▼NAspose | Aspose |
►NTasks | |
►NConnectivity | |
CDbSettings | Allows to specify settings to read from project database |
CMpdSettings | Allows to set necessary options to read project data from MPD format (MS Access database file format) |
CMspDbSettings | Allows to set necessary options to read project data from MS Project Server database |
CPrimaveraDbSettings | Allows to set necessary options to read project data from Primavera database |
►NLeveling | |
CLevelingOptions | Allows to specify parameters of resource leveling |
CLevelingResult | Represents the results of resource leveling |
CResourceLeveler | Contains resource leveling methods |
►NPrimavera | |
CPrimaveraProjectInfo | Represents short info about a project loaded from Primavera format |
►NProperties | |
CBuiltInProjectProperty | Represents a built-in property |
CBuiltInProjectPropertyCollection | Represents a collection of built-in project properties |
CCustomProjectProperty | Represents a custom property |
CCustomProjectPropertyCollection | Represents a collection of custom project properties |
CGenericProperty | Represents a container property |
CProperty | Represents a base class of a property |
CPropertyCollection | A base class of collection of properties |
CPropertyKeyedCollection | A base class of collection of properties |
►NRiskAnalysis | |
CRiskAnalysisResult | Represents a result of risk analysis |
CRiskAnalysisSettings | Specifies settings for performing risk analysis |
CRiskAnalyzer | Performs a Monte Carlo simulation based on the specified risk analysis settings |
CRiskItemStatistics | Represents an item which stores statistical data for the task of the analyzed project |
CRiskItemStatisticsCollection | Represents a collection containing the instances of the RiskItemStatistics class |
CRiskPattern | Represents a risk pattern for a project task |
CRiskPatternCollection | Represents a collection containing the instances of the RiskPattern class |
►NSaving | |
CCsvOptions | Allows to specify additional options when saving project to CSV |
CXlsxOptions | Allows to specify additional options when rendering project pages to XLSX |
CSpreadsheet2003SaveOptions | Allows to specify additional options when rendering project pages to Spreadsheet2003 |
CHtmlSaveOptions | Allows to specify additional options when rendering project pages to HTML |
CImageSaveOptions | Allows to specify additional options when rendering project pages to images |
CIPageSavingCallback | Represents a callback that is called when each page in multi page document is saved to a separate stream |
CMPPSaveOptions | Allows to specify additional options when saving project data to MPP |
CPageSavingArgs | This class represents set of data that related to saving of document's page to a stream |
CPdfDigitalSignatureDetails | Contains details for a PDF digital signature |
CPdfEncryptionDetails | Contains details for a PDF encryption |
CPdfSaveOptions | Allows to specify additional options when rendering project pages to PDF |
CPrimaveraSaveOptions | Allows to specify additional options when saving project to Primavera XER format |
CPrimaveraXmlSaveOptions | Allows to specify additional options when saving project to Primavera xml format |
CSaveOptions | This is an abstract base class for classes that allow the user to specify additional options when saving a project into a particular format |
CSaveTemplateOptions | Allows to specify additional options when saving a project as a template |
CSimpleSaveOptions | This is an abstract base class that allow the user to specify basic options when saving a project into a particular format |
CSvgOptions | Allows to specify additional options when rendering project pages to SVG |
CXamlOptions | /// Allows to specify additional options when rendering project pages to XAML |
CXpsOptions | Allows to specify additional options when rendering project pages to XPS |
►NUtil | |
CICondition | Represents a condition which can be used by filters or search methods |
CAnd | Applies logical AND to the specified conditions |
CAndAllCondition | Applies logical AND to all conditions. For example: cond1 AND cond2 AND cond3.. |
CCheckCircuit | Checks a tree (of tasks) whether it contains a circuit |
CChildTasksCollector | Collects all child tasks |
CFieldHelper | Helper class which provides useful operations with fields |
CIAlgorithm | Represents an algorithm that can be applied to a list of objects T |
CITreeAlgorithm | Represents an algorithm that can be applied to a tree of objects T |
CListUtils | Utility class for list processing |
CNot | Applies logical NOT to the specified condition |
CRemoveTask | Removes the specified task from a tree of tasks |
CTaskUtils | Helper class which provides useful operations with tasks |
CTreeAlgorithmBase | A base class for implementations of ITreeAlgorithm<T> |
