Aspose.Tasks for C++
1 #pragma once
2 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3 // <copyright file="SaveOptions.cs" company="Aspose Pty Ltd">
4 // Copyright (c) 2002-2024 Aspose Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
5 // </copyright>
6 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
8 #include <system/date_time.h>
9 #include <drawing/size_f.h>
10 #include <cstdint>
12 #include "aspose.tasks.cpp/Saving/SimpleSaveOptions.h"
13 #include "aspose.tasks.cpp/aspose_tasks_api_defs.h"
15 namespace Aspose
16 {
17 namespace Foundation
18 {
19 namespace Drawing
20 {
21 class DrColor;
22 } // namespace Drawing
23 } // namespace Foundation
24 namespace Tasks
25 {
26 class FontSettings;
27 class Project;
28 namespace Saving
29 {
30 class ApsLayoutWriter;
31 class HtmlSaveOptions;
32 class ImageSaveOptions;
33 class ImageWriter;
34 enum class LegendDrawingOptions;
35 class PageCountManager;
36 class PdfSaveOptions;
37 class PrintOptions;
38 class ReportSaveManager;
39 class SaveManager;
40 class SvgOptions;
41 class XamlOptions;
42 class XpsOptions;
43 } // namespace Saving
44 class View;
45 namespace Visualization
46 {
47 template <typename> class ApsBaseChartBuilder;
48 template <typename, typename> class ApsChartWithCalendarBuilder;
49 class ApsGanttPageLegend;
50 class BarStyle;
51 class GanttPageTaskGlyphBuilder;
52 class Gridline;
53 class LegendItemsFlowLayoutBuilder;
54 enum class PageSize;
55 enum class PresentationFormat;
56 class PrintManager;
57 class ProjectView;
58 class TextStyle;
59 enum class Timescale;
60 } // namespace Visualization
61 } // namespace Tasks
62 } // namespace Aspose
63 namespace System
64 {
65 namespace Collections
66 {
67 namespace Generic
68 {
69 template <typename, typename> class Dictionary;
70 template <typename> class List;
71 } // namespace Generic
72 } // namespace Collections
73 namespace Drawing
74 {
75 class Color;
76 } // namespace Drawing
77 class String;
78 } // namespace System
80 namespace Aspose {
82 namespace Tasks {
84 namespace Saving {
86 /// <summary>
87 /// This is an abstract base class for classes that allow the user to specify additional options when saving a project
88 /// into a particular format.
89 /// </summary>
90 /// <remarks>
91 /// An instance of any derived class from SaveOptions class is passed to the stream Save or string Save overloads
92 /// for the user to define custom options when saving a document.
93 /// </remarks>
94 class ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_CLASS SaveOptions : public Aspose::Tasks::Saving::SimpleSaveOptions
95 {
96  typedef SaveOptions ThisType;
99  typedef ::System::BaseTypesInfo<BaseType> ThisTypeBaseTypesInfo;
102  friend class Aspose::Tasks::Saving::PageCountManager;
103  friend class Aspose::Tasks::Saving::ApsLayoutWriter;
106  friend class Aspose::Tasks::Saving::ImageWriter;
108  friend class Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::PrintManager;
109  friend class Aspose::Tasks::Saving::PrintOptions;
110  friend class Aspose::Tasks::Saving::SaveManager;
111  friend class Aspose::Tasks::Saving::ReportSaveManager;
115  friend class Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::GanttPageTaskGlyphBuilder;
116  template<typename FT0> friend class Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::ApsBaseChartBuilder;
117  template<typename FT0, typename FT1> friend class Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::ApsChartWithCalendarBuilder;
118  friend class Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::ApsGanttPageLegend;
119  friend class Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::LegendItemsFlowLayoutBuilder;
122 protected:
124  class ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_CLASS IReduceBottomGap : public virtual System::Object
125  {
126  typedef IReduceBottomGap ThisType;
127  typedef System::Object BaseType;
129  typedef ::System::BaseTypesInfo<BaseType> ThisTypeBaseTypesInfo;
132  public:
134  /// <summary>
135  /// Gets a value indicating whether a gap between last task and the footer must be reduced.
