
ScaleEffect class

Represents animation scale effect.

The ScaleEffect type exposes the following members:


ScaleEffect()Initializes a new instance of the ScaleEffect class


accumulateRepresents whether animation behaviors are accumulated.
Read/write NullableBool.
additiveRepresents whether the current animation behavior is combined with other running animations.
Read/write BehaviorAdditiveType.
propertiesRepresents properties of behavior.
Read-only IBehaviorPropertyCollection.
timingRepresents timing properties for the effect behavior.
Read/write ITiming.
zoom_contentDetermines whether a content should be zoomed.
Read/write NullableBool.
from_addressSpecifies an x/y co-ordinate to start the animation from (in percents).
Read/write aspose.pydrawing.PointF.
toSpecifies the target location for an animation scale effect (in percents).
Read/write aspose.pydrawing.PointF.
bydescribes the relative offset value for the animation (in percents).
Read/write aspose.pydrawing.PointF.
as_i_behaviorAllows to get base IBehavior interface.
Read-only IBehavior.

See Also