►NVisualization | |
CFontDescriptor | Represents font information |
CHeaderFooterInfo | Represents header or footer data which is present in views and used for printing |
CPageInfo | Represents page setup data which is present in MPP file format and used for printing |
CPageLegend | Represents a page legend which is used for project printing |
CPageMargins | Represents page margins for printing |
CPageSettings | Represents printing settings for a page of project view |
CPageViewSettings | Represents printing settings for a project view |
CThickness | Represents margins of visual object |
CAssignmentViewColumn | Project's view class |
CGanttChartColumn | Project's view class |
CGridline | The horizontal or vertical line that appears in the project view |
CGridlines | Represents gridlines that appear in a GanttChart view |
CITextStyleModificationCallback | Represents a callback that is called before TextStyle is applied to a table cell |
CProgressLines | Represents progress lines in a Gantt Chart view |
CProjectView | Project's view class |
CRecurringInterval | Represents recurring intervals used in progress lines of a Gantt Chart view |
CResourceViewColumn | Project's view class used in ResourceUsage view and ResourceSheet view |
CBarStyle | Change the visual style of the bar for the item in the project view |
CGanttBarStyle | Represents a bar style used by MSP in Gantt Chart view |
CTableTextStyle | Represents a text style in a view table |
CTextStyle | Change the visual style of the text for an item in the project view |
CTaskTextStyleEventArgs | This class represents set of data that related to the rendering of table cell's content |
CTimescaleTier | Represents a single tier of the timescale on a Gantt Chart |
CViewColumn | Represents a column in a project view |
CVisualObjectPlacement | Represents placement and appearance of OleObject in a view |
CKey | Represents a property key of a class of the specified type. An instance of this class is used when getting or setting property of a container |
CAsn | Represents properties of ResourceAssignment object |
CAssignmentBaseline | Represents Baseline of a resource assignment |
CAssignmentBaselineCollection | Represents a collection of AssignmentBaseline objects |
CAvailabilityPeriod | Represents a period when a resource is available |
CAvailabilityPeriodCollection | Represents a collection which contains AvailabilityPeriod objects |
CBaseline | Represents baseline values of a resource |
CBaselineCollection | Represents a collection of Baseline objects |
CBuildVersionInfo | Contains build version and product information |
CCalendar | Represents a calendar used in a project |
CCalendarCollection | Represents a collection of Calendar objects |
CCalendarException | Represent exceptional time periods in a calendar |
CCalendarExceptionCollection | Represents a collection of CalendarException objects |
CCopyToOptions | Allows to specify additional options when copying project data |
CDayTypeCollection | Represents a collection of DayType objects |
CDuration | Represents duration in a project |
CEntityProperty | Represents an entity item (property of container class) |
CExtendedAttribute | Represents extended attributes |
CExtendedAttributeCollection | Represents a collection of ExtendedAttribute objects |
CExtendedAttributeDefinition | Represents an extended attribute definition associated with a project |
CExtendedAttributeDefinitionCollection | Represents a collection of ExtendedAttributeDefinition objects |
CFilter | Represents a filter in Project |
CFilterCollection | Contains a list of Filter objects. Implements ICollection<Filter> interface |
CFilterCriteria | Defines the criteria that tasks or resources must meet to be displayed in MSP view |
CGanttChartView | Represents a GanttChart view |
CGraphicalIndicatorCriteria | Represents one graphical indicator criteria associated with an extended attribute |
CGraphicalIndicatorCriteriaValue | Represents a value used in condition check of graphical indicators criteria |
CGraphicalIndicatorsInfo | Represents an graphical indicators definition associated with an extended attribute |
CGroup | Represents a group definition. A Group object is a member of the ResourceGroups collection or the TaskGroups collection |
CGroupCollection | Contains a list of Group objects. Implements ICollection<Group> interface |
CGroupCriterion | Represents a criterion in a group definition. The GroupCriterion object is a member of the GroupCriterionCollection collection |
CGroupCriterionCollection | Contains a collection of GroupCriterion objects. Implements ICollection<GroupCriterion> interface |
CICalculatedPropertyGetter | Marker interface for property getter |
CICalculatedPropertySetter | Marker interface for property setter |
CIEntityWithTd | Denotes an entity which can contain Timephased Data |
