
Contains classes for work with Microsoft PowerPoint presentations without utilizing Microsoft PowerPoint.


AdjustValueRepresents a geometry shape’s adjustment value.
These values affect shape’s form.
AdjustValueCollectionReprasents a collection of shape’s adjustments.
AudioRepresents an embedded audio file.
AudioCollectionRepresents a collection of embedded audio files.
AudioFrameRepresents an audio clip on a slide.
AutoShapeRepresents an AutoShape.
AutoShapeLockDetermines which operations are disabled on the parent AutoshapeEx.
Backdrop3DSceneDefines a plane in which effects, such as glow and shadow, are applied in relation to the shape they are being applied to.
BackgroundRepresents background of a slide.
BaseHandoutNotesSlideHeaderFooterManagerRepresents manager which holds behavior of the placeholders, including header placeholder for all types handout and notes slides.
BaseHeaderFooterManagerRepresents manager which holds behavior of the footer, date-time, page number placeholders for all slide types.
BasePortionFormatCommon text portion formatting properties.
BaseShapeLockRepresents a base class for locks (disabled operation).
BaseSlideRepresents common data for all slide types.
BaseSlideHeaderFooterManagerRepresents manager which holds behavior of the footer, date-time, page number placeholders for all slide types.
BlobManagementOptionsRepresents options which can be used to manage BLOB handling rules and other BLOB settings.
BrowsedAtKioskBrowsed at a kiosk (full screen)
BrowsedByIndividualBrowsed by individual (window)
BuildVersionInfoContains information about version of Aspose.Slides.
BulletFormatRepresents paragraph bullet formatting properties.
CameraRepresents Camera.
CellRepresents a cell of a table.
CellCollectionRepresents a collection of cells.
CellFormatRepresents format of a table cell.
ColorFormatRepresents a color used in a presentation.
ColorOperationRepresents different color operations used for color transformations.
Immutable object.
ColorOperationCollectionRepresents a collection of color transform operations.
ColumnRepresents a column in a table.
ColumnCollectionRepresents collection of columns in a table.
ColumnFormatRepresents format of a table column.
CommentRepresents a comment on a slide.
CommentAuthorRepresents an author of comments.
CommentAuthorCollectionRepresents a collection of comment authors.
CommentCollectionRepresents a collection of comments of one author.
CommonSlideViewPropertiesRepresents common slide view properties.
ConnectorRepresents a connector.
ConnectorLockDetermines which operations are disabled on the parent Connector.
ControlRepresents an ActiveX control.
ControlCollectionA collection of ActiveX controls.
ControlPropertiesCollectionA collection of AcitveX properties.
CustomDataRepresents container for custom data.
CustomXmlPartRepresents custom xml part.
CustomXmlPartCollectionRepresents collection of custom xml parts.
DigitalSignatureDigital signature in signed file.
DigitalSignatureCollectionRepresents a collection of digital signatures attached to a document.
DocumentPropertiesRepresents properties of a presentation.
DrawingGuideRepresents an adjustable drawing guide.
DrawingGuidesCollectionRepresents a collection of the adjustable drawing guides.
EffectFormatRepresents effect properties of shape.
FieldRepresents a field.
FieldTypeRepresents a type of field.
This value determines which text will be set to the field portion when it will be updated.
FillFormatRepresents a fill formatting options.
FontDataRepresents a font definition. Immutable.
FontDataFactoryFontData factory
FontFallBackRuleRepresents font fallback rule
FontFallBackRulesCollectionRepresents a collection of FontFallBack rules, defined by user
FontSourcesProvides file and memory sources for external fonts.
FontSubstRuleRepresents font subtituition information
FontSubstRuleCollectionRepresents collection of fonts substitution.
FontSubstitutionInfoThis structure represents the information about the font replacement when it will be rendered.
FontsFonts collection.
FontsLoaderClass for loading custom fonts defined by user.
Should be used before creating any presentation objects.
FontsManagerManages fonts across the presentation.
FormatFactoryAllows to create formats via COM interface.
GeometryPathRepresents geometry path of GeometryShape
GeometryShapeRepresents the parent class for all geometric shapes.
GlobalLayoutSlideCollectionRepresents a collection of all layout slides in presentation.
Extends LayoutSlideCollection class with methods for adding/cloning
layout slides in context of uniting of the individual collections of master’s layout slides.
