GraphicContext class

GraphicContext class

Holds current graphics control parameters. These parameters define the global framework within which the graphics operators execute.

The GraphicContext type exposes the following members:


initInitializes a new instance of the GraphicContext class.


line_capSets or gets the code specifying the shape of the endpoints for any open path that is stroked.
line_dash_offsetSets or gets the phase offset of the current line dash pattern.
line_dash_patternSets or gets the description of the dash pattern to be used when paths are stroked.
line_joinSets or gets the code specifying the shape of joints between connected segments of a stroked path.
line_widthSets or gets the thickness of paths to be stroked.
miter_limitSets or gets the maximum length of mitered line joins for stroked paths.
This parameter limits the length of “spikes” produced when line segments join at sharp angles.
fill_brushSets or gets the brush object that is used to fill the interiors of paths.
stroke_brushSets or gets the brush object that is used for stroked paths.
fontSets or gets the true type font object that is used for rendering text.
font_sizeSets or gets text font size.
font_styleSets or gets text font style.
character_spacingSets or gets character spacing.
transformation_matrixSets or gets transformation matrix.
text_infoGets a TextInfo object which contains information about rendered text.


transformModify the current transformation matrix by multiplying the specified matrix.
cloneCreates a new instance of a GraphicContext class with the same property values as an existing instance.

See Also