CPrimaveraReadOptions | Allows to specify additional options when reading Primavera Xml or Primavera Xer files |
CProjectInfo | Brief info about the published project available on Project Online |
CProjectServerCredentials | Credentials which are used to connect to Project Online or on-premise instance of Project Server |
CProjectServerManager | The class which provides the methods to read and to perform operations on projects in the specified Project Online account or in the specified on-premise Project Server instance (Project Server's versions 2016 and 2019 are supported) |
CProjectServerSaveOptions | Allows to specify additional options when project is saved to Project Server or Project Online |
CWebRequestEventArgs | Provides arguments for the event that is raised when the client sends a web request to the Project Server's web API |
CParseErrorArgs | Provides data for the ParseErrorCallback delegate |
CItem | Represents an item which contains a value of any type and invokes Get/Set Actions |
CPropertyContainer | Represents property container |
CIMessageHandler | Represents a callback the results of resource leveling |
CLicense | Provides methods to license the component |
CLoadOptions | Allows to specify additional load parameters when loading a project from file or stream |
CMetered | Provides methods to set metered key |
CNullableBool | A class for boolean values with possibility to check whether the value was defined or not |
COleObject | Represents an OLE object which can be inserter into Gantt Chart View of an MPP file |
COleObjectCollection | Represents a collection containing the instances of the OleObject class |
COutlineCode | Represents a value of an outline code |
COutlineCodeCollection | Represents a collection of OutlineCode objects |
COutlineCodeDefinition | Represents an outline code definition |
COutlineCodeDefinitionCollection | Represents a collection of OutlineCodeDefinition objects |
COutlineMask | Represents four elements of a mask which defines an outline code format |
COutlineMaskCollection | Represents a collection of OutlineMask objects |
COutlineValue | Represents an outline value |
COutlineValueCollection | Represents a collection of OutlineValue objects |
CPrimaveraBaseReader | Represents a base reader which can be used to read Project UIDs from multi project Primavera XER or XML files |
CPrimaveraProjectProperties | Represents Primavera-specific properties for a project read from Primavera files (XER of P6XML) |
CPrimaveraTaskProperties | Represents Primavera-specific properties for a task read from Primavera files (XER of P6XML) |
CPrimaveraXerReader | Represents a reader to read Project UIDs from Primavera XER file |
CPrimaveraXmlReader | Represents a reader which allows to retrieve Project UIDs from Primavera Xml file |
CPrj | Represents supported properties of Project object |
CProject | Represents a project |
CProjectDisplayOptions | Represents the display options for a project instance |
CProjectFileInfo | The class instance contains information about project file format and version of Microsoft Project where the file was created |
CRate | Represents a definition of a time period and rates applicable for a resource during that period |
CRateByDateCollection | Represents a collection which mappings of DateTime to Rate objects |
CRateCollection | Represents a collection which contains Rate objects |
CDailyCalendarRepetition | Represents a class for repetitions in daily recurrence pattern based on calendar days |
CDailyRecurrencePattern | Represents the set of parameters are used to create a daily recurring task in a project |
CDailyRepetitionBase | Represents a base class for repetitions in daily recurrence pattern |
CDailyWorkRepetition | Represents a class for repetitions in daily recurrence pattern based on work days |
CEndAfterRecurrenceRange | Represents the recurrence range of recurring task which is limited by occurrence number |
CEndByRecurrenceRange | Represents the recurrence range of recurring task which is limited by finish day |
CByMonthDayRepetition | Represents a pattern which is based on the absolute position of a day in a month |
CByMonthWeekDayRepetition | Represents a pattern which is based on the position of weekday in a month |
CMonthlyRecurrencePattern | Represents the set of parameters are used to create a monthly recurring task in a project |
CMonthlyRepetitionBase | Represents a base pattern for monthly day position |
CRecurrencePatternBase | Represents the base class of recurrence pattern |
CRecurrenceRangeBase | Represents the recurrence range of recurring task |
CRecurringTaskParameters | Represents the set of parameters are used to create a recurring task in a project |
CWeeklyRecurrencePattern | Represents the set of parameters are used to create a weekly recurring task in a project |