GradientFormatRepresent a gradient format.
GradientStopRepresents a gradient format.
GradientStopCollectionRepresnts a collection of gradient stops.
GradientStopCollectionEffectiveDataRepresents a collection of GradientStopData objects.
GradientStopEffectiveDataImmutable object which represents a gradient stop.
GraphicalObjectRepresents abstract graphical object.
GraphicalObjectLockDetermines which operations are disabled on the parent GraphicalObject.
GroupShapeRepresents a group of shapes on a slide.
GroupShapeLockDetermines which operations are disabled on the parent GroupShape.
HyperlinkRepresents a hyperlink.
HyperlinkManagerProvide hyperlinks management (adding, removing).
HyperlinkQueriesProvide easy access to contained hyperlinks.
IAdjustValueRepresents a geometry shape’s adjustment value.
These values affect shape’s form.
IAdjustValueCollectionReprasents a collection of shape’s adjustments.
IAnimationTimeLineRepresents timeline of animation.
IAudioRepresents an embedded audio file.
IAudioCollectionRepresents a collection of embedded audio files.
IAudioFrameRepresents an audio clip on a slide.
IAutoShapeRepresents an AutoShape.
IAutoShapeLockDetermines which operations are disabled on the parent AutoshapeEx.
IBackdrop3DSceneDefines a plane in which effects, such as glow and shadow, are applied in relation to the shape they are being applied to.
IBackgroundRepresents background of a slide.
IBackgroundEffectiveDataImmutable object which contains effective background properties.
IBaseHandoutNotesSlideHeaderFooterManagRepresents manager which holds behavior of the placeholders, including header placeholder for all types handout and notes slides.
IBaseHeaderFooterManagerRepresents manager which holds behavior of the footer, date-time, page number placeholders for all slide types.
IBasePortionFormatThis class contains the text portion formatting properties. Unlike IPortionFormatEffectiveData, all properties of this class are writeable.
IBasePortionFormatEffectiveDataBase interface for immutable objects which contain effective text portion formatting properties.
IBaseShapeLockRepresents Shape lock (disabled operation).
IBaseSlideRepresents common data for all slide types.
IBaseSlideHeaderFooterManagerRepresents manager which holds behavior of the footer, date-time, page number placeholders for all slide types.
IBaseTableFormatEffectiveDataBase interface for immutable objects which contain effective table formatting properties.
IBlobManagementOptionsA Binary Large Object (BLOB) is a binary data stored as a single entity - i.e. BLOB can be an
audio, video or presentation itself. A number of techniques are used to optimize memory consumption
while working with BLOBs - which was already stored in the presentation or be added later programmatically.
Using IBlobManagementOptions you can change a different behavior aspects regarding BLOBs
handling for the IPresentation instance lifetime.
IBulkTextFormattableRepresents an object with possibility of bulk setting child text elements’ formats.
IBulletFormatRepresents paragraph bullet formatting properties.
IBulletFormatEffectiveDataImmutable object which contains effective paragraph bullet formatting properties.
ICameraRepresents Camera.
ICameraEffectiveDataImmutable object which contains effective camera properties.
ICellRepresents a cell in a table.
ICellCollectionRepresents a collection of cells.
ICellFormatRepresents format of a table cell.
ICellFormatEffectiveDataImmutable object which contains effective table cell formatting properties.
IColorFormatRepresents a color used in a presentation.
IColorOperationRepresents different color operations used for color transformations.
IColorOperationCollectionRepresents a collection of color transform operations.
IColumnRepresents a column in a table.
IColumnCollectionRepresents collection of columns in a table.
IColumnFormatRepresents format of a table column.
IColumnFormatEffectiveDataImmutable object which contains effective table column formatting properties.
ICommentRepresents a comment on a slide.
ICommentAuthorRepresents an author of comments.
ICommentAuthorCollectionRepresents a collection of comment authors.
ICommentCollectionRepresents a collection of comments of one author.
ICommonSlideViewPropertiesRepresents common slide view properties.
IConnectorRepresents a connector.
IConnectorLockDetermines which operations are disabled on the parent Connector.
IControlRepresents an ActiveX control.
IControlCollectionA collection of ActiveX controls.
IControlPropertiesCollectionA collection of ActiveX controls.
