Aspose.Tasks for C++
Aspose::Tasks::Project Class Reference

Represents a project. More...

#include <Project.h>

Inherits Aspose::Tasks::IContainer< K >, and Aspose::LicenseV2::Venture::IVentureLicensed.

Public Member Functions

NullableBool get_ActualsInSync ()
 Gets a value indicating whether ActualsInSync is set or not. More...
void set_ActualsInSync (NullableBool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether ActualsInSync is set or not. More...
NullableBool get_AdminProject ()
 Gets a value indicating whether AdminProject is set or not. More...
void set_AdminProject (NullableBool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether AdminProject is set or not. More...
NullableBool get_AreEditableActualCosts ()
 Gets a value indicating whether AreEditableActualCosts is set or not. More...
void set_AreEditableActualCosts (NullableBool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether AreEditableActualCosts is set or not. More...
System::String get_Author ()
 Gets a value of Author. More...
void set_Author (const System::String &value)
 Sets a value of Author. More...
NullableBool get_AutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks ()
 Gets a value indicating whether AutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks is set or not. More...
void set_AutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks (NullableBool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether AutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks is set or not. More...
NullableBool get_Autolink ()
 Gets a value indicating whether Autolink is set or not. More...
void set_Autolink (NullableBool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether Autolink is set or not. More...
BaselineType get_BaselineForEarnedValue ()
 Gets a value of BaselineForEarnedValue. More...
void set_BaselineForEarnedValue (BaselineType value)
 Sets a value of BaselineForEarnedValue. More...
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::Calendarget_Calendar ()
 Gets a value of Calendar. More...
void set_Calendar (const System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::Calendar > &value)
 Sets a value of Calendar. More...
System::String get_Category ()
 Gets a value of Category. More...
void set_Category (const System::String &value)
 Sets a value of Category. More...
System::String get_Comments ()
 Gets a value of Comments. More...
void set_Comments (const System::String &value)
 Sets a value of Comments. More...
System::String get_Company ()
 Gets a value of Company. More...
void set_Company (const System::String &value)
 Sets a value of Company. More...
System::DateTime get_CreationDate ()
 Gets a value of CreationDate. More...
void set_CreationDate (System::DateTime value)
 Sets a value of CreationDate. More...
int32_t get_CriticalSlackLimit ()
 Gets a value of CriticalSlackLimit. More...
void set_CriticalSlackLimit (int32_t value)
 Sets a value of CriticalSlackLimit. More...
System::String get_CurrencyCode ()
 Gets a value of CurrencyCode. More...
void set_CurrencyCode (const System::String &value)
 Sets a value of CurrencyCode. More...
int32_t get_CurrencyDigits ()
 Gets a value of CurrencyDigits. More...
void set_CurrencyDigits (int32_t value)
 Sets a value of CurrencyDigits. More...
System::String get_CurrencySymbol ()
 Gets a value of CurrencySymbol. More...
void set_CurrencySymbol (const System::String &value)
 Sets a value of CurrencySymbol. More...
CurrencySymbolPositionType get_CurrencySymbolPosition ()
 Gets a value of CurrencySymbolPosition. More...
void set_CurrencySymbolPosition (CurrencySymbolPositionType value)
 Sets a value of CurrencySymbolPosition. More...
System::DateTime get_CurrentDate ()
 Gets a value of CurrentDate. More...
void set_CurrentDate (System::DateTime value)
 Sets a value of CurrentDate. More...
Aspose::Tasks::DateFormat get_DateFormat ()
 Gets a value of DateFormat. More...
void set_DateFormat (Aspose::Tasks::DateFormat value)
 Sets a value of DateFormat. More...
System::String get_CustomDateFormat ()
 Gets a value of CustomDateFormat. More...
void set_CustomDateFormat (const System::String &value)
 Sets a value of CustomDateFormat. More...
int32_t get_DaysPerMonth ()
 Gets a value of DaysPerMonth. More...
void set_DaysPerMonth (int32_t value)
 Sets a value of DaysPerMonth. More...
System::DateTime get_DefaultFinishTime ()
 Gets a value of DefaultFinishTime. More...
void set_DefaultFinishTime (System::DateTime value)
 Sets a value of DefaultFinishTime. More...
