Aspose.Tasks for C++
Aspose::Tasks::OutlineValueCollection Class Reference

Represents a collection of OutlineValue objects. More...

#include <OutlineValueCollection.h>

Inherits System::Collections::Generic::IList< typename >.

Public Types

using iterator_holder_type = System::Collections::Generic::List< System::SharedPtr< OutlineValue >>
 A collection type whose iterator types is used as iterator types in the current collection.
using iterator = typename iterator_holder_type::iterator
 Iterator type.
using const_iterator = typename iterator_holder_type::const_iterator
 Const iterator type.
using virtualized_iterator_element = typename iterator_holder_type::virtualized_iterator_element
 Virtualized element type.
using virtualized_iterator = typename iterator_holder_type::virtualized_iterator
 Virtualized type.

Public Member Functions

int32_t get_Count () const override
 Gets the number of elements contained in this collection. More...
bool get_IsReadOnly () const override
 Gets a value indicating whether this collection is read-only. More...
System::SharedPtr< OutlineValueidx_get (int32_t index) const override
 Returns the element at the specified index. More...
void idx_set (int32_t index, System::SharedPtr< OutlineValue > value) override
 Sets the element at the specified index. More...
< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerator
< System::SharedPtr
< OutlineValue > > > 
GetEnumerator () override
 Returns an enumerator for this collection. More...
void Add (const System::SharedPtr< OutlineValue > &item) override
 Adds the specified item to this collection. More...
void Clear () override
 Removes all items from this collection. More...
bool Contains (const System::SharedPtr< OutlineValue > &item) const override
 Returns true if the specified item is found in this collection; otherwise, false. More...
void CopyTo (System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< OutlineValue >> array, int32_t arrayIndex) override
 Copies the elements of this collection to the specified array, starting at the specified array index. More...
bool Remove (const System::SharedPtr< OutlineValue > &item) override
 Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from this collection. More...
int32_t IndexOf (const System::SharedPtr< OutlineValue > &item) const override
 Determines the index of the specified item in this collection. More...
void Insert (int32_t index, const System::SharedPtr< OutlineValue > &item) override
 Inserts the specified item at the specified index. More...
void RemoveAt (int32_t index) override
 Removes an item at the specified index. More...
iterator begin () noexcept
iterator end () noexcept
const_iterator begin () const noexcept
const_iterator end () const noexcept
const_iterator cbegin () const noexcept
const_iterator cend () const noexcept
virtualized_iteratorvirtualizeBeginIterator () override
virtualized_iteratorvirtualizeEndIterator () override
virtualized_iteratorvirtualizeBeginConstIterator () const override
virtualized_iteratorvirtualizeEndConstIterator () const override

Detailed Description

Represents a collection of OutlineValue objects.

Member Function Documentation

void Aspose::Tasks::OutlineValueCollection::Add ( const System::SharedPtr< OutlineValue > &  item)

Adds the specified item to this collection.

itemthe specified item to add to this collection.
iterator Aspose::Tasks::OutlineValueCollection::begin ( )

Gets iterator pointing to the first element (if any) of the collection.

An iterator pointing to the first element (if any) of the collection
const_iterator Aspose::Tasks::OutlineValueCollection::begin ( ) const

Gets iterator pointing to the first element (if any) of the const-qualified instance of the collection.

An iterator pointing to the first element (if any) of the const-qualified instance of the collection
const_iterator Aspose::Tasks::OutlineValueCollection::cbegin ( ) const

Gets iterator pointing to the first const-qualified element (if any) of the collection.

An iterator pointing to the first const-qualified element (if any) of the collection
const_iterator Aspose::Tasks::OutlineValueCollection::cend ( ) const

Gets iterator pointing right after the last const-qualified element (if any) of the collection.