ICustomDataRepresents container for custom data.
ICustomXmlPartRepresents custom xml part.
ICustomXmlPartCollectionRepresents collection of custom xml parts.
IDigitalSignatureDigital signature in signed file.
IDigitalSignatureCollectionRepresents a collection of digital signatures attached to a document.
IDocumentPropertiesRepresents properties of a presentation.
IDrawingGuideRepresents an adjustable drawing guide.
IDrawingGuidesCollectionRepresents a collection of the adjustable drawing guides.
IEffectFormatRepresents effect properties of shape.
IEffectFormatEffectiveDataImutable object which contains effective effect formatting properties.
IEffectParamSourceAuxiliary effect parameters interface.
IFieldRepresents a field.
IFieldTypeRepresents a type of field.
This value determines which text will be set to the field portion when it will be updated.
IFillFormatRepresents a fill formatting options.
IFillFormatEffectiveDataImmutable object which contains effective fill formatting properties.
IFillParamSourceAuxiliary fill parameters interface.
IFindResultCallbackCallback interface used to getting search text result.
IFontDataRepresents a font definition.
IFontDataFactoryFontData factory interface
IFontFallBackRuleRepresents font fallback rule
IFontFallBackRulesCollectionRepresents a collection of FontFallBack rules, defined by user
IFontSourcesProvides file and memory sources for external fonts.
IFontSubstRuleRepresents font subtituition information
IFontSubstRuleCollectionRepresents collection of fonts substitution.
IFontsRepresents fonts collection.
IFontsEffectiveDataImmutable object which contains effective fonts set.
IFontsLoaderClass for loading custom fonts defined by user.
Should be used before creating any presentation objects.
IFontsManagerManages fonts across the presentation.
IFormatFactoryAllows to create formats via COM interface.
IGeometryPathRepresents geometry path of GeometryShape
IGeometryShapeRepresents the parent class for all geometric shapes.
IGlobalLayoutSlideCollectionRepresents a collection of all layout slides in presentation.
Extends ILayoutSlideCollection interface with methods for adding/cloning
layout slides in context of uniting of the individual collections of master’s layout slides.
IGradientFormatRepresent a gradient format.
IGradientFormatEffectiveDataImutable object which contains effective gradient filling properties.
IGradientStopRepresents a gradient format.
IGradientStopCollectionRepresnts a collection of gradient stops.
IGradientStopCollectionEffectiveDataRepresents a collection of GradientStopDataEx objects.
IGradientStopEffectiveDataimmutable object which represents a gradient stop.
IGraphicalObjectRepresents abstract graphical object.
IGraphicalObjectLockDetermines which operations are disabled on the parent GraphicalObjectEx.
IGroupShapeRepresents a group of shapes on a slide.
IGroupShapeLockDetermines which operations are disabled on the parent GroupShape.
IHyperlinkRepresents a hyperlink.
IHyperlinkContainerRepresents hyperlink object.
IHyperlinkManagerProvide hyperlinks management (adding, removing).
IHyperlinkQueriesProvide easy access to contained hyperlinks.
IImageRepresents the raster or vector image.
IImageCollectionRepresents collection of PPImage.
IImageWrapperSystem.Drawing.Image wrapper for COM interface.
IImageWrapperFactoryThis interface allows to initialize IBitmapWrapper.
IInterruptionTokenThis class represents the token to use for signaling long running tasks whether the interruption was requested.
IInterruptionTokenSourceRepresents the source of IInterruptionToken.
ILayoutPlaceholderManagerRepresents manager that allows you to add placeholders to the layout slide.
ILayoutSlideRepresents a layout slide.
ILayoutSlideCollectionRepresents a base class for collection of a layout slides.
ILayoutSlideHeaderFooterManagerRepresents manager which holds behavior of the layout slide footer, date-time, page number placeholders and all child placeholders.
Child placeholders mean placeholders are contained on depending slides.
Depending slides use and depend on layout slide.
ILegacyDiagramRepresents a legacy diagram object
ILicenseProvides methods to license the component.
ILightRigRepresents LightRig.
ILightRigEffectiveDataImmutable object which contains effective light rig properties.
ILineFillFormatRepresents properties for lines filling.
ILineFillFormatEffectiveDataImmutable object which contains effective line filling properties.
ILineFormatRepresents format of a line.
