Aspose.Tasks for C++
Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException Class Referencefinal

Represent exceptional time periods in a calendar. More...

#include <CalendarException.h>

Inherits Object.

Public Member Functions

bool get_EnteredByOccurrences () const
 Gets a value indicating whether the range of recurrence is defined by entering a number of occurrences. False specifies that the range of recurrence is defined by entering a finish date. More...
void set_EnteredByOccurrences (bool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether the range of recurrence is defined by entering a number of occurrences. False specifies that the range of recurrence is defined by entering a finish date. More...
System::DateTime get_FromDate () const
 Gets the beginning of the exception time. More...
void set_FromDate (System::DateTime value)
 Sets the beginning of the exception time. More...
System::DateTime get_ToDate () const
 Gets the end of the exception time. More...
void set_ToDate (System::DateTime value)
 Sets the end of the exception time. More...
int32_t get_Occurrences () const
 Gets the number of occurrences for which the calendar exception is valid. More...
void set_Occurrences (int32_t value)
 Sets the number of occurrences for which the calendar exception is valid. More...
System::String get_Name () const
 Gets the name of the exception. More...
void set_Name (const System::String &value)
 Sets the name of the exception. More...
CalendarExceptionType get_Type () const
 Gets the exception type. More...
void set_Type (CalendarExceptionType value)
 Sets the exception type. More...
int32_t get_Period () const
 Gets the period of recurrence for the exception. More...
void set_Period (int32_t value)
 Sets the period of recurrence for the exception. More...
const System::SharedPtr
< DayTypeCollection > & 
get_DaysOfWeek () const
 Gets the DayTypeCollection for this object. The days of the week on which the exception is valid. More...
MonthItemType get_MonthItem () const
 Gets the month item for which an exception recurrence is scheduled. More...
void set_MonthItem (MonthItemType value)
 Sets the month item for which an exception recurrence is scheduled. More...
Aspose::Tasks::MonthPosition get_MonthPosition () const
 Gets the position of a month item within a month. More...
void set_MonthPosition (Aspose::Tasks::MonthPosition value)
 Sets the position of a month item within a month. More...
Aspose::Tasks::Month get_Month () const
 Gets the month for which an exception recurrence is scheduled. More...
void set_Month (Aspose::Tasks::Month value)
 Sets the month for which an exception recurrence is scheduled. More...
int32_t get_MonthDay () const
 Gets the day of a month on which an exception recurrence is scheduled. More...
void set_MonthDay (int32_t value)
 Sets the day of a month on which an exception recurrence is scheduled. More...
bool get_DayWorking () const
 Gets a value indicating whether the specified date or day type is working. More...
void set_DayWorking (bool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether the specified date or day type is working. More...
const System::SharedPtr
< WorkingTimeCollection > & 
get_WorkingTimes () const
 Gets the WorkingTimeCollection object. The collection of working times that defines the time worked on the weekday. More...
void set_WorkingTimes (const System::SharedPtr< WorkingTimeCollection > &value)
 Sets the WorkingTimeCollection object. The collection of working times that defines the time worked on the weekday. More...
const System::SharedPtr
< Calendar > & 
get_ParentCalendar () const
 Gets the parent calendar for this object. More...
 CalendarException ()
 Initializes a new instance of the CalendarException class. More...
void Delete ()
 Deletes the Exception instance from parent calendar CalendarExceptionCollection object. More...
bool CheckException (System::DateTime dt)
 Returns true if the specified instance of the DateTime struct is the exception day. More...
System::TimeSpan GetWorkingTime ()
 Returns the working time for a calendar exception. More...
< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable
< System::DateTime > > 
GetExceptionDates ()
 Returns dates on which the calendar exception is applicable. More...

Detailed Description

Represent exceptional time periods in a calendar.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::CalendarException ( )

Initializes a new instance of the CalendarException class.

