
Contains classes for work with various effects in Microsoft PowerPoint presentations.


AlphaBiLevelRepresents an Alpha Bi-Level effect.
Alpha (Opacity) values less than the threshold are changed to 0 (fully transparent) and
alpha values greater than or equal to the threshold are changed to 100% (fully opaque).
AlphaCeilingRepresents an Alpha Ceiling effect.
Alpha (opacity) values greater than zero are changed to 100%.
In other words, anything partially opaque becomes fully opaque.
AlphaFloorRepresents an Alpha Floor effect.
Alpha (opacity) values less than 100% are changed to zero.
In other words, anything partially transparent becomes fully transparent.
AlphaInverseRepresents an Alpha Inverse effect.
Alpha (opacity) values are inverted by subtracting from 100%.
AlphaModulateRepresents an Alpha Modulate effect.
Effect alpha (opacity) values are multiplied by a fixed percentage.
The effect container specifies an effect containing alpha values to modulate.
AlphaModulateFixedRepresents an Alpha Modulate Fixed effect.
Effect alpha (opacity) values are multiplied by a fixed percentage.
AlphaReplaceRepresents and Alpha Replace effect.
Effect alpha (opacity) values are replaced by a fixed alpha.
BiLevelRepresents a Bi-Level (black/white) effect.
Input colors whose luminance is less than the specified threshold value are changed to black.
Input colors whose luminance are greater than or equal the specified value are set to white.
The alpha effect values are unaffected by this effect.
BlurRepresents a Blur effect that is applied to the entire shape, including its fill.
All color channels, including alpha, are affected.
ColorChangeRepresents a Color Change effect.
Instances of FromColor are replaced with instances of ToColor.
ColorReplaceRepresents a Color Replacement effect.
All effect colors are changed to a fixed color.
Alpha values are unaffected.
DuotoneRepresents a Duotone effect.
For each pixel, combines Color1 and Color2 through a linear interpolation
to determine the new color for that pixel.
EffectFactoryAllows to create effects
FillOverlayRepresents a Fill Overlay effect. A fill overlay may be used to specify
an additional fill for an object and blend the two fills together.
GlowRepresents a Glow effect, in which a color blurred outline
is added outside the edges of the object.
GrayScaleRepresents a Gray Scale effect. Converts all effect color values to a shade of gray,
corresponding to their luminance. Effect alpha (opacity) values are unaffected.
HSLRepresents a Hue/Saturation/Luminance effect.
The hue, saturation, and luminance may each be adjusted relative to its current value.
IAlphaBiLevelRepresents an Alpha Bi-Level effect.
Alpha (Opacity) values less than the threshold are changed to 0 (fully transparent) and
alpha values greater than or equal to the threshold are changed to 100% (fully opaque).
IAlphaBiLevelEffectiveDataImmutable object which represents an Alpha Bi-Level effect.
Alpha (Opacity) values less than the threshold are changed to 0 (fully transparent) and
alpha values greater than or equal to the threshold are changed to 100% (fully opaque).
IAlphaCeilingRepresents an Alpha Ceiling effect.
Alpha (opacity) values greater than zero are changed to 100%.
In other words, anything partially opaque becomes fully opaque.
IAlphaCeilingEffectiveDataImmutable object which represents an Alpha Ceiling effect.
Alpha (opacity) values greater than zero are changed to 100%.
In other words, anything partially opaque becomes fully opaque.
IAlphaFloorRepresents an Alpha Floor effect.
Alpha (opacity) values less than 100% are changed to zero.
In other words, anything partially transparent becomes fully transparent.
IAlphaFloorEffectiveDataImmutable object which represents an Alpha Floor effect.
Alpha (opacity) values less than 100% are changed to zero.
In other words, anything partially transparent becomes fully transparent.
IAlphaInverseRepresents an Alpha Inverse effect.
Alpha (opacity) values are inverted by subtracting from 100%.
IAlphaInverseEffectiveDataImmutable object which represents an Alpha Inverse effect.
Alpha (opacity) values are inverted by subtracting from 100%.
IAlphaModulateRepresents an Alpha Modulate effect.
Effect alpha (opacity) values are multiplied by a fixed percentage.
The effect container specifies an effect containing alpha values to modulate.
IAlphaModulateEffectiveDataImmutable object which represents an Alpha Modulate effect.
Effect alpha (opacity) values are multiplied by a fixed percentage.
The effect container specifies an effect containing alpha values to modulate.
IAlphaModulateFixedRepresents an Alpha Modulate Fixed effect.
Effect alpha (opacity) values are multiplied by a fixed percentage.
IAlphaModulateFixedEffectiveDataImmutable object which represents an Alpha Modulate Fixed effect.
Effect alpha (opacity) values are multiplied by a fixed percentage.
IAlphaReplaceRepresents base IImageTransformOperation interface.
IAlphaReplaceEffectiveDataImmutable object which represents and Alpha Replace effect.