ILineFormatEffectiveDataImmutable object which contains effective line formatting properties.
ILineParamSourceAuxiliary line parameters interface.
ILoadOptionsAllows to specify additional options (such as format or default font) when loading a presentation.
IMasterHandoutSlideRepresents master slide for handouts.
IMasterHandoutSlideHeaderFooterManagerRepresents manager which holds behavior of the master handout slide placeholders, including header placeholder.
IMasterHandoutSlideManagerMaster handout slide manager.
IMasterLayoutSlideCollectionRepresents a collections of all layout slides of defined master slide.
Extends ILayoutSlideCollection interface with methods for adding/inserting/removing/cloning
layout slides in context of the individual collections of master’s layout slides.
IMasterNotesSlideRepresents master slide for notes.
IMasterNotesSlideHeaderFooterManagerRepresents manager which holds behavior of the master notes slide footer, date-time, page number placeholders and all child placeholders.
Child placeholders mean placeholders are contained on depending notes slides.
Depending notes slides use and depend on master notes slide.
IMasterNotesSlideManagerMaster notes slide manager.
IMasterSlideRepresents a master slide in a presentation.
IMasterSlideCollectionRepresents a collection of master slides.
IMasterSlideHeaderFooterManagerRepresents manager which holds behavior of the master slide footer, date-time, page number placeholders and all child placeholders.
Child placeholders mean placeholders are contained on depending layout slides and depending slides.
Depending layout slides and slides use and depend on master slide.
IMeteredProvides methods to set metered key.
IModernCommentRepresents a comment on a slide.
INormalViewPropertiesRepresents normal view properties. The normal view consists of
three content regions: the slide itself, a side content region, and a bottom content region.
INormalViewRestoredPropertiesSpecifies the sizing of the slide region ((width when a child of restoredTop, height when a
child of restoredLeft) of the normal view, when the region is of a variable restored size(neither minimized nor maximized).
INotesSizeRepresents a size of notes slide.
INotesSlideRepresents a notes slide in a presentation.
INotesSlideHeaderFooterManagerRepresents manager which holds behavior of the notes slide placeholders, including header placeholder.
INotesSlideManagerNotes slide manager.
IOleEmbeddedDataInfoRepresents embedded data info for OLE object.
IOleObjectFrameRepresents an OLE object on a slide.
IPPImageRepresents an image in a presentation.
IParagraphRepresents a paragraph of a text.
IParagraphCollectionRepresents a collection of a paragraphs.
IParagraphFactoryAllows to create paragraphs
IParagraphFormatThis class contains the paragraph formatting properties. Unlike IParagraphFormatEffectiveData, all properties of this class are writeable.
IParagraphFormatEffectiveDataImmutable object which contains effective paragraph formatting properties.
IPathSegmentRepresents segment of graphics path of GeometryShape
IPatternFormatRepresents a pattern to fill a shape.
IPatternFormatEffectiveDataImmutable object which contains effective pattern filling properties.
IPictureEffectiveDataImmutable object which contains effective picture properties.
IPictureFillFormatRepresents a picture fill style.
IPictureFillFormatEffectiveDataImmutable object which contains the properties of picture fill.
IPictureFrameRepresents a frame with a picture inside.
IPictureFrameLockDetermines which operations are disabled on the parent PictureFrameEx.
IPlaceholderRepresents a placeholder on a slide.
IPortionRepresents a portion of text inside a text paragraph.
IPortionCollectionRepresents a collection of a portions.
IPortionFactoryAllows to create test portions
IPortionFormatThis class contains the text portion formatting properties. Unlike IPortionFormatEffectiveData, all properties of this class are writeable.
IPortionFormatEffectiveDataImmutable object which contains effective text portion formatting properties.
IPresentationPresentation document
IPresentationComponentRepresents a component of a presentation.
IPresentationFactoryAllows to create presentation via COM interface
IPresentationHeaderFooterManagerRepresents manager which holds behavior of all footer, date-time and page number placeholders of presentation.
IPresentationInfoInformation about presentation file
IPresentationTextRepresents the text extracted from the slide
IProgressCallbackRepresents a callback object for saving progress updates in percentage.
IProtectionManagerPresentation password protection management.
IResourceLoadingArgsInterface for external resource loading arguments.
IResourceLoadingCallbackCallback interface used to manage external resources loading.
