PathFillModeType enumeration

PathFillModeType enumeration

Specifies the manner in which a path should be filled

The PathFillModeType type exposes the following members:


NONENo Path Fill
This specifies that the corresponding path should have no fill.
NORMALNormal Path Fill
This specifies that the corresponding path should have a normally shaded color applied to it’s fill.
LIGHTENLighten Path Fill
This specifies that the corresponding path should have a lightly shaded color applied to it’s fill.
LIGHTEN_LESSLighten Path Fill Less
This specifies that the corresponding path should have a slightly lighter shaded color applied to it’s fill.
DARKENDarken Path Fill
This specifies that the corresponding path should have a darker shaded color applied to it’s fill.
DARKEN_LESSDarken Path Fill Less
This specifies that the corresponding path should have a slightly darker shaded color applied to it’s fill.

See Also