ITrueTypeFont Interface

ITrueTypeFont interface

Declares methods for working with TrueType fonts.

public interface ITrueTypeFont


DataSize { get; }Gets the size of the font data in bytes.
FamilyName { get; }Gets the name of the font family.
FontData { get; }Gets the font data associated with the TrueType font. See IFontData.
FullFontName { get; }Gets the full name of the font.
Style { get; }Gets the style of the font.
SubFamilyName { get; }Gets the subfamily name of the font.


GetAscent(float)Gets the ascent of the font at the specified font size.
GetData()Opens the stream with the font data. The caller is responsible for disposing the stream.
GetDescent(float)Gets the descent of the font at the specified font size.

See Also