Aspose.Tasks for C++
1 #pragma once
2 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3 // <copyright file="Tsk.cs" company="Aspose Pty Ltd">
4 // Copyright (c) 2002-2024 Aspose Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
5 // </copyright>
6 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
8 #include <cstdint>
10 #include "aspose.tasks.cpp/aspose_tasks_api_defs.h"
12 namespace Aspose
13 {
14 namespace Tasks
15 {
16 class Calendar;
17 enum class ConstraintType;
18 enum class CostAccrualType;
19 class Duration;
20 enum class EarnedValueMethodType;
21 template <typename, typename> class Key;
22 class NullableBool;
23 enum class TaskKey : uint8_t;
24 enum class TaskType;
25 enum class TimeUnitType : int8_t;
26 } // namespace Tasks
27 } // namespace Aspose
28 namespace System
29 {
30 class DateTime;
31 class Decimal;
32 template <typename> class SmartPtr;
33 template <typename T0> using SharedPtr = System::SmartPtr<T0>;
34 class String;
35 class TimeSpan;
36 } // namespace System
38 namespace Aspose {
40 namespace Tasks {
42 /// <summary>
43 /// Represents properties of <see cref="Task"></see> object.
44 /// </summary>
46 {
47  typedef Tsk ThisType;
49 public:
51  /// <summary>
52  /// The unique Id of a task.
53  /// </summary>
54  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<int32_t, TaskKey>& Uid();
55  /// <summary>
56  /// The position identifier of a task within the list of tasks.
57  /// </summary>
58  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<int32_t, TaskKey>& Id();
59  /// <summary>
60  /// The type of a task.
61  /// </summary>
62  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<TaskType, TaskKey>& Type();
63  /// <summary>
64  /// Determines whether a task is a null task.
65  /// </summary>
66  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>& IsNull();
67  /// <summary>
68  /// The date when a task was created.
69  /// </summary>
70  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::DateTime, TaskKey>& Created();
71  /// <summary>
72  /// The name of an individual responsible for a task.
73  /// </summary>
74  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::String, TaskKey>& Contact();
75  /// <summary>
76  /// Work breakdown structure (WBS) codes.
77  /// </summary>
78  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::String, TaskKey>& WBS();
79  /// <summary>
80  /// The rightmost WBS level of a task.
81  /// </summary>
82  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::String, TaskKey>& WBSLevel();
83  /// <summary>
84  /// The number that represents a task's position in the hierarchical outline structure.
85  /// </summary>
86  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::String, TaskKey>& OutlineNumber();
87  /// <summary>
88  /// A task's name.
89  /// </summary>
90  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::String, TaskKey>& Name();
91  /// <summary>
92  /// The outline level of a task.
93  /// </summary>
94  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<int32_t, TaskKey>& OutlineLevel();
95  /// <summary>
96  /// The level of importance given to a task, which in turn indicates how readily a task or assignment can be delayed or split during resource leveling.
97  /// </summary>
98  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<int32_t, TaskKey>& Priority();
99  /// <summary>
100  /// The scheduled start date of a task.
101  /// </summary>
102  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::DateTime, TaskKey>& Start();
103  /// <summary>
104  /// The scheduled finish date of a task.
105  /// </summary>
106  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::DateTime, TaskKey>& Finish();
107  /// <summary>
108  /// The total span of active working time for a task as entered or as calculated by Microsoft Project based on start date, finish date, calendars, and other scheduling factors.
109  /// </summary>
110  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey>& Duration();
111  /// <summary>
112  /// The difference between the baseline duration of a task and the total duration (current estimate) of a task.
113  /// </summary>
114  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey>& DurationVariance();
115  /// @deprecated This member is obsolete and will be removed after release 24.6. Please use Task.Get(Tsk.Duration).TimeUnit property instead.
116  /// <summary>
117  /// Task duration format.
118  /// </summary>
119  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<TimeUnitType, TaskKey>& DurationFormat();
120  /// <summary>
121  /// The total time scheduled on a task for all assigned resources.
122  /// </summary>
123  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey>& Work();
124  /// <summary>
125  /// The date that represents the end of the actual portion of a task.
126  /// </summary>
127  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::DateTime, TaskKey>& Stop();
128  /// <summary>
129  /// The date that the remaining part of a task is scheduled to resume after entering any progress.