IRowRepresents a row in a table.
IRowCollectionRepresents table row collection.
IRowFormatRepresents format of a table row.
IRowFormatEffectiveDataImmutable object which contains effective table row formatting properties.
ISectionRepresents section of slides.
ISectionCollectionRepresents a collection of sections.
ISectionSlideCollectionRepresents a collection of a slides in the section.
ISectionZoomFrameRepresents a Section Zoom object in a slide.
IShapeRepresents a shape on a slide.
IShapeBevelRepresents properties of shape’s main face relief.
IShapeBevelEffectiveDataImmutable object which contains effective shape’s face relief properties.
IShapeCollectionRepresents a collection of a shapes.
IShapeElementRepresents a part of shape with same outline and fill properties.
IShapeFrameRepresents shape frame’s properties.
IShapeStyleRepresent shape’s style reference.
ISketchFormatRepresents properties for lines sketch format.
ISketchFormatEffectiveDataImmutable object which contains effective line sketch properties.
ISlideRepresents a slide in a presentation.
ISlideCollectionRepresents a collection of a slides.
ISlideComponentRepresents a component of a slide.
ISlideHeaderFooterManagerRepresents manager which holds behavior of the slide footer, date-time, page number placeholders.
ISlideShowTransitionRepresents slide show transition.
ISlideSizeRepresents a size of slide.
ISlideTextRepresents the text extracted from the slide
ISlidesPictureRepresents a picture in a presentation.
ISpreadsheetOptionsRepresents options which can be used to specify additional spreadsheets behavior.
IStreamWrapperAspose.IO.Stream wrapper for COM interface.
IStreamWrapperFactoryFactory of StreamWrappers. For COM interface.
ISummaryZoomFrameRepresents a Summary Zoom frame in a slide.
ISummaryZoomSectionRepresents a Summary Zoom Section object in a Summary Zoom frame.
ISummaryZoomSectionCollectionRepresents a collection of Summary Zoom Section objects.
ISvgImageRepresents an SVG image.
ITabRepresents a tabulation for a text.
ITabCollectionRepresents a collection of tabs.
ITabEffectiveDataImmutable object which contains effective text’s tabulation stop properties.
ITabFactoryAllow to create ITab instances
ITableRepresents a table on a slide.
ITableFormatRepresents format of a table.
ITableFormatEffectiveDataImmutable object which contains effective table formatting properties.
ITagCollectionRepresents the collection of tags (user defined pairs of strings)
ITextFrameRepresents a TextFrame.
ITextFrameFormatContains the TextFrame’s formatting properties.
ITextFrameFormatEffectiveDataImmutable object which contains effective text frame formatting properties.
ITextHighlightingOptionsRepresents options which can be used to highlight text in text frame.
ITextSearchOptionsRepresents options that can be used to search for text in a Presentation, Slide or TextFrame.
ITextStyleText style formatting properties.
ITextStyleEffectiveDataImmutable object which contains effective text style properties.
IThreeDFormatRepresents 3-D properties.
IThreeDFormatEffectiveDataImmutable object which represents effective 3-D formatting properties.
IThreeDParamSource3D properties source auxiliary interface
IVideoRepresents a video embedded into a presentation.
IVideoCollectionRepresents a collection of Video objects.
IVideoFrameRepresents a video clip on a slide.
IViewPropertiesPresentation wide view properties.
IZoomFrameRepresents a Slide Zoom object in a slide.
IZoomObjectRepresents a Zoom object in a slide.
ImageCollectionRepresents collection of PPImage.
ImageWrapperSystem.Drawing.Image wrapper for COM interface.
ImageWrapperFactoryThis class allows to initialize IBitmapWrapper.
ImagesMethods to instantiate and work with IImage.
InterruptionTokenThis class represents the token to use for signaling long running tasks whether the interruption was requested.
InterruptionTokenSourceRepresents the source of InterruptionToken.
InvalidPasswordExceptionException which thrown when presentation file format is unsupported.
LayoutPlaceholderManagerRepresents manager that allows you to add placeholders to the layout slide.
LayoutSlideRepresents a layout slide.
LayoutSlideCollectionRepresents a base class for collection of a layout slides.
LayoutSlideHeaderFooterManagerRepresents manager which holds behavior of the layout slide footer, date-time, page number placeholders and all child placeholders.
