MarkerStyleType enumeration

MarkerStyleType enumeration

Determines form of marker on chart’s data point.

The MarkerStyleType type exposes the following members:


CIRCLESpecifies a circle shall be drawn at each data point.
DASHSpecifies a dash shall be drawn at each data point.
DIAMONDSpecifies a diamond shall be drawn at each data point.
DOTSpecifies a dot shall be drawn at each data point.
NONESpecifies nothing shall be drawn at each data point.
PICTURESpecifies a picture shall be drawn at each data point.
PLUSSpecifies a plus shall be drawn at each data point.
SQUARESpecifies a square shall be drawn at each data point.
STARSpecifies a star shall be drawn at each data point.
TRIANGLESpecifies a triangle shall be drawn at each data point.
XSpecifies an X shall be drawn at each data point.

See Also