130  /// </summary>
131  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::DateTime, TaskKey>& Resume();
132  /// <summary>
133  /// Determines whether a task can be resumed.
134  /// </summary>
135  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>& IsResumeValid();
136  /// <summary>
137  /// Determines whether the scheduling for the task is effort-driven scheduling.
138  /// </summary>
139  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>& IsEffortDriven();
140  /// <summary>
141  /// Determines whether a task is part of a series of recurring tasks.
142  /// </summary>
143  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>& IsRecurring();
144  /// <summary>
145  /// Determines whether a task is a summary task.
146  /// </summary>
147  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<bool, TaskKey>& IsSummary();
148  /// <summary>
149  /// Indicates whether any of the assigned resources on a task is assigned to more work on the task than can be done withing the normal working capacity.
150  /// </summary>
151  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>& IsOverallocated();
152  /// <summary>
153  /// Indicates whether the task has an resource assigned which has more work on assigned tasks than can be completed within normal working capacity.
154  /// </summary>
155  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>& HasOverallocatedResource();
156  /// <summary>
157  /// Determines whether a task is estimated.
158  /// </summary>
159  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>& IsEstimated();
160  /// <summary>
161  /// Determines whether a task is a milestone.
162  /// </summary>
163  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>& IsMilestone();
164  /// <summary>
165  /// Determines whether a task is on the critical path.
166  /// </summary>
167  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>& IsCritical();
168  /// <summary>
169  /// Determines whether a task is an inserted project.
170  /// </summary>
171  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<bool, TaskKey>& IsSubproject();
172  /// <summary>
173  /// Determines whether a subproject is read-only.
174  /// </summary>
175  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>& IsSubprojectReadOnly();
176  /// <summary>
177  /// Shows whether a task is marked for further action or identification of some kind.
178  /// </summary>
179  /// <remarks>Applies to mpp file format only.</remarks>
180  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<bool, TaskKey>& IsMarked();
181  /// <summary>
182  /// Indicates whether to hide the schedule conflict warning indicator in Microsoft Project.
183  /// </summary>
184  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<bool, TaskKey>& IgnoreWarnings();
185  /// <summary>
186  /// Determines whether a task is external.
187  /// </summary>
188  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<bool, TaskKey>& IsExternalTask();
189  /// <summary>
190  /// The source location of a subproject.
191  /// </summary>
192  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::String, TaskKey>& SubprojectName();
193  /// <summary>
194  /// The source location and task identifier of an external task.
195  /// </summary>
196  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::String, TaskKey>& ExternalTaskProject();
197  /// <summary>
198  /// If a task is an external task it contains the task's external Id.
199  /// </summary>
200  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<int32_t, TaskKey>& ExternalId();
201  /// <summary>
202  /// Contains the external task's Unique identifier when the task is external.
203  /// </summary>
204  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<int32_t, TaskKey>& ExternalUid();
205  /// <summary>
206  /// The earliest date that a task could possibly begin, based on the early start dates of predecessor and successor tasks and other constraints.
207  /// </summary>
208  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::DateTime, TaskKey>& EarlyStart();
209  /// <summary>
210  /// The earliest date that a task could possibly finish, based on early finish dates of predecessor and successor tasks, other constraints, and any leveling delay.
211  /// </summary>
212  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::DateTime, TaskKey>& EarlyFinish();
213  /// <summary>
214  /// The latest date that a task can start without delaying the finish of the project.
215  /// </summary>
216  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::DateTime, TaskKey>& LateStart();
217  /// <summary>
218  /// The latest date that a task can finish without delaying the finish of the project.
219  /// </summary>
220  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::DateTime, TaskKey>& LateFinish();
221  /// <summary>
222  /// The time that represents the difference between a baseline start date of a task or assignment and its currently scheduled start date.
223  /// </summary>
224  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey>& StartVariance();
225  /// <summary>
226  /// The time that represents the difference between the baseline finish date of a task or assignment and its current finish date.
227  /// </summary>
228  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey>& FinishVariance();
229  /// <summary>
230  /// The difference between baseline work of a task and the currently scheduled work.
231  /// </summary>
232  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey>& WorkVariance();
233  /// <summary>
234  /// The difference between the baseline cost and total cost for a task, resource, or assignment.
