SVGMarkerElementBuilder Class

SVGMarkerElementBuilder class

Builder class for constructing an SVG ‘marker’ element, which is used to define graphical markers, such as arrowheads or bullets, that can be attached to the ‘path’, ’line’, ‘polyline’, and ‘polygon’ elements. This class enables the building of content within the ‘marker’ element and provides methods to set various attributes specific to the ‘marker’ element in SVG.

public class SVGMarkerElementBuilder : SVGElementBuilder<SVGMarkerElement>, 
    ICompositeElementBuilder, ICoreAttributeSetter, IDocumentElementEventAttributeSetter, 
    IGlobalEventAttributeSetter, IPresentationAttributeSetter, IPreserveAspectRatioAttributeSetter, 
    IRefCoordinatesAttributeSetter, IViewBoxAttributeSetter


SVGMarkerElementBuilder()The default constructor.


Configurations { get; }


Attribute(string, string)
virtual Build(Document)
virtual Build(SVGMarkerElement)
MarkerHeight(double, LengthType)Sets the ‘markerHeight’ attribute of the SVG ‘marker’ element, specifying the height of the marker’s viewport.
MarkerUnits(MarkerUnits)Sets the ‘markerUnits’ attribute of the SVG ‘marker’ element, specifying the coordinate system for the marker’s attributes.
MarkerWidth(double, LengthType)Sets the ‘markerWidth’ attribute of the SVG ‘marker’ element, specifying the width of the marker’s viewport.
Orient(Orient)Sets the ‘orient’ attribute of the SVG ‘marker’ element, specifying the orientation of the marker.
Orient(double, AngleUnits)Sets the ‘orient’ attribute of the SVG ‘marker’ element, specifying the orientation angle of the marker.

See Also