Cell class

Cell class

Represents a cell of a table.

The Cell type exposes the following members:


offset_xReturns a distance from left side of a table to left side of a cell.
Read-only float.
offset_yReturns a distance from top side of a table to top side of a cell.
Read-only float.
first_row_indexReturns an index of first row, covered by the cell.
Read-only int.
first_column_indexReturns an index of first column, covered by the cell.
Read-only int.
widthReturns the width of the cell.
Read-only float.
heightReturns the height of the cell.
Read-only float.
minimal_heightReturns the minimum height of a cell.
This is a sum of minimal heights of all rows cowered by the cell.
Read-only float.
margin_leftReturns or sets the left margin in a TextFrame.
Read/write float.
margin_rightReturns or sets the right margin in a TextFrame.
Read/write float.
margin_topReturns or sets the top margin in a TextFrame.
Read/write float.
margin_bottomReturns or sets the bottom margin in a TextFrame.
Read/write float.
text_vertical_typeReturns or sets the type of vertical text.
Read/write TextVerticalType.
text_anchor_typeReturns or sets the text anchor type.
Read/write TextAnchorType.
anchor_centerDetermines whether or not text box centered inside a cell.
Read/write bool.
first_rowGets first row of cell.
Read-only IRow.
first_columnGets first column of cell.
Read-only IColumn.
col_spanReturns the number of grid columns in the parent table’s table grid
which shall be spanned by the current cell. This property allows cells
to have the appearance of being merged, as they span vertical boundaries
of other cells in the table.
Read-only int.
row_spanReturns the number of rows that a merged cell spans. This is used in combination
with the vMerge attribute on other cells in order to specify the beginning cell
of a horizontal merge.
Read-only int.
text_frameReturns the text frame of a cell.
Read-only ITextFrame.
tableReturns the parent Table object for a cell.
Read-only ITable.
is_merged_cellReturns true if the cell is merged with any adjusted cell, false otherwise.
Read-only bool.
cell_formatReturns the CellFormat object that contains formatting properties for this cell.
Read-only ICellFormat.
slideReturns the parent slide of a cell.
Read-only IBaseSlide.
presentationReturns the parent presentation of a cell.
Read-only IPresentation.


split_by_col_spanSplits the cell to two cells by index of column.
split_by_row_spanSplits the cell to two cells by index of row.
split_by_heightSplits the cell by height.
split_by_widthSplits the cell by width.

See Also