235  /// </summary>
236  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<double, TaskKey>& CostVariance();
237  /// <summary>
238  /// The duration between the Early Start and Late Start dates.
239  /// </summary>
240  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::TimeSpan, TaskKey>& StartSlackTimeSpan();
241  /// <summary>
242  /// The duration between the Early Finish and Late Finish dates.
243  /// </summary>
244  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::TimeSpan, TaskKey>& FinishSlackTimeSpan();
245  /// <summary>
246  /// The time that a task can be delayed without delaying any successor tasks.
247  /// </summary>
248  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::TimeSpan, TaskKey>& FreeSlackTimeSpan();
249  /// <summary>
250  /// The time a task's finish date can be delayed without delaying the project's finish date.
251  /// </summary>
252  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::TimeSpan, TaskKey>& TotalSlackTimeSpan();
253  /// <summary>
254  /// Shows any non resource task expense.
255  /// </summary>
256  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<double, TaskKey>& FixedCost();
257  /// <summary>
258  /// Determines choices for how and when fixed costs are to be charged, or accrued, to the cost of a task.
259  /// </summary>
260  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<CostAccrualType, TaskKey>& FixedCostAccrual();
261  /// <summary>
262  /// The current status of a task, expressed as the percentage of the task's duration that has been completed.
263  /// </summary>
264  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<int32_t, TaskKey>& PercentComplete();
265  /// <summary>
266  /// The current status of a task expressed as the percentage of work that has been completed.
267  /// </summary>
268  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<int32_t, TaskKey>& PercentWorkComplete();
269  /// <summary>
270  /// The total scheduled or projected cost for a task based on costs already incurred for work performed by resources assigned to the tasks, in addition to the costs planned for the remaining work.
271  /// </summary>
272  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::Decimal, TaskKey>& Cost();
273  /// <summary>
274  /// The total overtime cost for a task, for a resource on all assigned tasks, or for a resource assignment.
275  /// </summary>
276  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::Decimal, TaskKey>& OvertimeCost();
277  /// <summary>
278  /// The date and time that a task actually began.
279  /// </summary>
280  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::DateTime, TaskKey>& ActualStart();
281  /// <summary>
282  /// The date when a task was completed.
283  /// </summary>
284  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::DateTime, TaskKey>& ActualFinish();
285  /// <summary>
286  /// The span of actual working time for a task, based on the scheduled duration and current remaining work or percent complete.
287  /// </summary>
288  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey>& ActualDuration();
289  /// <summary>
290  /// Costs incurred for work already performed by resources on their tasks, together with any other recorded costs associated with the task.
291  /// </summary>
292  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::Decimal, TaskKey>& ActualCost();
293  /// <summary>
294  /// Costs incurred for overtime work already performed on tasks by assigned resources.
295  /// </summary>
296  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::Decimal, TaskKey>& ActualOvertimeCost();
297  /// <summary>
298  /// The amount of work that has already been done by resources assigned to tasks.
299  /// </summary>
300  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey>& ActualWork();
301  /// <summary>
302  /// The actual amount of overtime work already performed by resources assigned to tasks.
303  /// </summary>
305  /// <summary>
306  /// The total amount of non overtime work scheduled to be performed by resources.
307  /// </summary>
308  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey>& RegularWork();
309  /// <summary>
310  /// The amount of overtime scheduled to be performed by all resources assigned to a task.
311  /// </summary>
312  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey>& OvertimeWork();
313  /// <summary>
314  /// The time that is required to complete the unfinished part of a task.
315  /// </summary>
316  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey>& RemainingDuration();
317  /// <summary>
318  /// The remaining scheduled expense that will be incurred in completing the remaining scheduled work.
319  /// </summary>
320  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::Decimal, TaskKey>& RemainingCost();
321  /// <summary>
322  /// The time still required to complete a task or set of tasks.
323  /// </summary>
324  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey>& RemainingWork();
325  /// <summary>
326  /// The amount of remaining scheduled overtime time.
327  /// </summary>
329  /// <summary>
330  /// The remaining scheduled overtime expense for a task.
331  /// </summary>
332  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::Decimal, TaskKey>& RemainingOvertimeCost();
333  /// <summary>
334  /// Costs incurred for work already done on a task, up to the project status date or today's date.