136  /// </summary>
137  virtual bool get_ReduceFooterGap() = 0;
139  };
141  class ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_CLASS IFontCallbacks : public virtual System::Object
142  {
143  typedef IFontCallbacks ThisType;
144  typedef System::Object BaseType;
146  typedef ::System::BaseTypesInfo<BaseType> ThisTypeBaseTypesInfo;
149  public:
151  virtual System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Tasks::FontSettings> get_FontSettings() = 0;
153  };
156 public:
158  /// <summary>
159  /// Gets the list of the instances of the <see cref="BarStyle"></see> class that appear in project view.
160  /// </summary>
161  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API const System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::List<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::BarStyle>>>& get_BarStyles() const;
162  /// <summary>
163  /// Sets the list of the instances of the <see cref="BarStyle"></see> class that appear in project view.
164  /// </summary>
165  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API void set_BarStyles(const System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::List<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::BarStyle>>>& value);
166  /// <summary>
167  /// Gets a value indicating whether non-working time should be drawn (Default value is TRUE).
168  /// </summary>
169  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API bool get_DrawNonWorkingTime() const;
170  /// <summary>
171  /// Sets a value indicating whether non-working time should be drawn (Default value is TRUE).
172  /// </summary>
173  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API void set_DrawNonWorkingTime(bool value);
174  /// <summary>
175  /// Gets a date to finish rendering to.
176  /// </summary>
177  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API System::DateTime get_EndDate() const;
178  /// <summary>
179  /// Sets a date to finish rendering to.
180  /// </summary>
181  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API void set_EndDate(System::DateTime value);
182  /// <summary>
183  /// Gets whether a calendar section of a view should be rendered to the end (right side) of the last page.
184  /// If value is false, calendar section is rendered exactly to EndDate, even there is an empty space on a page.
185  /// </summary>
186  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API bool get_FitTimescaleToEndOfPage() const;
187  /// <summary>
188  /// Sets whether a calendar section of a view should be rendered to the end (right side) of the last page.
189  /// If value is false, calendar section is rendered exactly to EndDate, even there is an empty space on a page.
190  /// </summary>
191  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API void set_FitTimescaleToEndOfPage(bool value);
192  /// <summary>
193  /// Gets a value indicating whether row height should be increased to fit its content.
194  /// </summary>
195  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API bool get_FitContent() const;
196  /// <summary>
197  /// Sets a value indicating whether row height should be increased to fit its content.
198  /// </summary>
199  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API void set_FitContent(bool value);
200  /// <summary>
201  /// Gets a list of <see cref="Gridline"></see> that appear in project view.
202  /// </summary>
203  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API const System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::List<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::Gridline>>>& get_Gridlines() const;
204  /// <summary>
205  /// Sets a list of <see cref="Gridline"></see> that appear in project view.
206  /// </summary>
207  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API void set_Gridlines(const System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::List<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::Gridline>>>& value);
208  /// @deprecated This member is obsolete and will be removed after release 24.10. Please use LegendDrawingOptions property instead.
209  /// <summary>
210  /// Gets a value indicating whether legend should be shown on each page (Default value is TRUE).
211  /// </summary>
212  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API bool get_LegendOnEachPage();
213  /// @deprecated This member is obsolete and will be removed after release 24.10. Please use LegendDrawingOptions property instead.
214  /// <summary>
215  /// Sets a value indicating whether legend should be shown on each page (Default value is TRUE).
216  /// </summary>
217  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API void set_LegendOnEachPage(bool value);
218  /// <summary>
219  /// Gets a value which define how to render a legend. Default value is LegendDrawingOptions.OnEveryPage.
220  /// </summary>
221  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Aspose::Tasks::Saving::LegendDrawingOptions get_LegendDrawingOptions() const;
222  /// <summary>
223  /// Sets a value which define how to render a legend. Default value is LegendDrawingOptions.OnEveryPage.
224  /// </summary>
225  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API void set_LegendDrawingOptions(Aspose::Tasks::Saving::LegendDrawingOptions value);
226  /// <summary>
227  /// Gets a value indicating whether critical tasks should be displayed in red color (Default value is FALSE).
228  /// </summary>
229  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API bool get_MarkCriticalTasks() const;
230  /// <summary>
231  /// Sets a value indicating whether critical tasks should be displayed in red color (Default value is FALSE).
