LoadingStreamBehavior enumeration

LoadingStreamBehavior enumeration

The io.RawIOBase passed to a method is considered as a Binary Large Object (BLOB) (see IBlobManagementOptions description). Values of this enumeration identify how the io.RawIOBase should be treated when it passed to the method. Depending on the requirements, different decisions could be made to provide the most efficient behavior.

The LoadingStreamBehavior type exposes the following members:


READ_STREAM_AND_RELEASEThe stream will be read to the end and then released - i.e. it will be guaranteed that this stream
will not be used by IPresentation instance in the future. It can be closed by the client
code or used in any other way.
KEEP_LOCKEDThe stream will be locked inside the IPresentation object, i.e. the ownership of
the stream will be transferred. The IPresentation object will be responsible to
correctly dispose the stream when this object will be disposed itself.
This behavior is extremely useful when you need to serialize a large BLOB file (such as a large
video or audio -see IBlobManagementOptions description) and want to prevent loading
this file into memory or other performance issues. You may just open the System.IO.FileStream
for this file and pass to a method, choosing LoadingStreamBehavior.KEEP_LOCKED LoadingStreamBehavior.

See Also