335  /// </summary>
336  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<double, TaskKey>& ACWP();
337  /// <summary>
338  /// The difference between the baseline cost and total cost for a task.
339  /// Cost Variance = Cost - Baseline Cost
340  /// </summary>
341  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<double, TaskKey>& CV();
342  /// <summary>
343  /// The earned value schedule variance, through the project status date.
344  /// Schedule variance (SV) is the difference between the BCWP and the BCWS.
345  /// </summary>
346  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<double, TaskKey>& SV();
347  /// <summary>
348  /// Provides choices for the type of constraint that can be applied for scheduling a task.
349  /// </summary>
351  /// <summary>
352  /// The task calendar.
353  /// </summary>
354  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Tasks::Calendar>, TaskKey>& Calendar();
355  /// <summary>
356  /// The specific date associated with the constraint type.
357  /// </summary>
358  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::DateTime, TaskKey>& ConstraintDate();
359  /// <summary>
360  /// A target date that indicates when a task is to be completed.
361  /// </summary>
362  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::DateTime, TaskKey>& Deadline();
363  /// <summary>
364  /// Determines whether the leveling function can delay and split individual assignments in order to resolve over allocations.
365  /// </summary>
366  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>& LevelAssignments();
367  /// <summary>
368  /// Determines whether the resource leveling function can cause splits on remaining work on this task.
369  /// </summary>
370  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>& LevelingCanSplit();
371  /// <summary>
372  /// The time that a task is to be delayed from its early start date because of resource leveling.
373  /// </summary>
374  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey>& LevelingDelay();
375  /// <summary>
376  /// The start date of a task as it was before resource leveling was done.
377  /// </summary>
378  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::DateTime, TaskKey>& PreleveledStart();
379  /// <summary>
380  /// The finish date of a task as it was before resource leveling was done.
381  /// </summary>
382  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::DateTime, TaskKey>& PreleveledFinish();
383  /// <summary>
384  /// The title or explanatory text for a hyperlink associated with a task.
385  /// </summary>
386  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::String, TaskKey>& Hyperlink();
387  /// <summary>
388  /// The address for a hyperlink associated with a task.
389  /// </summary>
390  /// <remarks>The full address (Hyperlink Href in Microsoft Project) of the hyperlink is a concatenation of HyperlinkAddress and HyperlinkSubAddress.</remarks>
391  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::String, TaskKey>& HyperlinkAddress();
392  /// <summary>
393  /// The specific location in a document in a hyperlink associated with a task.
394  /// </summary>
395  /// <remarks>The full address (Hyperlink Href in Microsoft Project) of the hyperlink is a concatenation of HyperlinkAddress and HyperlinkSubAddress.</remarks>
396  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::String, TaskKey>& HyperlinkSubAddress();
397  /// <summary>
398  /// Determines whether the scheduling of the task considers the calendars of the resources assigned to the task.
399  /// </summary>
400  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>& IgnoreResourceCalendar();
401  /// <summary>
402  /// Determines whether the Gantt bar of a task is hidden when displayed in Microsoft Project.
403  /// </summary>
404  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>& HideBar();
405  /// <summary>
406  /// Determines whether information about the subtask Gantt bars will be rolled up to the summary task bar.
407  /// </summary>
408  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>& IsRollup();
409  /// <summary>
410  /// The cumulative time phased baseline costs up to the status date or today's date.
411  /// </summary>
412  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<double, TaskKey>& BCWS();
413  /// <summary>
414  /// The cumulative value of the task's percent complete multiplied by the time phased baseline costs.
415  /// </summary>
416  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<double, TaskKey>& BCWP();
417  /// <summary>
418  /// Percent complete value that can be be used as an alternative for calculating budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP).
419  /// </summary>
420  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<int32_t, TaskKey>& PhysicalPercentComplete();
421  /// <summary>
422  /// Determines whether the % Complete or Physical % Complete field should be used to calculate budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP).
423  /// </summary>
424  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<EarnedValueMethodType, TaskKey>& EarnedValueMethod();
425  /// <summary>
426  /// The duration through which actual work is protected.
427  /// <remarks>Reading supported for XML format only.</remarks>
428  /// </summary>
430  /// <summary>
431  /// The duration through which actual overtime work is protected.
432  /// </summary>
434  /// <summary>
435  /// Determines whether the current task should be published to Project Server with the rest of the project.