Child placeholders mean placeholders are contained on depending slides.
Depending slides use and depend on layout slide.
LegacyDiagramRepresents a legacy diagram object.
LicenseProvides methods to license the component.
LightRigRepresents LightRig.
LineFillFormatRepresents properties for lines filling.
LineFormatRepresents format of a line.
LoadOptionsAllows to specify additional options (such as format or default font) when loading a presentation.
MasterHandoutSlideRepresents master slide for handouts.
MasterHandoutSlideHeaderFooterManagerRepresents manager which holds behavior of the master handout slide placeholders, including header placeholder.
MasterLayoutSlideCollectionRepresents a collections of all layout slides of defined master slide.
Extends LayoutSlideCollection class with methods for adding/inserting/removing/cloning/reordering
layout slides in context of the individual collections of master’s layout slides.
MasterNotesSlideRepresents master slide for notes.
MasterNotesSlideHeaderFooterManagerRepresents manager which holds behavior of the master notes slide footer, date-time, page number placeholders and all child placeholders.
Child placeholders mean placeholders are contained on depending notes slides.
Depending notes slides use and depend on master notes slide.
MasterSlideRepresents a master slide in a presentation.
MasterSlideCollectionRepresents a collection of master slides.
MasterSlideHeaderFooterManagerRepresents manager which holds behavior of the master slide footer, date-time, page number placeholders and all child placeholders.
Child placeholders mean placeholders are contained on depending layout slides and depending slides.
Depending layout slides and slides use and depend on master slide.
MeteredProvides methods to set metered key.
ModernCommentRepresents a comment on a slide.
NormalViewPropertiesRepresents normal view properties. The normal view consists of
three content regions: the slide itself, a side content region, and a bottom content region.
NormalViewRestoredPropertiesSpecifies the sizing of the slide region ((width when a child of restoredTop, height when a
child of restoredLeft) of the normal view, when the region is of a variable restored size(neither minimized nor maximized).
NotesSizeRepresents a size of notes slide.
NotesSlideRepresents a notes slide in a presentation.
NotesSlideHeaderFooterManagerRepresents manager which holds behavior of the notes slide placeholders, including header placeholder.
NotesSlideManagerNotes slide manager.
OOXMLCorruptFileExceptionException which thrown when Office Open XML file format is corrupted.
OOXMLExceptionRepresents a standard internal exception type related to Office Open XML file format.
OdpExceptionRepresents a standard internal exception type.
OdpReadExceptionRepresents an exception which thrown on presentation reading errors.
OleObjectFrameRepresents an OLE object on a slide.
PPImageRepresents an image in a presentation.
PVIObjectEncapsulates basic service infrastructure for objects can be a subject of property value inheritance.
ParagraphRepresents a paragraph of text.
ParagraphCollectionRepresents a collection of a paragraphs.
ParagraphFactoryAllows to create paragraphs
ParagraphFormatThis class contains the paragraph formatting properties. Unlike IParagraphFormatEffectiveData, all properties of this class are writeable.
PathSegmentRepresents segment of graphics path of GeometryShape
PatternFormatRepresents a pattern to fill a shape.
PictureRepresents a picture in a presentation.
PictureFillFormatRepresents a picture fill style.
PictureFrameRepresents a frame with a picture inside.
PictureFrameLockDetermines which operations are disabled on the parent PictureFrame.
PlaceholderRepresents a placeholder on a slide.
PortionRepresents a portion of text inside a text paragraph.
PortionCollectionRepresents a collection of portions.
PortionFactoryAllows to create test portions
PortionFormatThis class contains the text portion formatting properties. Unlike IPortionFormatEffectiveData, all properties of this class are writeable.
PptCorruptFileExceptionException which thrown when presentation file is probably corrupt.
PptEditExceptionRepresents an exception thrown when edit presentation error is detected.
PptExceptionRepresents a standard internal exception type.
PptReadExceptionRepresents an exception which thrown on presentation reading errors.
PptUnsupportedFormatExceptionException which thrown when presentation file format is unsupported.
PptxEditExceptionRepresents an exception thrown when edit presentation error is detected.
PptxExceptionRepresents a standard internal exception type.
PptxReadExceptionRepresents an exception which thrown on presentation reading errors.
PptxUnsupportedFormatExceptionException which thrown when presentation file format is unsupported.
