IFontFallBackRule class

IFontFallBackRule class

Represents font fallback rule

The IFontFallBackRule type exposes the following members:


range_start_indexGet first index of continuous unicode range.
range_end_indexGet last index of continuous unicode range.
countGets the number of fonts actually defined for range.

Gets the font name at the specified index.




add_fall_back_fontsAdds a new font(s) to the list of FallBack fonts.
add_fall_back_fontsAdds a new fonts to the list of FallBack fonts.
to_arrayCreates and returns an array with all FallBack fonts for this rule.
to_arrayCreates and returns an array with all FallBack fonts from the specified range in list.
clearRemoves all fonts from the list.
removeRemoves the first occurrence of a specific FallBack font from the list.
remove_atRemoves the FallBack font at the specified index of the list.
index_ofReturns an index of the specified rule in the collection.

See Also