436  /// </summary>
437  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>& IsPublished();
438  /// <summary>
439  /// The name of the enterprise resource who is to receive status updates for the current task from resources.
440  /// </summary>
441  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::String, TaskKey>& StatusManager();
442  /// <summary>
443  /// The start date of a delivery.
444  /// <remarks>Reading supported for XML format only.</remarks>
445  /// </summary>
446  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::DateTime, TaskKey>& CommitmentStart();
447  /// <summary>
448  /// The finish date of a delivery.
449  /// <remarks>
450  /// Reading supported for XML format only.</remarks>
451  /// </summary>
452  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::DateTime, TaskKey>& CommitmentFinish();
453  /// <summary>
454  /// Determines whether a task has an associated delivery or
455  /// a dependency on an associated delivery.
456  /// <remarks> Reading supported for XML format only. </remarks>
457  /// </summary>
458  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<int32_t, TaskKey>& CommitmentType();
459  /// <summary>
460  /// Determines whether a task is manually scheduled.
461  /// </summary>
462  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>& IsManual();
463  /// <summary>
464  /// Determines whether a summary task is expanded or not in GanttChart view.
465  /// </summary>
466  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>& IsExpanded();
467  /// <summary>
468  /// The generated unique identification codes for a task.
469  /// </summary>
470  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::String, TaskKey>& Guid();
471  /// <summary>
472  /// Notes' plain text extracted from RTF data.
473  /// </summary>
474  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::String, TaskKey>& NotesText();
475  /// <summary>
476  /// The text notes in RTF format.
477  /// <remarks>Supported for MPP formats only.</remarks>
478  /// </summary>
479  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::String, TaskKey>& NotesRTF();
480  /// <summary>
481  /// Defines manually scheduled start of a task.
482  /// </summary>
483  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::DateTime, TaskKey>& ManualStart();
484  /// <summary>
485  /// Defines manually scheduled finish of a task.
486  /// </summary>
487  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::DateTime, TaskKey>& ManualFinish();
488  /// <summary>
489  /// Defines manually scheduled duration of a task.
490  /// </summary>
491  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey>& ManualDuration();
492  /// <summary>
493  /// Budget work for budget work and material resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task.
494  /// </summary>
495  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey>& BudgetWork();
496  /// <summary>
497  /// Budget costs for budget cost resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary task.
498  /// </summary>
499  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::Decimal, TaskKey>& BudgetCost();
500  /// <summary>
501  /// Determines whether the task should be displayed as a summary task.
502  /// <remarks>Reading supported for XML format only.</remarks>
503  /// </summary>
504  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>& DisplayAsSummary();
505  /// <summary>
506  /// Determines whether a task is active. Inactive tasks no longer affect other tasks or the overall Project schedule.
507  /// </summary>
508  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<NullableBool, TaskKey>& IsActive();
509  /// <summary>
510  /// Returns the task's start text.
511  /// </summary>
512  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::String, TaskKey>& StartText();
513  /// <summary>
514  /// Returns the task's duration text.
515  /// </summary>
516  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::String, TaskKey>& DurationText();
517  /// <summary>
518  /// Returns the task's finish text.
519  /// </summary>
520  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::String, TaskKey>& FinishText();
521  /// <summary>
522  /// Specifies whether a task should be displayed on a timeline view.
523  /// </summary>
524  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<bool, TaskKey>& DisplayOnTimeline();
525  /// <summary>
526  /// Represents the flag which indicates that task has schedule discrepancies.
527  /// </summary>
528  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<bool, TaskKey>& Warning();
529  /// <summary>
530  /// Represents activity id field - a task's unique identifier used by Primavera. (only applicable to Primavera projects).
531  /// </summary>
532  static ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API Key<System::String, TaskKey>& ActivityId();
534 public:
535  Tsk() = delete;
536 };
538 } // namespace Tasks
539 } // namespace Aspose
Represents a property key of a class of the specified type. An instance of this class is used when ge...
Definition: Key.h:76
Represents properties of Task object.
