Hyperlink class

Represents a hyperlink.


The Hyperlink type exposes the following members:


__init__Creates an instance of a hyperlink.
__init__Creates an instance of a hyperlink which points to specific slide.
Note: created hyperlink should be assigned to some object from the same presentation, otherwise link will be saved as NoAction.
__init__Creates an instance of a hyperlink using another hyperlink as source, overriding secondary properties.


no_actionReturns a special “do nothing” hyperlink.
Read-only Hyperlink.
mediaReturns a special “play mediafile” hyperlink. Used in AudioFrame and VideoFrame.
Read-only Hyperlink.
next_slideReturns a hyperlink to the next slide.
Read-only Hyperlink.
previous_slideReturns a hyperlink to the previous slide.
Read-only Hyperlink.
first_slideReturns a hyperlink to the first slide of the presentation.
Read-only Hyperlink.
last_slideReturns a hyperlink to the last slide of the presentation.
Read-only Hyperlink.
last_vieved_slideReturns a hyperlink to the last viewed slide.
Read-only Hyperlink.
end_showReturns a hyperlink which ends the show.
Read-only Hyperlink.
action_typeReturns type of Hyperlink’s action.
Read-only HyperlinkActionType.
external_urlSpecifies the external URL.
Read-only str.
target_slideIf the Hyperlink targets specific slide returns this slide.
Read-only ISlide.
external_url_originalRepresents a hyperlink that is set for this portion without regard to the actual content of the portion.

PowerPoint behaves specifically for links and their corresponding text in a portion. It allows to create text for the hyperlink in
the form of a valid URL, different from the real address of the link. In this case, when you view the link in the edit window, it will be
changed to match the text portion. This property represents the original value of the hyperlink.
target_frameReturns the frame within the parent HTML frameset for the target
of the parent hyperlink when one exists.
Read/wite str.
tooltipReturns the string which may be surfaced in a user interface
as associated with the parent hyperlink.
Read/write str.
historyDetermines whether the target of the parent hyperlink shall be added
to a list of viewed hyperlinks when it is invoked.
Read/write bool.
highlight_clickDetermines whether the hyperlink should be highlighted on click.
Read/write bool.
stop_sound_on_clickDetermines whether the sound should be stopped on hyperlink click.
Read/write bool.
soundRepresents the playing sound of the hyperlink.
Read/write IAudio.
color_sourceRepresents the source of hyperlink color - either styles or portion format.
Read/write HyperlinkColorSource.


equalsDetermines whether the two Hyperlink instances are equal.

See Also