An iterator pointing right after the last const-qualified element (if any) of the collection
void Aspose::Tasks::OutlineValueCollection::Clear ( )

Removes all items from this collection.

bool Aspose::Tasks::OutlineValueCollection::Contains ( const System::SharedPtr< OutlineValue > &  item) const

Returns true if the specified item is found in this collection; otherwise, false.

itemthe specified item to find.
true if the specified item is found in this collection; otherwise, false.
void Aspose::Tasks::OutlineValueCollection::CopyTo ( System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< OutlineValue >>  array,
int32_t  arrayIndex 

Copies the elements of this collection to the specified array, starting at the specified array index.

arraythe specified one-dimensional array to copy elements to
arrayIndexthe zero-based index of the specified array at which copying begins.
iterator Aspose::Tasks::OutlineValueCollection::end ( )

Gets iterator pointing right after the last element (if any) of the collection.

An iterator pointing right after the last element (if any) of the collection
const_iterator Aspose::Tasks::OutlineValueCollection::end ( ) const

Gets iterator pointing right after the last element (if any) of the const-qualified instance of the collection.

An iterator pointing right after the last element (if any) of the const-qualified instance of the collection
int32_t Aspose::Tasks::OutlineValueCollection::get_Count ( ) const

Gets the number of elements contained in this collection.

bool Aspose::Tasks::OutlineValueCollection::get_IsReadOnly ( ) const

Gets a value indicating whether this collection is read-only.

System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerator<System::SharedPtr<OutlineValue> > > Aspose::Tasks::OutlineValueCollection::GetEnumerator ( )

Returns an enumerator for this collection.

an enumerator for this collection.
System::SharedPtr<OutlineValue> Aspose::Tasks::OutlineValueCollection::idx_get ( int32_t  index) const

Returns the element at the specified index.

indexThe zero-based index of the element to get or set.
the element at the specified index.
void Aspose::Tasks::OutlineValueCollection::idx_set ( int32_t  index,
System::SharedPtr< OutlineValue value 

Sets the element at the specified index.

indexThe zero-based index of the element to get or set.
valuethe element at the specified index.
int32_t Aspose::Tasks::OutlineValueCollection::IndexOf ( const System::SharedPtr< OutlineValue > &  item) const

Determines the index of the specified item in this collection.

itemthe specified item to locate in this collection.
the index of the specified item if found; otherwise, -1.
void Aspose::Tasks::OutlineValueCollection::Insert ( int32_t  index,
const System::SharedPtr< OutlineValue > &  item 

Inserts the specified item at the specified index.

indexthe specified zero-based index at which the item should be inserted.
itemthe specified item to insert to this collection.
bool Aspose::Tasks::OutlineValueCollection::Remove ( const System::SharedPtr< OutlineValue > &  item)

Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from this collection.

itemthe specified object to remove.
true if the specified object was successfully removed from this collection; otherwise, false.
void Aspose::Tasks::OutlineValueCollection::RemoveAt ( int32_t  index)

Removes an item at the specified index.

indexthe specified zero-based index to remove an item at.
virtualized_iterator* Aspose::Tasks::OutlineValueCollection::virtualizeBeginConstIterator ( ) const

Gets iterator pointing to the first element (if any)of the const-qualified instance of the collection.

An iterator pointing to the first element (if any)of the const-qualified instance of the collection Provides const iterator implementation to container's first element.
Newly-created iterator object.
virtualized_iterator* Aspose::Tasks::OutlineValueCollection::virtualizeBeginIterator ( )

Gets iterator pointing to the first element (if any) of the collection.

An iterator pointing to the first element (if any) of the collection Provides iterator implementation to container's first element.
Newly-created iterator object.
virtualized_iterator* Aspose::Tasks::OutlineValueCollection::virtualizeEndConstIterator ( ) const

Gets iterator pointing right after the last element (if any)of the const-qualified instance of the collection.

An iterator pointing right after the last element (if any)of the const-qualified instance of the collection Provides const iterator implementation to container's end.
Newly-created iterator object.
virtualized_iterator* Aspose::Tasks::OutlineValueCollection::virtualizeEndIterator ( )

Gets iterator pointing right after the last element (if any) of the collection.

An iterator pointing right after the last element (if any) of the collection Provides iterator implementation to container's end.
Newly-created iterator object.