Definition: Tsk.h:46
static Key< NullableBool, TaskKey > & IgnoreResourceCalendar()
Determines whether the scheduling of the task considers the calendars of the resources assigned to th...
static Key< Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey > & RegularWork()
The total amount of non overtime work scheduled to be performed by resources.
static Key< Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey > & LevelingDelay()
The time that a task is to be delayed from its early start date because of resource leveling.
static Key< System::DateTime, TaskKey > & Deadline()
A target date that indicates when a task is to be completed.
static Key< System::String, TaskKey > & ExternalTaskProject()
The source location and task identifier of an external task.
static Key< bool, TaskKey > & IsSummary()
Determines whether a task is a summary task.
static Key< System::DateTime, TaskKey > & PreleveledStart()
The start date of a task as it was before resource leveling was done.
static Key< Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey > & Duration()
The total span of active working time for a task as entered or as calculated by Microsoft Project bas...
static Key< NullableBool, TaskKey > & IsNull()
Determines whether a task is a null task.
static Key< Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey > & ActualWork()
The amount of work that has already been done by resources assigned to tasks.
static Key< int32_t, TaskKey > & PercentWorkComplete()
The current status of a task expressed as the percentage of work that has been completed.
static Key< int32_t, TaskKey > & Uid()
The unique Id of a task.
static Key< NullableBool, TaskKey > & LevelAssignments()
Determines whether the leveling function can delay and split individual assignments in order to resol...
static Key< double, TaskKey > & FixedCost()
Shows any non resource task expense.
static Key< System::String, TaskKey > & Name()
A task's name.
static Key< EarnedValueMethodType, TaskKey > & EarnedValueMethod()
Determines whether the % Complete or Physical % Complete field should be used to calculate budgeted c...
static Key< System::String, TaskKey > & SubprojectName()
The source location of a subproject.
static Key< System::DateTime, TaskKey > & ActualStart()
The date and time that a task actually began.
static Key< Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey > & StartVariance()
The time that represents the difference between a baseline start date of a task or assignment and its...
static Key< Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey > & OvertimeWork()
The amount of overtime scheduled to be performed by all resources assigned to a task.
static Key< double, TaskKey > & CV()
The difference between the baseline cost and total cost for a task. Cost Variance = Cost - Baseline C...
static Key< Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey > & Work()
The total time scheduled on a task for all assigned resources.
static Key< System::String, TaskKey > & WBSLevel()
The rightmost WBS level of a task.
static Key< TimeUnitType, TaskKey > & DurationFormat()
Task duration format.
static Key< System::String, TaskKey > & HyperlinkAddress()
The address for a hyperlink associated with a task.
static Key< Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey > & BudgetWork()
Budget work for budget work and material resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project...
static Key< System::Decimal, TaskKey > & OvertimeCost()
The total overtime cost for a task, for a resource on all assigned tasks, or for a resource assignmen...
static Key< NullableBool, TaskKey > & IsPublished()
Determines whether the current task should be published to Project Server with the rest of the projec...
static Key< System::String, TaskKey > & Contact()
The name of an individual responsible for a task.
static Key< System::Decimal, TaskKey > & ActualCost()
Costs incurred for work already performed by resources on their tasks, together with any other record...
static Key< bool, TaskKey > & Warning()
Represents the flag which indicates that task has schedule discrepancies.
static Key< System::Decimal, TaskKey > & ActualOvertimeCost()
Costs incurred for overtime work already performed on tasks by assigned resources.
static Key< System::TimeSpan, TaskKey > & FinishSlackTimeSpan()
The duration between the Early Finish and Late Finish dates.
static Key< System::DateTime, TaskKey > & Stop()
The date that represents the end of the actual portion of a task.
static Key< NullableBool, TaskKey > & LevelingCanSplit()
Determines whether the resource leveling function can cause splits on remaining work on this task.
static Key< NullableBool, TaskKey > & IsEstimated()
Determines whether a task is estimated.
static Key< NullableBool, TaskKey > & IsActive()
Determines whether a task is active. Inactive tasks no longer affect other tasks or the overall Proje...
static Key< System::String, TaskKey > & NotesRTF()
The text notes in RTF format.
static Key< NullableBool, TaskKey > & IsOverallocated()
Indicates whether any of the assigned resources on a task is assigned to more work on the task than c...
static Key< int32_t, TaskKey > & Priority()
The level of importance given to a task, which in turn indicates how readily a task or assignment can...
static Key< System::DateTime, TaskKey > & LateStart()
The latest date that a task can start without delaying the finish of the project.