Member Function Documentation

bool Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::CheckException ( System::DateTime  dt)

Returns true if the specified instance of the DateTime struct is the exception day.

dtthe specified instance of the DateTime struct.
Returns true if DateTime value is the exception day; otherwise, false.
void Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::Delete ( )

Deletes the Exception instance from parent calendar CalendarExceptionCollection object.

const System::SharedPtr<DayTypeCollection>& Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::get_DaysOfWeek ( ) const

Gets the DayTypeCollection for this object. The days of the week on which the exception is valid.

bool Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::get_DayWorking ( ) const

Gets a value indicating whether the specified date or day type is working.

bool Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::get_EnteredByOccurrences ( ) const

Gets a value indicating whether the range of recurrence is defined by entering a number of occurrences. False specifies that the range of recurrence is defined by entering a finish date.

System::DateTime Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::get_FromDate ( ) const

Gets the beginning of the exception time.

Aspose::Tasks::Month Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::get_Month ( ) const

Gets the month for which an exception recurrence is scheduled.

int32_t Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::get_MonthDay ( ) const

Gets the day of a month on which an exception recurrence is scheduled.

MonthItemType Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::get_MonthItem ( ) const

Gets the month item for which an exception recurrence is scheduled.

Aspose::Tasks::MonthPosition Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::get_MonthPosition ( ) const

Gets the position of a month item within a month.

System::String Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::get_Name ( ) const

Gets the name of the exception.

int32_t Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::get_Occurrences ( ) const

Gets the number of occurrences for which the calendar exception is valid.

const System::SharedPtr<Calendar>& Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::get_ParentCalendar ( ) const

Gets the parent calendar for this object.

int32_t Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::get_Period ( ) const

Gets the period of recurrence for the exception.

System::DateTime Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::get_ToDate ( ) const

Gets the end of the exception time.

CalendarExceptionType Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::get_Type ( ) const

Gets the exception type.

const System::SharedPtr<WorkingTimeCollection>& Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::get_WorkingTimes ( ) const

Gets the WorkingTimeCollection object. The collection of working times that defines the time worked on the weekday.

At least one working time must present, and there can't be more than five.

System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable<System::DateTime> > Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::GetExceptionDates ( )

Returns dates on which the calendar exception is applicable.

Returns a collection of exception dates the calendar exception is applicable for.
System::TimeSpan Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::GetWorkingTime ( )

Returns the working time for a calendar exception.

Returns working time for this calendar exception.
void Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::set_DayWorking ( bool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether the specified date or day type is working.

void Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::set_EnteredByOccurrences ( bool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether the range of recurrence is defined by entering a number of occurrences. False specifies that the range of recurrence is defined by entering a finish date.

void Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::set_FromDate ( System::DateTime  value)

Sets the beginning of the exception time.

void Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::set_Month ( Aspose::Tasks::Month  value)

Sets the month for which an exception recurrence is scheduled.

void Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::set_MonthDay ( int32_t  value)

Sets the day of a month on which an exception recurrence is scheduled.

void Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::set_MonthItem ( MonthItemType  value)

Sets the month item for which an exception recurrence is scheduled.

void Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::set_MonthPosition ( Aspose::Tasks::MonthPosition  value)

Sets the position of a month item within a month.

void Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::set_Name ( const System::String &  value)

Sets the name of the exception.

void Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::set_Occurrences ( int32_t  value)

Sets the number of occurrences for which the calendar exception is valid.

void Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::set_Period ( int32_t  value)

Sets the period of recurrence for the exception.

void Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::set_ToDate ( System::DateTime  value)

Sets the end of the exception time.

void Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::set_Type ( CalendarExceptionType  value)

Sets the exception type.

void Aspose::Tasks::CalendarException::set_WorkingTimes ( const System::SharedPtr< WorkingTimeCollection > &  value)

Sets the WorkingTimeCollection object. The collection of working times that defines the time worked on the weekday.

At least one working time must present, and there can't be more than five.