CostAccrualType get_DefaultFixedCostAccrual ()
 Gets a value of DefaultFixedCostAccrual. More...
void set_DefaultFixedCostAccrual (CostAccrualType value)
 Sets a value of DefaultFixedCostAccrual. More...
double get_DefaultOvertimeRate ()
 Gets a value of DefaultOvertimeRate. More...
void set_DefaultOvertimeRate (double value)
 Sets a value of DefaultOvertimeRate. More...
double get_DefaultStandardRate ()
 Gets a value of DefaultStandardRate. More...
void set_DefaultStandardRate (double value)
 Sets a value of DefaultStandardRate. More...
System::DateTime get_DefaultStartTime ()
 Gets a value of DefaultStartTime. More...
void set_DefaultStartTime (System::DateTime value)
 Sets a value of DefaultStartTime. More...
EarnedValueMethodType get_DefaultTaskEVMethod ()
 Gets a value of DefaultTaskEVMethod. More...
void set_DefaultTaskEVMethod (EarnedValueMethodType value)
 Sets a value of DefaultTaskEVMethod. More...
TaskType get_DefaultTaskType ()
 Gets a value of DefaultTaskType. More...
void set_DefaultTaskType (TaskType value)
 Sets a value of DefaultTaskType. More...
TimeUnitType get_DurationFormat ()
 Gets a value of DurationFormat. More...
void set_DurationFormat (TimeUnitType value)
 Sets a value of DurationFormat. More...
EarnedValueMethodType get_EarnedValueMethod ()
 Gets a value of EarnedValueMethod. More...
void set_EarnedValueMethod (EarnedValueMethodType value)
 Sets a value of EarnedValueMethod. More...
System::DateTime get_ExtendedCreationDate ()
 Gets a value of ExtendedCreationDate. More...
void set_ExtendedCreationDate (System::DateTime value)
 Sets a value of ExtendedCreationDate. More...
System::DateTime get_FinishDate ()
 Gets a value of FinishDate. More...
void set_FinishDate (System::DateTime value)
 Sets a value of FinishDate. More...
NullableBool get_FiscalYearStart ()
 Gets a value indicating whether FiscalYearStart is set or not. More...
void set_FiscalYearStart (NullableBool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether FiscalYearStart is set or not. More...
Month get_FyStartDate ()
 Gets a value of FyStartDate. More...
void set_FyStartDate (Month value)
 Sets a value of FyStartDate. More...
NullableBool get_HonorConstraints ()
 Gets a value indicating whether HonorConstraints is set or not. More...
void set_HonorConstraints (NullableBool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether HonorConstraints is set or not. More...
System::String get_HyperlinkBase ()
 Gets a value of HyperlinkBase. More...
void set_HyperlinkBase (const System::String &value)
 Sets a value of HyperlinkBase. More...
NullableBool get_InsertedProjectsLikeSummary ()
 Gets a value indicating whether InsertedProjectsLikeSummary is set or not. More...
void set_InsertedProjectsLikeSummary (NullableBool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether InsertedProjectsLikeSummary is set or not. More...
NullableBool get_KeepTaskOnNearestWorkingTimeWhenMadeAutoScheduled ()
 Gets a value indicating whether KeepTaskOnNearestWorkingTimeWhenMadeAutoScheduled is set or not. More...
void set_KeepTaskOnNearestWorkingTimeWhenMadeAutoScheduled (NullableBool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether KeepTaskOnNearestWorkingTimeWhenMadeAutoScheduled is set or not. More...
System::String get_Keywords ()
 Gets a value of Keywords. More...
void set_Keywords (const System::String &value)
 Sets a value of Keywords. More...
System::String get_LastAuthor ()
 Gets a value of LastAuthor. More...
void set_LastAuthor (const System::String &value)
 Sets a value of LastAuthor. More...
System::DateTime get_LastPrinted ()
 Gets a value of LastPrinted. More...
void set_LastPrinted (System::DateTime value)
 Sets a value of LastPrinted. More...
System::DateTime get_LastSaved ()
 Gets a value of LastSaved. More...
void set_LastSaved (System::DateTime value)
 Sets a value of LastSaved. More...
System::String get_Manager ()
 Gets a value of Manager. More...
void set_Manager (const System::String &value)
 Sets a value of Manager. More...
NullableBool get_MicrosoftProjectServerURL ()
 Gets a value indicating whether MicrosoftProjectServerURL is set or not. More...
void set_MicrosoftProjectServerURL (NullableBool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether MicrosoftProjectServerURL is set or not. More...
int32_t get_MinutesPerDay ()
 Gets a value of MinutesPerDay. More...
void set_MinutesPerDay (int32_t value)
 Sets a value of MinutesPerDay. More...
int32_t get_MinutesPerWeek ()
 Gets a value of MinutesPerWeek. More...
void set_MinutesPerWeek (int32_t value)
 Sets a value of MinutesPerWeek. More...