232  /// </summary>
233  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API void set_MarkCriticalTasks(bool value);
234  /// <summary>
235  /// Gets the non-working time color.
236  /// </summary>
237  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API System::Drawing::Color get_NonWorkingTimeColor();
238  /// <summary>
239  /// Sets the non-working time color.
240  /// </summary>
241  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API void set_NonWorkingTimeColor(System::Drawing::Color value);
242  /// <summary>
243  /// Gets the number of pages of project.
244  /// </summary>
245  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API int32_t get_PageCount() const;
246  /// <summary>
247  /// Gets the size of page to be rendered (Default value is PageSize.A4).
248  /// </summary>
249  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::PageSize get_PageSize() const;
250  /// <summary>
251  /// Sets the size of page to be rendered (Default value is PageSize.A4).
252  /// </summary>
253  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API void set_PageSize(Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::PageSize value);
254  /// <summary>
255  /// Gets a value indicating whether the page orientation is portrait; returns false if the page orientation is landscape.
256  /// </summary>
257  /// <remarks>Is not applicable when SaveOptions.PageSize == Visualization.PageSize.DefinedInView.
258  /// In this case View.PageInfo.PageSettings.IsPortrait is used instead.
259  /// Is not applicable when SaveOptions.CustomPageSize is set.</remarks>
260  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API bool get_IsPortrait() const;
261  /// <summary>
262  /// Sets a value indicating whether the page orientation is portrait; returns false if the page orientation is landscape.
263  /// </summary>
264  /// <remarks>Is not applicable when SaveOptions.PageSize == Visualization.PageSize.DefinedInView.
265  /// In this case View.PageInfo.PageSettings.IsPortrait is used instead.
266  /// Is not applicable when SaveOptions.CustomPageSize is set.</remarks>
267  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API void set_IsPortrait(bool value);
268  /// <summary>
269  /// Gets the <see cref="PresentationFormat"></see> in which the document will be saved.
270  /// </summary>
271  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::PresentationFormat get_PresentationFormat() const;
272  /// <summary>
273  /// Sets the <see cref="PresentationFormat"></see> in which the document will be saved.
274  /// </summary>
275  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API void set_PresentationFormat(Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::PresentationFormat value);
276  /// <summary>
277  /// Gets a value indicating whether subtasks on the summary task bar should be marked.
278  /// For subtasks, the Rollup field indicates whether information on the subtask Gantt bars will be rolled up to the summary task bar.
279  /// For summary tasks, the Rollup field indicates whether the summary task bar displays rolled up bars.
280  /// You must have the Rollup field for summary tasks set to Yes for any subtasks to roll up to them.
281  /// </summary>
282  /// <remarks>Is only applicable when Gantt chart view is rendered.</remarks>
283  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API bool get_RollUpGanttBars() const;
284  /// <summary>
285  /// Sets a value indicating whether subtasks on the summary task bar should be marked.
286  /// For subtasks, the Rollup field indicates whether information on the subtask Gantt bars will be rolled up to the summary task bar.
287  /// For summary tasks, the Rollup field indicates whether the summary task bar displays rolled up bars.
288  /// You must have the Rollup field for summary tasks set to Yes for any subtasks to roll up to them.
289  /// </summary>
290  /// <remarks>Is only applicable when Gantt chart view is rendered.</remarks>
291  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API void set_RollUpGanttBars(bool value);
292  /// <summary>
293  /// Gets the date to start rendering from.
294  /// </summary>
295  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API System::DateTime get_StartDate() const;
296  /// <summary>
297  /// Sets the date to start rendering from.
298  /// </summary>
299  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API void set_StartDate(System::DateTime value);
300  /// <summary>
301  /// Gets the list of the instances of the <see cref="TextStyle"></see> class that appear in project view.
302  /// </summary>
303  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API const System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::List<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::TextStyle>>>& get_TextStyles() const;
304  /// <summary>
305  /// Sets the list of the instances of the <see cref="TextStyle"></see> class that appear in project view.