static Key< System::DateTime, TaskKey > & EarlyFinish()
The earliest date that a task could possibly finish, based on early finish dates of predecessor and s...
static Key< double, TaskKey > & ACWP()
Costs incurred for work already done on a task, up to the project status date or today's date.
static Key< int32_t, TaskKey > & ExternalUid()
Contains the external task's Unique identifier when the task is external.
static Key< bool, TaskKey > & IsSubproject()
Determines whether a task is an inserted project.
static Key< NullableBool, TaskKey > & IsResumeValid()
Determines whether a task can be resumed.
static Key< Aspose::Tasks::ConstraintType, TaskKey > & ConstraintType()
Provides choices for the type of constraint that can be applied for scheduling a task.
static Key< NullableBool, TaskKey > & HasOverallocatedResource()
Indicates whether the task has an resource assigned which has more work on assigned tasks than can be...
static Key< System::DateTime, TaskKey > & Resume()
The date that the remaining part of a task is scheduled to resume after entering any progress.
static Key< int32_t, TaskKey > & OutlineLevel()
The outline level of a task.
static Key< System::DateTime, TaskKey > & Finish()
The scheduled finish date of a task.
static Key< double, TaskKey > & BCWS()
The cumulative time phased baseline costs up to the status date or today's date.
static Key< Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey > & FinishVariance()
The time that represents the difference between the baseline finish date of a task or assignment and ...
static Key< Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey > & ManualDuration()
Defines manually scheduled duration of a task.
static Key< TaskType, TaskKey > & Type()
The type of a task.
static Key< NullableBool, TaskKey > & IsRollup()
Determines whether information about the subtask Gantt bars will be rolled up to the summary task bar...
static Key< NullableBool, TaskKey > & DisplayAsSummary()
Determines whether the task should be displayed as a summary task.
static Key< System::DateTime, TaskKey > & CommitmentFinish()
The finish date of a delivery.
static Key< Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey > & WorkVariance()
The difference between baseline work of a task and the currently scheduled work.
static Key< int32_t, TaskKey > & ExternalId()
If a task is an external task it contains the task's external Id.
static Key< NullableBool, TaskKey > & IsMilestone()
Determines whether a task is a milestone.
static Key< Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey > & DurationVariance()
The difference between the baseline duration of a task and the total duration (current estimate) of a...
static Key< System::DateTime, TaskKey > & ActualFinish()
The date when a task was completed.
static Key< NullableBool, TaskKey > & IsRecurring()
Determines whether a task is part of a series of recurring tasks.
static Key< System::TimeSpan, TaskKey > & StartSlackTimeSpan()
The duration between the Early Start and Late Start dates.
static Key< System::DateTime, TaskKey > & Start()
The scheduled start date of a task.
static Key< CostAccrualType, TaskKey > & FixedCostAccrual()
Determines choices for how and when fixed costs are to be charged, or accrued, to the cost of a task.
static Key< int32_t, TaskKey > & PhysicalPercentComplete()
Percent complete value that can be be used as an alternative for calculating budgeted cost of work pe...
static Key< bool, TaskKey > & IsExternalTask()
Determines whether a task is external.
static Key< Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey > & ActualDuration()
The span of actual working time for a task, based on the scheduled duration and current remaining wor...
static Key< System::Decimal, TaskKey > & RemainingOvertimeCost()
The remaining scheduled overtime expense for a task.
static Key< System::Decimal, TaskKey > & Cost()
The total scheduled or projected cost for a task based on costs already incurred for work performed b...
static Key< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::Calendar >, TaskKey > & Calendar()
The task calendar.
static Key< System::String, TaskKey > & DurationText()
Returns the task's duration text.
static Key< double, TaskKey > & BCWP()
The cumulative value of the task's percent complete multiplied by the time phased baseline costs.
static Key< System::String, TaskKey > & ActivityId()
Represents activity id field - a task's unique identifier used by Primavera. (only applicable to Prim...
static Key< bool, TaskKey > & IsMarked()
Shows whether a task is marked for further action or identification of some kind.
static Key< System::TimeSpan, TaskKey > & FreeSlackTimeSpan()
The time that a task can be delayed without delaying any successor tasks.
static Key< System::DateTime, TaskKey > & EarlyStart()
The earliest date that a task could possibly begin, based on the early start dates of predecessor and...
