CSSValueList Class

CSSValueList class

The CSSValueList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of CSS values.

public class CSSValueList : CSSValue, ICSSValueList, IEnumerable<CSSValue>


CSSValueList()Initializes a new instance of the CSSValueList class.
CSSValueList(params CSSValue[])Initializes a new instance of the CSSValueList class.
CSSValueList(IEnumerable<CSSValue>)Initializes a new instance of the CSSValueList class.


override CSSText { get; set; }A string representation of the current value.
CSSValueType { get; }A code defining the type of the value.
Item { get; }Gets the CSSValue at the specified index.
Length { get; }The number of CSSValues in the list.


override Equals(object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to this instance.
GetEnumerator()Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
override GetHashCode()Returns a hash code for this instance.
override GetPlatformType()This method is used to retrieve ECMAScript object Type.
override ToString()Returns a String that represents this instance.

See Also