create_event method


Creates an Event of a type supported by the implementation.


The newly created Event

def create_event(self, event_type):
event_typestrThe eventType parameter specifies the type of Event interface to be created.

If the Event interface specified is supported by the implementation this method will return a new
Event of the interface type requested.
If the Event is to be dispatched via the EventTarget.dispatch_event method the appropriate
Event.init_event method must be called after creation in order to initialize the Event’s values.

The IDocumentEvent.create_event method is used in creating Events when it is either inconvenient
or unnecessary for the user to create an Event themselves.
In cases where the implementation provided Event is insufficient, users may supply their own
Event implementations for use with the EventTarget.dispatch_event method.


DOMExceptionNOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: Raised if the implementation does not support the type of Event interface requested

See Also