Effect alpha (opacity) values are replaced by a fixed alpha.
IBiLevelRepresents base IImageTransformOperation interface.
IBiLevelEffectiveDataImmutable object which represents a Bi-Level (black/white) effect.
Input colors whose luminance is less than the specified threshold value are changed to black.
Input colors whose luminance are greater than or equal the specified value are set to white.
The alpha effect values are unaffected by this effect.
IBlurRepresents a Blur effect that is applied to the entire shape, including its fill.
All color channels, including alpha, are affected.
IBlurEffectiveDataImmutable object which represents a Blur effect that is applied to the entire shape, including its fill.
All color channels, including alpha, are affected.
IColorChangeRepresents a Color Change effect.
Instances of FromColor are replaced with instances of ToColor.
IColorChangeEffectiveDataImmutable object which represents a Color Change effect.
Instances of FromColor are replaced with instances of ToColor.
IColorReplaceRepresents a Color Replacement effect.
IColorReplaceEffectiveDataImmutable object which represents a Color Replacement effect.
All effect colors are changed to a fixed color.
Alpha values are unaffected.
IDuotoneRepresents a Duotone effect.
IDuotoneEffectiveDataImmutable object which represents a Duotone effect.
For each pixel, combines clr1 and clr2 through a linear interpolation
to determine the new color for that pixel.
IEffectEffectiveDataBase class for immutable objects, which represent effect.
IEffectFactoryAllows to create effects’ instances
IFillOverlayRepresents a Fill Overlay effect. A fill overlay may be used to specify
an additional fill for an object and blend the two fills together.
IFillOverlayEffectiveDataImmutable object which represents a Fill Overlay effect. A fill overlay may be used to specify
an additional fill for an object and blend the two fills together.
IGlowRepresents a Glow effect, in which a color blurred outline
is added outside the edges of the object.
IGlowEffectiveDataImmutable object which represents a Glow effect, in which a color blurred outline
is added outside the edges of the object.
IGrayScaleRepresents IImageTransformOperation interface.
IGrayScaleEffectiveDataImmutable object which representsepresents a Gray Scale effect. Converts all effect color values to a shade of gray,
corresponding to their luminance. Effect alpha (opacity) values are unaffected.
IHSLRepresents a Hue/Saturation/Luminance effect.
The hue, saturation, and luminance may each be adjusted relative to its current value.
IHSLEffectiveDataRepresents a Hue/Saturation/Luminance effect.
The hue, saturation, and luminance may each be adjusted relative to its current value.
IImageTransformOCollectionEffectiveDataImmutable object that represents a readonly collection of effective image transform effects.
IImageTransformOperationRepresents abstract image transformation effect.
IImageTransformOperationCollectionRepresents a collection of effects apllied to an image.
IImageTransformOperationFactoryAllows to create image effects’ instances
IInnerShadowRepresents a inner shadow effect.
IInnerShadowEffectiveDataImmutable object which represents a inner shadow effect.
ILuminanceRepresents a Luminance effect.
Brightness linearly shifts all colors closer to white or black.
Contrast scales all colors to be either closer or further apart.
ILuminanceEffectiveDataRepresents a Luminance effect.
Brightness linearly shifts all colors closer to white or black.
Contrast scales all colors to be either closer or further apart.
IOuterShadowRepresents an Outer Shadow effect.
IOuterShadowEffectiveDataImmutable object which represents an Outer Shadow effect.
IPresetShadowRepresents a Preset Shadow effect.
IPresetShadowEffectiveDataImmutable object which represents a Preset Shadow effect.
IReflectionRepresents a reflection effect.
IReflectionEffectiveDataImmutable object which represents a Reflection effect.
ISoftEdgeRepresents a Soft Edge effect.
The edges of the shape are blurred, while the fill is not affected.
ISoftEdgeEffectiveDataImmutable object which represents a soft edge effect.
The edges of the shape are blurred, while the fill is not affected.
ITintRepresents a Tint effect.
Shifts effect color values towards/away from hue by the specified amount.
ITintEffectiveDataImmutable object which represents a Tint effect.
Shifts effect color values towards/away from hue by the specified amount.
ImageTransformOCollectionEffectiveDataImmutable object that represents a readonly collection of effective image transform effects.
ImageTransformOperationRepresents abstract image transformation effect.
ImageTransformOperationCollectionRepresents a collection of effects apllied to an image.
ImageTransformOperationFactoryAllows to create image transform operations
InnerShadowRepresents a Inner Shadow effect.
LuminanceRepresents a Luminance effect.
Brightness linearly shifts all colors closer to white or black.
Contrast scales all colors to be either closer or further apart.
OuterShadowRepresents an Outer Shadow effect.
PresetShadowRepresents a Preset Shadow effect.
ReflectionRepresents a Reflection effect.
SoftEdgeRepresents a soft edge effect.
The edges of the shape are blurred, while the fill is not affected.
TintRepresents a Tint effect.
Shifts effect color values towards/away from hue by the specified amount.