CWeeklyRepetition | Represents a pattern which is based on weekdays |
CWeeklyRepetitionBase | Represents a base class for repetitions in weekly recurrence pattern |
CByYearDayRepetition | Represents a pattern which is based on the absolute position of a day in a month |
CByYearWeekDayRepetition | Represents a pattern which is based on position of a weekday in a month |
CYearlyRecurrencePattern | Represents the set of parameters are used to create a yearly recurring task in a project |
CYearlyRepetitionBase | Represents a base pattern for yearly day position |
CRecurringTaskInfo | Represents the details of a recurring task in a project |
CResource | Represents a resource in a project |
CResourceAssignment | Represents a resource assignment in a project |
CResourceAssignmentCollection | Represents a collection of ResourceAssignment objects |
CResourceCollection | Represents a collection of Resource objects |
CResourceUsageView | Represents resource usage view in a project |
CResourceUsageViewFieldCollection | Represent a collection of ResourceUsageViewField values |
CRsc | Represents supported properties of Resource object |
CFontResolveEventArgs | Provides arguments for the callback that is invoked when font is resolved |
CFontSettings | Specifies font settings used when rendering project's view |
CCssSavingArgs | This class represents set of data that related to external CSS file's saving that occurs during conversion to HTML format |
CFontSavingArgs | This class represents set of data that related to external fonts file's saving that occurs during conversion to HTML format |
CICssSavingCallback | Represents a callback that is called to create resource to store CSS |
CIFontSavingCallback | Represents a callback that is called to create resource to store fonts |
CIImageSavingCallback | Represents a callback that is called to create resource to store images |
CImageSavingArgs | This class represents set of data that related to external image file's saving that occurs during conversion to HTML format |
CResourceSavingArgs | This class represents set of data that related to external resource file's saving that occurs during conversion to HTML format |
CSplitPart | Represents a task portion. The SplitPart is a member of the task's SplitParts collection |
CSplitPartCollection | Collection that represents the portions of a task |
CTable | Represents a table in Project |
CTableCollection | Contains a list of Table objects. Implements ICollection<Table> interface |
CTableField | Represents a field of a table in a project |
CTableFieldCollection | Contains a list of TableField objects. Implements IList<TableField> interface |
CTask | Represents a task in a project |
CTaskBaseline | Represents Baseline of a Task |
CTaskBaselineCollection | Represents a collection of TaskBaseline objects |
CTaskCollection | Represents a collection of Task objects |
CTaskLink | Represents a predecessor link |
CTaskLinkCollection | Represents a collection of Task objects |
CTaskUsageView | Represents task usage view in a project |
CTaskUsageViewFieldCollection | Represents a collection of TaskUsageViewField values |
CTimelineView | Represents a timeline view of a project |
CTimephasedData | Represents a time phased data |
CTimephasedDataCollection | Represents a collection of TimephasedData objects |
CTsk | Represents properties of Task object |
CUsageView | Represent a usage view in a project |
CValue | Represents a value in a value list |
CIVbaModule | Represents a module with VBA code |
CReadOnlyCollectionBase | Represents a read-only collection of objects |
CVbaModule | Represents a VBA module |
CVbaModuleAttribute | The attribute of the VbaModule object |
CVbaModuleAttributeCollection | Represents a collection of VbaModuleAttribute objects |
CVbaModuleCollection | Represents a collection of VbaModule objects |
CVbaProject | Represents VbaProject |
CVbaReference | Represents a reference of the VbaProject |
CVbaReferenceCollection | Represents a collection of VbaReference objects |
CView | Represents a view in Project |
CViewCollection | Contains a list of View objects. Implements ICollection<View> interface |
CWBSCodeDefinition | Represents a WBS Code Definition |
CWBSCodeMask | Represents WBS Code mask |
CWBSCodeMaskCollection | Represents a collection of WBSCodeMask objects |
CWeekDay | Represents a weekday which either defines regular days of a week or exception days in a calendar |
CWeekDayCollection | Represents a collection of WeekDay objects |
CWorkingTime | Represents a working time during a weekday |
CWorkingTimeCollection | Represents a collection of WorkingTimeCollection objects |
CWorkUnit | Represents working hours |
CWorkWeek | Represent WorkWeek class |
CWorkWeekCollection | Represents a collection of WorkWeek objects |