static Key< Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey > & RemainingOvertimeWork()
The amount of remaining scheduled overtime time.
static Key< System::DateTime, TaskKey > & LateFinish()
The latest date that a task can finish without delaying the finish of the project.
static Key< System::String, TaskKey > & StartText()
Returns the task's start text.
static Key< double, TaskKey > & CostVariance()
The difference between the baseline cost and total cost for a task, resource, or assignment.
static Key< int32_t, TaskKey > & CommitmentType()
Determines whether a task has an associated delivery or a dependency on an associated delivery.
static Key< System::String, TaskKey > & Hyperlink()
The title or explanatory text for a hyperlink associated with a task.
static Key< Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey > & RemainingWork()
The time still required to complete a task or set of tasks.
static Key< System::String, TaskKey > & FinishText()
Returns the task's finish text.
static Key< Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey > & ActualWorkProtected()
The duration through which actual work is protected.
static Key< System::DateTime, TaskKey > & ManualFinish()
Defines manually scheduled finish of a task.
static Key< System::Decimal, TaskKey > & BudgetCost()
Budget costs for budget cost resources. Budget resources are assigned only to the project summary tas...
static Key< NullableBool, TaskKey > & IsCritical()
Determines whether a task is on the critical path.
static Key< System::String, TaskKey > & NotesText()
Notes' plain text extracted from RTF data.
static Key< System::String, TaskKey > & OutlineNumber()
The number that represents a task's position in the hierarchical outline structure.
static Key< double, TaskKey > & SV()
The earned value schedule variance, through the project status date. Schedule variance (SV) is the di...
static Key< System::String, TaskKey > & HyperlinkSubAddress()
The specific location in a document in a hyperlink associated with a task.
static Key< NullableBool, TaskKey > & HideBar()
Determines whether the Gantt bar of a task is hidden when displayed in Microsoft Project.
static Key< System::DateTime, TaskKey > & ManualStart()
Defines manually scheduled start of a task.
static Key< System::DateTime, TaskKey > & CommitmentStart()
The start date of a delivery.
static Key< NullableBool, TaskKey > & IsEffortDriven()
Determines whether the scheduling for the task is effort-driven scheduling.
static Key< bool, TaskKey > & DisplayOnTimeline()
Specifies whether a task should be displayed on a timeline view.
static Key< NullableBool, TaskKey > & IsSubprojectReadOnly()
Determines whether a subproject is read-only.
static Key< bool, TaskKey > & IgnoreWarnings()
Indicates whether to hide the schedule conflict warning indicator in Microsoft Project.
static Key< System::Decimal, TaskKey > & RemainingCost()
The remaining scheduled expense that will be incurred in completing the remaining scheduled work.
static Key< NullableBool, TaskKey > & IsExpanded()
Determines whether a summary task is expanded or not in GanttChart view.
static Key< System::DateTime, TaskKey > & Created()
The date when a task was created.
static Key< int32_t, TaskKey > & PercentComplete()
The current status of a task, expressed as the percentage of the task's duration that has been comple...
static Key< Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey > & RemainingDuration()
The time that is required to complete the unfinished part of a task.
static Key< System::DateTime, TaskKey > & ConstraintDate()
The specific date associated with the constraint type.
static Key< System::TimeSpan, TaskKey > & TotalSlackTimeSpan()
The time a task's finish date can be delayed without delaying the project's finish date.
static Key< Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey > & ActualOvertimeWorkProtected()
The duration through which actual overtime work is protected.
static Key< System::String, TaskKey > & StatusManager()
The name of the enterprise resource who is to receive status updates for the current task from resour...
static Key< System::DateTime, TaskKey > & PreleveledFinish()
The finish date of a task as it was before resource leveling was done.
static Key< System::String, TaskKey > & WBS()
Work breakdown structure (WBS) codes.
static Key< NullableBool, TaskKey > & IsManual()
Determines whether a task is manually scheduled.
static Key< Aspose::Tasks::Duration, TaskKey > & ActualOvertimeWork()
The actual amount of overtime work already performed by resources assigned to tasks.
static Key< System::String, TaskKey > & Guid()
The generated unique identification codes for a task.
static Key< int32_t, TaskKey > & Id()
The position identifier of a task within the list of tasks.
Definition: Asn.h:13