IResolvedStyleDeclaration Interface

IResolvedStyleDeclaration interface

Represents a resolved style declaration that provides access to various style properties.

public interface IResolvedStyleDeclaration : IDisposable


AlignmentBaseline { get; }Gets the alignment baseline value.
BaselineShift { get; }Gets the shift of the baseline of an element.
ClipRule { get; }Gets the clip rule for shapes.
Cx { get; }Gets the x-coordinate of the center of an ellipse or circle.
Cy { get; }Gets the y-coordinate of the center of an ellipse or circle.
Display { get; }Gets the display behavior of an element.
FillOpacity { get; }Gets the opacity of the fill color of an element.
FillRule { get; }Gets the fill rule for shapes.
FontKerning { get; }Gets the kerning behavior of a font.
FontSize { get; }Gets the font size value.
Height { get; }Gets the height value.
LetterSpacing { get; }Gets the additional space between characters in a text.
MarkerEnd { get; }Gets the marker used at the end of a shape.
MarkerMid { get; }Gets the marker used in the middle of a shape.
MarkerStart { get; }Gets the marker used at the start of a shape.
Opacity { get; }Gets the opacity of an element.
Overflow { get; }Gets the overflow behavior of an element.
PaintOrder { get; }Gets the paint order for rendering an element’s fill, stroke, and markers.
R { get; }Gets the radius of an ellipse or circle.
Rx { get; }Gets the x-radius of an ellipse or horizontal radius of an ellipse or circle.
Ry { get; }Gets the y-radius of an ellipse or vertical radius of an ellipse or circle.
StrokeDasharray { get; }Gets the stroke dash array values.
StrokeDashoffset { get; }Gets the stroke dash offset value.
StrokeLinecap { get; }Gets the stroke line cap value.
StrokeLinejoin { get; }Gets the stroke line join value.
StrokeMiterlimit { get; }Gets the stroke miter limit value.
StrokeOpacity { get; }Gets the opacity of the stroke color of an element.
StrokeWidth { get; }Gets the stroke width value.
Transform { get; }Gets the transformation matrix.
Visibility { get; }Gets the visibility of an element.
WhiteSpace { get; }Gets the white space handling behavior within an element.
Width { get; }Gets the width value.
WordSpacing { get; }Gets the additional space between words in a text.
X { get; }Gets the x-coordinate value.
Y { get; }Gets the y-coordinate value.


Fill(ISVGDeviceContext)Gets the brush used for filling shapes.
Stroke(ISVGDeviceContext)Gets the brush used for stroking shapes.

See Also