NullableBool get_MoveCompletedEndsBack ()
 Gets a value indicating whether MoveCompletedEndsBack is set or not. More...
void set_MoveCompletedEndsBack (NullableBool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether MoveCompletedEndsBack is set or not. More...
NullableBool get_MoveCompletedEndsForward ()
 Gets a value indicating whether MoveCompletedEndsForward is set or not. More...
void set_MoveCompletedEndsForward (NullableBool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether MoveCompletedEndsForward is set or not. More...
NullableBool get_MoveRemainingStartsBack ()
 Gets a value indicating whether MoveRemainingStartsBack is set or not. More...
void set_MoveRemainingStartsBack (NullableBool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether MoveRemainingStartsBack is set or not. More...
NullableBool get_MoveRemainingStartsForward ()
 Gets a value indicating whether MoveRemainingStartsForward is set or not. More...
void set_MoveRemainingStartsForward (NullableBool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether MoveRemainingStartsForward is set or not. More...
NullableBool get_MultipleCriticalPaths ()
 Gets a value indicating whether MultipleCriticalPaths is set or not. More...
void set_MultipleCriticalPaths (NullableBool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether MultipleCriticalPaths is set or not. More...
System::String get_Name ()
 Gets a value of Name. More...
void set_Name (const System::String &value)
 Sets a value of Name. More...
NullableBool get_NewTasksAreManual ()
 Gets a value indicating whether NewTasksAreManual is set or not. More...
void set_NewTasksAreManual (NullableBool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether NewTasksAreManual is set or not. More...
NullableBool get_NewTasksEffortDriven ()
 Gets a value indicating whether NewTasksEffortDriven is set or not. More...
void set_NewTasksEffortDriven (NullableBool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether NewTasksEffortDriven is set or not. More...
NullableBool get_NewTasksEstimated ()
 Gets a value indicating whether NewTasksEstimated is set or not. More...
void set_NewTasksEstimated (NullableBool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether NewTasksEstimated is set or not. More...
TaskStartDateType get_NewTaskStartDate ()
 Gets a value of NewTaskStartDate. More...
void set_NewTaskStartDate (TaskStartDateType value)
 Sets a value of NewTaskStartDate. More...
NullableBool get_ProjectExternallyEdited ()
 Gets a value indicating whether ProjectExternallyEdited is set or not. More...
void set_ProjectExternallyEdited (NullableBool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether ProjectExternallyEdited is set or not. More...
NullableBool get_RemoveFileProperties ()
 Gets a value indicating whether RemoveFileProperties is set or not. More...
void set_RemoveFileProperties (NullableBool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether RemoveFileProperties is set or not. More...
int32_t get_Revision ()
 Gets a value of Revision. More...
void set_Revision (int32_t value)
 Sets a value of Revision. More...
int32_t get_SaveVersion ()
 Gets a value of SaveVersion. More...
void set_SaveVersion (int32_t value)
 Sets a value of SaveVersion. More...
NullableBool get_ScheduleFromStart ()
 Gets a value indicating whether ScheduleFromStart is set or not. More...
void set_ScheduleFromStart (NullableBool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether ScheduleFromStart is set or not. More...
bool get_ShowProjectSummaryTask ()
 Gets a value indicating whether ShowProjectSummaryTask is set or not. More...
void set_ShowProjectSummaryTask (bool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether ShowProjectSummaryTask is set or not. More...
NullableBool get_SplitsInProgressTasks ()
 Gets a value indicating whether SplitsInProgressTasks is set or not. More...
void set_SplitsInProgressTasks (NullableBool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether SplitsInProgressTasks is set or not. More...
NullableBool get_SpreadActualCost ()
 Gets a value indicating whether SpreadActualCost is set or not. More...
void set_SpreadActualCost (NullableBool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether SpreadActualCost is set or not. More...
NullableBool get_SpreadPercentComplete ()
 Gets a value indicating whether SpreadPercentComplete is set or not. More...
void set_SpreadPercentComplete (NullableBool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether SpreadPercentComplete is set or not. More...
System::DateTime get_StartDate ()
 Gets a value of StartDate. More...
void set_StartDate (System::DateTime value)
 Sets a value of StartDate. More...
