Color constructor


Initializes a new instance of the Color class. By default color is black.

def __init__(self):


Initializes a new instance of the Color class. All color components must be in the range 0-1.

def __init__(self, red, green, blue):
redfloatThe red component of the color.
greenfloatThe green component of the color.
bluefloatThe blue component of the color.


Initializes a new instance of the Color class. All color components must be in the range 0-255.

def __init__(self, red, green, blue):
redbyteThe red component of the color.
greenbyteThe green component of the color.
bluebyteThe blue component of the color.


Initializes a new instance of the Color class. All color components must be in the range 0-255.

def __init__(self, red, green, blue):
redintThe red component of the color.
greenintThe green component of the color.
blueintThe blue component of the color.


Initializes a new instance of the Color class. All color components must be in the range 0-1.

def __init__(self, red, green, blue, alpha):
redfloatThe red component of the color.
greenfloatThe green component of the color.
bluefloatThe blue component of the color.
alphafloatThe alpha component of the color.


Initializes a new instance of the Color class. All color components must be in the range 0-255.

def __init__(self, red, green, blue, alpha):
redbyteA byte that represents the red component of the color.
greenbyteA byte that represents the green component of the color.
bluebyteA byte that represents the blue component of the color.
alphabyteA byte that represents the alpha component of the color.


Initializes a new instance of the Color class. All color components must be in the range 0-255.

def __init__(self, red, green, blue, alpha):
redintThe red component of the color.
greenintThe green component of the color.
blueintThe blue component of the color.
alphaintThe alpha component of the color.

See Also