is_point_in_path method


Determines whether the specified point is inside the current path using the specified fill rule.


true if the point is inside the path; otherwise, false.

def is_point_in_path(self, x, y, mode):
xfloatThe x-coordinate of the point to test.
yfloatThe y-coordinate of the point to test.
modeaspose.svg.drawing.FillRuleThe fill rule to use for testing. See FillRule.


Determines whether the specified point is inside the specified path using the specified fill rule.


true if the point is inside the path; otherwise, false.

def is_point_in_path(self, path, x, y, mode):
pathIPathThe path to test.See IPath.
xfloatThe x-coordinate of the point to test.
yfloatThe y-coordinate of the point to test.
modeaspose.svg.drawing.FillRuleThe fill rule to use for testing. See FillRule.

See Also