IPath class

IPath class

Represents a path for defining shapes or outlines.

The IPath type exposes the following members:


fill_modeGets or sets the fill rule for the path. See FillRule.
is_emptyGets a value indicating whether the path is empty.
native_objectGets the native representation of the path object.


arcAdds a circular arc to the path.
arcAdds a circular arc to the path.
ellipseAdds an elliptical arc to the path.
ellipseAdds an elliptical arc to the path.
add_pathAdds the specified path to the current path, applying the given transformation.
clearClears the contents of the path.
closeCloses the current subpath by connecting the current point to the starting point.
move_toMoves the current point to the specified coordinates.
line_toAdds a straight line segment from the current point to the specified coordinates.
transformApplies the specified transformation to the path.
quadratic_curve_toAdds a quadratic Bézier curve segment to the path.
bezier_curve_toAdds a cubic Bézier curve segment to the path.
arc_toAdds an arc segment to the path.
rectAdds a rectangle to the path.

See Also