306  /// </summary>
307  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API void set_TextStyles(const System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::List<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::TextStyle>>>& value);
308  /// <summary>
309  /// Gets the <see cref="Timescale"></see> value which is used to control how timescale (if present) is rendered when project is saved to graphical format.
310  /// </summary>
311  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::Timescale get_Timescale() const;
312  /// <summary>
313  /// Sets the <see cref="Timescale"></see> value which is used to control how timescale (if present) is rendered when project is saved to graphical format.
314  /// </summary>
315  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API void set_Timescale(Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::Timescale value);
316  /// <summary>
317  /// Gets a value indicating whether gradient brush should be used when rendering Gantt Chart.
318  /// </summary>
319  /// <remarks>Is only applicable when Gantt chart view is rendered.</remarks>
320  virtual ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API bool get_UseGradientBrush();
321  /// <summary>
322  /// Sets a value indicating whether gradient brush should be used when rendering Gantt Chart.
323  /// </summary>
324  /// <remarks>Is only applicable when Gantt chart view is rendered.</remarks>
325  virtual ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API void set_UseGradientBrush(bool value);
326  /// <summary>
327  /// Gets a list of the view columns to render (<see cref="GanttChartColumn"></see>).
328  /// If not set then task ids, task names, start and finish are rendered only.
329  /// If both View and <see cref="ViewSettings"></see> properties are set, columns from View overrides columns from ViewSettings.
330  /// </summary>
331  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::ProjectView> get_View();
332  /// <summary>
333  /// Sets a list of the view columns to render (<see cref="GanttChartColumn"></see>).
334  /// If not set then task ids, task names, start and finish are rendered only.
335  /// If both View and <see cref="ViewSettings"></see> properties are set, columns from View overrides columns from ViewSettings.
336  /// </summary>
337  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API void set_View(const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::ProjectView>& value);
338  /// <summary>
339  /// Gets a view (<see cref="View"></see>) to render. You can use this options to explicitly specify which view should be saved to PDF, HTML or Image formats.
340  /// If this property is set, <see cref="Visualization::PresentationFormat"></see> property is ignored when project is saved.
341  /// View should be from one of the following screen ((<see cref="Aspose::Tasks::View::Screen"></see>)): (Gantt, TaskSheet, TaskUsage, ResourceSheet, ResourceUsage)
342  /// </summary>
343  /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">When set method is called and instance of View class with not supported value of Screen property is provided.</exception>
344  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Tasks::View> get_ViewSettings() const;
345  /// <summary>
346  /// Sets a view (<see cref="View"></see>) to render. You can use this options to explicitly specify which view should be saved to PDF, HTML or Image formats.
347  /// If this property is set, <see cref="Visualization::PresentationFormat"></see> property is ignored when project is saved.
348  /// View should be from one of the following screen ((<see cref="Aspose::Tasks::View::Screen"></see>)): (Gantt, TaskSheet, TaskUsage, ResourceSheet, ResourceUsage)
349  /// </summary>
350  /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">When set method is called and instance of View class with not supported value of Screen property is provided.</exception>
351  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API void set_ViewSettings(const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Tasks::View>& value);
352  /// <summary>
353  /// Gets the custom page size in points (1 point = 1/72 of inch).
354  /// </summary>
355  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API System::Drawing::SizeF get_CustomPageSize() const;
356  /// <summary>
357  /// Sets the custom page size in points (1 point = 1/72 of inch).
358  /// </summary>
359  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API void set_CustomPageSize(System::Drawing::SizeF value);
360  /// <summary>
361  /// Gets a value indicating whether a project should be rendered to a single page
362  /// when project is saved in graphical format.
363  /// The page size will be changed so the rendered project can be fit on one page.
364  /// </summary>
365  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API bool get_RenderToSinglePage() const;
366  /// <summary>
367  /// Sets a value indicating whether a project should be rendered to a single page
368  /// when project is saved in graphical format.
369  /// The page size will be changed so the rendered project can be fit on one page.
370  /// </summary>
371  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API void set_RenderToSinglePage(bool value);
373 protected:
375  /// <summary>
376  /// Sets the number of pages of project.
377  /// </summary>
378  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API void set_PageCount(int32_t value);
379  /// <summary>
380  /// Gets the project to save.
