ImageFormat enumeration

ImageFormat enumeration

Represents the file format of the image.

The ImageFormat type exposes the following members:


MEMORY_BMPRepresents the format of a bitmap in memory.
BMPRepresents the bitmap (BMP) image format.
EMFRepresents the enhanced metafile (EMF) image format.
WMFRepresents the Windows metafile (WMF) image format.
GIFRepresents the Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) image format.
JPEGRepresents the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) image format.
PNGRepresents the W3C Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image format.
TIFFRepresents the Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) image format.
EXIFRepresents the Exchangeable Image File (Exif) format.
ICONRepresents the Windows icon image format.

See Also