 3D effects, etc.


Shape thumbnail will have the size equal to slide size. Shape position will be saved.


Shape thumbnail will have size equal to the shape bounds rectangle with taking into account shape outline settings.


Shape thumbnail will have size equal to the shape appearance (in bounds of a slide). It can be cases when shape appearance doesn’t fit into the shape bounds. E.g. rotation, miter join of acute angle , 3D effects, etc.