
FontKerning<TBuilder>(this TBuilder, double, LengthType)

Sets the ‘font-kerning’ attribute for an SVG element using a numeric value and a specific length type.

public static TBuilder FontKerning<TBuilder>(this TBuilder builder, double value, 
    LengthType type = LengthType.Px)
    where TBuilder : IAttributeSetter, IPresentationAttributeSetter
TBuilderThe type of the SVG element builder.
builderThe builder instance.
valueThe font kerning value to set.
typeThe length type (e.g., px, em).

Return Value

The builder instance for chaining.

See Also

FontKerning<TBuilder>(this TBuilder, Kerning)

Sets the ‘font-kerning’ attribute for an SVG element using a predefined kerning value.

public static TBuilder FontKerning<TBuilder>(this TBuilder builder, Kerning value)
    where TBuilder : IAttributeSetter, IPresentationAttributeSetter
TBuilderThe type of the SVG element builder.
builderThe builder instance.
valueThe predefined kerning value to set.

Return Value

The builder instance for chaining.

See Also