381  /// </summary>
382  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Tasks::Project> get_Project() override;
383  /// <summary>
384  /// Sets the project to save.
385  /// </summary>
386  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API void set_Project(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Tasks::Project> value) override;
388  /// <summary>
389  /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SaveOptions"></see> class.
390  /// </summary>
392  /// <summary>
393  /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SaveOptions"></see> class.
394  /// </summary>
395  /// <param name="options">The <see cref="SaveOptions"></see> to copy.</param>
396  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API SaveOptions(const System::SharedPtr<SaveOptions>& options);
398  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Foundation::Drawing::DrColor> GetNonworkingTimeColor();
399  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API void SetPageCount(int32_t count);
400  virtual ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API System::Drawing::SizeF GetPageSize();
401  virtual ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::ProjectView> GetDefaultProjectView();
403  ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API void GetSharedMembers(System::Object::shared_members_type& result) const override;
404  #endif
407 private:
409  static System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::Dictionary<System::String, Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::PresentationFormat>>& Views();
411  System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Foundation::Drawing::DrColor> nonWorkingTimeColor;
412  bool useGradientBrush;
413  System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::ProjectView> view;
414  System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Tasks::View> viewSettings;
415  System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::List<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::BarStyle>>> pr_BarStyles;
416  bool pr_DrawNonWorkingTime;
417  System::DateTime pr_EndDate;
418  bool pr_FitTimescaleToEndOfPage;
419  bool pr_FitContent;
420  System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::List<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::Gridline>>> pr_Gridlines;
421  Aspose::Tasks::Saving::LegendDrawingOptions pr_LegendDrawingOptions;
422  bool pr_MarkCriticalTasks;
423  int32_t pr_PageCount;
424  Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::PageSize pr_PageSize;
425  bool pr_IsPortrait;
426  Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::PresentationFormat pr_PresentationFormat;
427  bool pr_RollUpGanttBars;
428  System::DateTime pr_StartDate;
429  System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::List<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::TextStyle>>> pr_TextStyles;
430  Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::Timescale pr_Timescale;
431  System::Drawing::SizeF pr_CustomPageSize;
432  bool pr_RenderToSinglePage;
434  static System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::Dictionary<System::String, Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::PresentationFormat>> InitViewsTable();
435  void SetDefaultPresentationFormat();
437 };
439 } // namespace Saving
440 } // namespace Tasks
441 } // namespace Aspose
Allows to specify additional options when rendering project pages to HTML.
Definition: HtmlSaveOptions.h:67
Allows to specify additional options when rendering project pages to images.
Definition: ImageSaveOptions.h:58
Allows to specify additional options when rendering project pages to PDF.
Definition: PdfSaveOptions.h:62
This is an abstract base class for classes that allow the user to specify additional options when sav...
Definition: SaveOptions.h:95
void set_MarkCriticalTasks(bool value)
Sets a value indicating whether critical tasks should be displayed in red color (Default value is FAL...
bool get_MarkCriticalTasks() const
Gets a value indicating whether critical tasks should be displayed in red color (Default value is FAL...
void set_IsPortrait(bool value)
Sets a value indicating whether the page orientation is portrait; returns false if the page orientati...
bool get_IsPortrait() const
Gets a value indicating whether the page orientation is portrait; returns false if the page orientati...
System::Drawing::SizeF get_CustomPageSize() const
Gets the custom page size in points (1 point = 1/72 of inch).
void set_DrawNonWorkingTime(bool value)
Sets a value indicating whether non-working time should be drawn (Default value is TRUE).
void set_LegendDrawingOptions(Aspose::Tasks::Saving::LegendDrawingOptions value)
Sets a value which define how to render a legend. Default value is LegendDrawingOptions....
void set_TextStyles(const System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::List< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::TextStyle >>> &value)
Sets the list of the instances of the TextStyle class that appear in project view.
void set_PageSize(Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::PageSize value)
Sets the size of page to be rendered (Default value is PageSize.A4).
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::View > get_ViewSettings() const
Gets a view (View) to render. You can use this options to explicitly specify which view should be sav...
void set_NonWorkingTimeColor(System::Drawing::Color value)
Sets the non-working time color.