System::DateTime get_StatusDate ()
 Gets a value of StatusDate. More...
void set_StatusDate (System::DateTime value)
 Sets a value of StatusDate. More...
System::String get_Subject ()
 Gets a value of Subject. More...
void set_Subject (const System::String &value)
 Sets a value of Subject. More...
NullableBool get_TaskUpdatesResource ()
 Gets a value indicating whether TaskUpdatesResource is set or not. More...
void set_TaskUpdatesResource (NullableBool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether TaskUpdatesResource is set or not. More...
System::String get_Template ()
 Gets a value of Template. More...
void set_Template (const System::String &value)
 Sets a value of Template. More...
System::DateTime get_TimescaleFinish ()
 Gets a value of TimescaleFinish. More...
void set_TimescaleFinish (System::DateTime value)
 Sets a value of TimescaleFinish. More...
System::DateTime get_TimescaleStart ()
 Gets a value of TimescaleStart. More...
void set_TimescaleStart (System::DateTime value)
 Sets a value of TimescaleStart. More...
System::String get_Title ()
 Gets a value of Title. More...
void set_Title (const System::String &value)
 Sets a value of Title. More...
System::String get_Uid ()
 Gets a value of Uid. More...
void set_Uid (const System::String &value)
 Sets a value of Uid. More...
NullableBool get_UpdateManuallyScheduledTasksWhenEditingLinks ()
 Gets a value indicating whether UpdateManuallyScheduledTasksWhenEditingLinks is set or not. More...
void set_UpdateManuallyScheduledTasksWhenEditingLinks (NullableBool value)
 Sets a value indicating whether UpdateManuallyScheduledTasksWhenEditingLinks is set or not. More...
DayType get_WeekStartDay ()
 Gets a value of WeekStartDay. More...
void set_WeekStartDay (DayType value)
 Sets a value of WeekStartDay. More...
TimeUnitType get_WorkFormat ()
 Gets a value of WorkFormat. More...
void set_WorkFormat (TimeUnitType value)
 Sets a value of WorkFormat. More...
System::Guid get_Guid ()
 Gets a value of Guid. More...
void set_Guid (System::Guid value)
 Sets a value of Guid. More...
bool get_AutoCalculateAssignmentCosts ()
 Gets whether assignment cost and remaining cost should be auto calculated using assignment's work and resource rates. More...
void set_AutoCalculateAssignmentCosts (bool value)
 Sets whether assignment cost and remaining cost should be auto calculated using assignment's work and resource rates. More...
System::SharedPtr< Viewget_DefaultView ()
 Gets default view of the project. More...
void set_DefaultView (const System::SharedPtr< View > &value)
 Sets default view of the project. More...
const System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::VbaProject > & get_VbaProject () const
 Gets an instance of VbaProject class. More...
System::SharedPtr< ProjectDisplayOptionsget_DisplayOptions () const
 Gets an instance of the ProjectDisplayOptions class. More...
Aspose::Tasks::CalculationMode get_CalculationMode () const
 Gets calculation mode of a project. Can be one of the values of CalculationMode enumeration. More...
void set_CalculationMode (Aspose::Tasks::CalculationMode value)
 Sets calculation mode of a project. Can be one of the values of CalculationMode enumeration. More...
const System::SharedPtr< Task > & get_RootTask () const
 Gets the root of the tree of tasks. More...
const System::SharedPtr< TaskLinkCollection > & get_TaskLinks () const
 Gets TaskLinkCollection object. More...
const System::SharedPtr< CalendarCollection > & get_Calendars () const
 Gets CalendarCollection object of this Project instance. More...
const System::SharedPtr< ResourceCollection > & get_Resources () const
 Gets ResourceCollection object. More...
const System::SharedPtr< OutlineCodeDefinitionCollection > & get_OutlineCodes () const
 Gets OutlineCodeDefinitionCollection object. The collection of outline code definitions associated with a project. More...
const System::SharedPtr< ResourceAssignmentCollection > & get_ResourceAssignments () const
 Gets ResourceAssignmentCollection object. More...
const System::SharedPtr< WeekDayCollection > & get_DefaultWeekWorkingDays () const
 Gets the instance of WeekDayCollection class which represents a collection of project default week working days and working times. More...
const System::SharedPtr< Properties::BuiltInProjectPropertyCollection > & get_BuiltInProps () const
 Gets project's built-in properties collection. More...
const System::SharedPtr< Properties::CustomProjectPropertyCollection > & get_CustomProps () const
 Gets project's custom properties collection. More...
const System::SharedPtr< ExtendedAttributeDefinitionCollection > & get_ExtendedAttributes () const
 Gets ExtendedAttributeDefinitionCollection object. The collection of extended attribute (custom fields) definitions associated with a project. More...