PresentationRepresents a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.
PresentationFactoryAllows to create presentation via COM interface
PresentationHeaderFooterManagerRepresents manager which holds behavior of all footer, date-time and page number placeholders of presentation.
PresentationInfoInformation about presentation file
PresentationTextRepresents the text extracted from the presentation
PresentedBySpeakerPresented by a speaker (full screen)
ProtectionManagerPresentation password protection management.
RowRepresents a row in a table.
RowCollectionRepresents table row collection.
RowFormatRepresents format of a table row.
SectionRepresents section of slides.
SectionCollectionRepresents a collection of sections.
SectionSlideCollectionRepresents a collection of slides in the section.
SectionZoomFrameRepresents a Section Zoom object in a slide.
ShapeRepresents a shape on a slide.
ShapeBevelContains the properties of shape’s main face relief.
ShapeCollectionRepresents a collection of a shapes.
ShapeElementRepresents a part of shape with same outline and fill properties.
ShapeFrameRepresents shape frame’s properties.
ShapeStyleRepresent shape’s style reference.
SketchFormatRepresents properties for lines sketch format.
SlideRepresents a slide in a presentation.
SlideCollectionRepresents a collection of a slides.
SlideHeaderFooterManagerRepresents manager which holds behavior of the slide footer, date-time, page number placeholders.
SlideShowSettingsRepresents the slide show settings for the presentation.
SlideShowTypeBase slide show settings. Ancestors represent types of the slide show:
PresentedBySpeaker Presented by a speaker (full screen)
BrowsedByIndividual Browsed by individual (window)
BrowsedAtKiosk Browsed at a kiosk (full screen)
SlideSizeRepresents a size of slide.
SlidesRangeSlides range
SpreadsheetOptionsRepresents options which can be used to specify additional spreadsheets behavior.
StreamWrapperAspose.IO.Stream wrapper for COM interface.
StreamWrapperFactoryFactory of StreamWrappers. For COM interface.
SummaryZoomFrameRepresents a Summary Zoom object in a slide.
SummaryZoomSectionRepresents a Summary Zoom Section object in a Summary Zoom frame.
SummaryZoomSectionCollectionRepresents a collection of Summary Zoom Section objects.
SvgImageRepresents an SVG image.
TabRepresents a tabulation for a text.
TabCollectionRepresents a collection of tabs.
TabFactoryAllows to create ITab instances
TableRepresents a table on a slide.
TableFormatRepresents format of a table.
TagCollectionRepresents the collection of tags (user defined pairs of strings)
TextFrameRepresents a TextFrame.
TextFrameFormatContains the TextFrame’s formatTextFrameFormatting properties.
TextHighlightingOptionsRepresents options which can be used to highlight text in text frame.
TextSearchOptionsRepresents options that can be used to search for text in a Presentation, Slide or TextFrame.
TextStyleThis class contains the text style formatting properties.
ThreeDFormatRepresents 3-D properties.
VideoRepresents an image embedded into a presentation.
VideoCollectionRepresents a collection of Video objects.
VideoFrameRepresents a video clip on a slide.
ViewPropertiesPresentation wide view properties.
ZoomFrameRepresents a Slide Zoom object in a slide.
ZoomObjectRepresents an Zoom object in a slide.


AudioPlayModePresetConstants which define how a sound is played.
AudioVolumeModeConstants which define audio volume.
BackgroundTypeDefines the slide background fill source.
BevelPresetTypeConstants which define 3D bevel of shape.
BlackWhiteModeDetermines how colored shape should be transformed into black and white.
BulletTypeRepresents the type of the extended bullets.
CameraPresetTypeConstants which define camera preset type.
ColorSchemeIndexRepresents an index in a colorscheme.
ColorStringFormatRepresents a type of hyperlink action.
ColorTransformOperationDefines color transform operation.
ColorTypeRepresents different color modes.
ControlTypeDefines a control type which should be embedded by Aspose.Slides.IControlCollection.AddControl(Aspose.Slides.ControlType,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,Syste.
EmbeddingLevelRepresents the licensing rights for embedding the font.
FillBlendModeDetermines blend mode.
FillTypeSpecifies the interior fill type of various visual objects.
FontAlignmentRepresents vertical font alignment.
FontCollectionIndexRepresents font’s index in a collection.