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::ProjectView > get_View()
Gets a list of the view columns to render (GanttChartColumn). If not set then task ids,...
virtual bool get_UseGradientBrush()
Gets a value indicating whether gradient brush should be used when rendering Gantt Chart.
void set_View(const System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::ProjectView > &value)
Sets a list of the view columns to render (GanttChartColumn). If not set then task ids,...
Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::Timescale get_Timescale() const
Gets the Timescale value which is used to control how timescale (if present) is rendered when project...
const System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::List< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::Gridline > > > & get_Gridlines() const
Gets a list of Gridline that appear in project view.
void set_FitTimescaleToEndOfPage(bool value)
Sets whether a calendar section of a view should be rendered to the end (right side) of the last page...
void set_LegendOnEachPage(bool value)
Sets a value indicating whether legend should be shown on each page (Default value is TRUE).
bool get_RenderToSinglePage() const
Gets a value indicating whether a project should be rendered to a single page when project is saved i...
void set_StartDate(System::DateTime value)
Sets the date to start rendering from.
void set_Timescale(Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::Timescale value)
Sets the Timescale value which is used to control how timescale (if present) is rendered when project...
bool get_RollUpGanttBars() const
Gets a value indicating whether subtasks on the summary task bar should be marked....
const System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::List< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::BarStyle > > > & get_BarStyles() const
Gets the list of the instances of the BarStyle class that appear in project view.
const System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::List< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::TextStyle > > > & get_TextStyles() const
Gets the list of the instances of the TextStyle class that appear in project view.
Aspose::Tasks::Saving::LegendDrawingOptions get_LegendDrawingOptions() const
Gets a value which define how to render a legend. Default value is LegendDrawingOptions....
Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::PageSize get_PageSize() const
Gets the size of page to be rendered (Default value is PageSize.A4).
int32_t get_PageCount() const
Gets the number of pages of project.
System::DateTime get_StartDate() const
Gets the date to start rendering from.
void set_Gridlines(const System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::List< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::Gridline >>> &value)
Sets a list of Gridline that appear in project view.
void set_CustomPageSize(System::Drawing::SizeF value)
Sets the custom page size in points (1 point = 1/72 of inch).
virtual void set_UseGradientBrush(bool value)
Sets a value indicating whether gradient brush should be used when rendering Gantt Chart.
void set_PresentationFormat(Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::PresentationFormat value)
Sets the PresentationFormat in which the document will be saved.
bool get_FitTimescaleToEndOfPage() const
Gets whether a calendar section of a view should be rendered to the end (right side) of the last page...
System::DateTime get_EndDate() const
Gets a date to finish rendering to.
void set_BarStyles(const System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::List< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::BarStyle >>> &value)
Sets the list of the instances of the BarStyle class that appear in project view.
bool get_FitContent() const
Gets a value indicating whether row height should be increased to fit its content.
void set_RollUpGanttBars(bool value)
Sets a value indicating whether subtasks on the summary task bar should be marked....
void set_EndDate(System::DateTime value)
Sets a date to finish rendering to.
System::Drawing::Color get_NonWorkingTimeColor()
Gets the non-working time color.
bool get_DrawNonWorkingTime() const
Gets a value indicating whether non-working time should be drawn (Default value is TRUE).
void set_RenderToSinglePage(bool value)
Sets a value indicating whether a project should be rendered to a single page when project is saved i...
void set_ViewSettings(const System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::View > &value)
Sets a view (View) to render. You can use this options to explicitly specify which view should be sav...
bool get_LegendOnEachPage()
Gets a value indicating whether legend should be shown on each page (Default value is TRUE).
void set_FitContent(bool value)
Sets a value indicating whether row height should be increased to fit its content.
Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::PresentationFormat get_PresentationFormat() const
Gets the PresentationFormat in which the document will be saved.
This is an abstract base class that allow the user to specify basic options when saving a project int...
Definition: SimpleSaveOptions.h:52
Allows to specify additional options when rendering project pages to SVG.
Definition: SvgOptions.h:34
/// Allows to specify additional options when rendering project pages to XAML.
Definition: XamlOptions.h:30
Allows to specify additional options when rendering project pages to XPS.
Definition: XpsOptions.h:43
Project's view class
Definition: ProjectView.h:58
Definition: Asn.h:13