FontSubstConditionRepresents a rule fot font substitution
GradientDirectionRepresents the gradient style.
GradientShapeRepresents the shape of gradient fill.
GradientStyleRepresents the available gradient styles.
HyperlinkActionTypeRepresents a type of hyperlink action.
HyperlinkColorSourceRepresents source of hyperlink color.
ImageFormatRepresents the file format of the image.
LightRigPresetTypeConstants which define light preset types.
LightingDirectionConstants which define light directions.
LineAlignmentRepresents the lines alignment type.
LineArrowheadLengthRepresents the length of an arrowhead.
LineArrowheadStyleRepresents the style of an arrowhead.
LineArrowheadWidthRepresents the width of an arrowhead.
LineCapStyleRepresents the line cap style.
LineDashStyleRepresents the line dash style.
LineJoinStyleRepresents the lines join style.
LineSketchTypeRepresents which sketch type or effect a shape has been assigned.
LineStyleRepresents the style of a line.
LoadFormatIndicates the format of the document that is to be loaded.
LoadingStreamBehaviorThe io.RawIOBase passed to a method is considered as a Binary Large Object (BLOB) (see
IBlobManagementOptions description). Values of this enumeration identify how
the io.RawIOBase should be treated when it passed to the method. Depending on the
requirements, different decisions could be made to provide the most efficient behavior.
MaterialPresetTypeConstants which define material of shape.
ModernCommentStatusRepresents the status of a modern comment.
NullableBoolRepresents triple boolean values.
NumberedBulletStyleRepresents the style of the numbered bullets.
OrientationRepresents the orientation of a shape.
PPImageFormatImage formats. This enum is replacement for System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat class.
It’s needed for COM compatibility.
PathCommandTypeRepresents graphics path commands
PathFillModeTypeSpecifies the manner in which a path should be filled
PatternStyleRepresents the pattern style.
PersistenceTypeSpecifies the method used to store properties of the ActiveX control.
PictureFillModeDetermines how picture will fill area.
PlaceholderSizeRepresents the size of a placeholder.
PlaceholderTypeRepresents the type of a placeholder.
PresentationLockingBehaviorRepresents the behavior regarding treating the IPresentation source (file or
io.RawIOBase) while loading and working with an instance of IPresentation.
PresetColorRepresents predefined color presets.
PresetShadowTypeRepresents a preset for a shadow effect.
RectangleAlignmentDefines 2-dimension allignment.
ResourceLoadingActionSpecifies the mode of external resource loading.
SchemeColorRepresents colors in a color scheme.
ShapeElementFillSourceRepresents how shape element should be filled.
ShapeElementStrokeSourceRepresents how shape element should be drawn.
ShapeThumbnailBoundsEnumeration of types of shape thumbnail bounds.
ShapeTypeRepresents preset geometry of geometry shapes.
ShapesAlignmentTypeDefines a way to change the placement of selected shapes on the slide.
SlideLayoutTypeRepresents the slide layout type.
SlideOrientationRepresents the slide orientation.
SlideSizeScaleTypeRepresents the scale type of slide content.
SlideSizeTypeRepresents the slide size preset.
SourceFormatRepresents source file format.
SplitterBarStateTypeSpecifies the state that the splitter bar should be shown in. The splitter bar separates a primary and
secondary region within a viewing area.
SystemColorRepresents predefined system colors.
TabAlignmentRepresents the tab alignment.
TableStylePresetRepresents builtin table styles.
TextAlignmentRepresents different text alignment styles.
TextAnchorTypetext box alignment within a text area.
TextAutofitTypeRepresents text autofit mode.
TextCapTypeRepresents the type of text capitalisation.
TextExtractionArrangingModeRepresents the mode to use during text extraction
TextShapeTypeRepresents text wrapping shape.
TextStrikethroughTypeRepresents the type of text strikethrough.
TextUnderlineTypeRepresents the type of text underline.
TextVerticalOverflowTypeRepresents text vertical overflow type.
TextVerticalTypeDetermines vertical writing mode for a text.
TileFlipDefines tile flipping mode.
VideoPlayModePresetConstants which define how a video is played.
ViewTypePresentation view types
ZoomImageTypeDefines whether the Zoom object is using the slide preview or a cover image.
ZoomLayoutSpecifies the summary zoom layout.