System::SharedPtr< TaskCollectionget_CriticalPath ()
 Gets a collection which contains a list of Critical tasks which comprise Critical Path of this project. More...
System::SharedPtr< FilterCollectionget_TaskFilters ()
 Gets all the task-based filter definitions. TaskFilters is a collection of Filter objects. More...
System::SharedPtr< FilterCollectionget_ResourceFilters ()
 Gets all the resource-based filter definitions. ResourceFilters is a collection of Filter objects. More...
System::SharedPtr< ViewCollectionget_Views ()
 Gets a list of View objects. More...
System::SharedPtr< TableCollectionget_Tables ()
 Gets a list of Table objects. More...
System::SharedPtr< GroupCollectionget_TaskGroups ()
 Gets all the task-based group definitions. TaskGroups is a collection of Group objects. More...
System::SharedPtr< GroupCollectionget_ResourceGroups ()
 Gets all of the resource-based group definitions. ResourceGroups is a collection of Group objects. More...
const System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::WBSCodeDefinition > & get_WBSCodeDefinition () const
 Gets WBS Code Definition for the project. More...
void set_WBSCodeDefinition (const System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::WBSCodeDefinition > &value)
 Sets WBS Code Definition for the project. More...
System::SharedPtr< OleObjectCollectionget_OleObjects () const
 Gets a collection containing the instances of the OleObject class which are linked or embedded to this project file. More...
const System::SharedPtr< PrimaveraProjectProperties > & get_PrimaveraProperties () const
 Gets an object containing Primavera-specific properties for a project read from Primavera file. More...
 Project ()
 Initializes a new instance of the Project class. More...
 Project (const System::String &projectTemplate, const System::String &protectionPassword)
 Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a password protected template (existent mpp or mpt file). More...
 Project (const System::String &projectTemplate)
 Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a template (existent mpp or mpt file). More...
 Project (const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &stream, const System::SharedPtr< PrimaveraReadOptions > &options)
 Initializes a new instance of the Project class from the Stream with the specified instance of the PrimaveraReadOptions class. More...
 Project (const System::String &projectTemplate, ParseErrorCallback parseErrorHandler)
 Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a template (existent mpp or mpt file). More...
 Project (const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &stream)
 Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a stream. More...
 Project (const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::StreamReader > &reader)
 Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a StreamReader instance. More...
 Project (const System::String &projectTemplate, const System::SharedPtr< PrimaveraReadOptions > &options)
 Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a template (existent MPP or MPT file) with the specified instance of the PrimaveraReadOptions class. More...
 Project (const System::SharedPtr< Connectivity::DbSettings > &settings)
 Initializes a new instance of the Project class to read data from a database which is specified by the instance of the DbSettings class. More...
 Project (const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &stream, ParseErrorCallback parseErrorHandler)
 Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a template(existent mpp or mpt file). More...
 Project (const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &stream, const System::String &protectionPassword)
 Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a template(existent mpp or mpt file). More...
 Project (const System::String &projectTemplate, const System::SharedPtr< LoadOptions > &options)
 Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a template (existent mpp or mpt file) with the specified instance of the LoadOptions class. More...
 Project (const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &stream, const System::SharedPtr< LoadOptions > &options)
 Initializes a new instance of the Project class from the Stream with the specified instance of the LoadOptions class. More...
System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Task > > > SelectAllChildTasks ()
 Recursively collects all child tasks of the root task. More...
System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Task > > > EnumerateAllChildTasks ()
 Recursively enumerates all project's tasks including root task. More...
System::SharedPtr< TaskLinkCollectionGetPredecessors (const System::SharedPtr< Task > &task)
 Returns a collection of task links which are predecessors of the specified task. More...
template<typename T >
Get (const Key< T, PrjKey > &key) const
 Returns the value to which the property is mapped in this container. More...
template<typename T >
void Set (const Key< T, PrjKey > &key, const T &val)
 Maps the specified property to the specified value in this container. More...
void Set (const Key< System::DateTime, PrjKey > &key, const System::DateTime &val)
 Maps the specified property to the specified value in this container. More...
void RecalculateResourceStartFinish ()
 Recalculates Start and Finish of resources. More...
void RecalculateResourceFields ()
 Recalculates Id, Start and Finish of resources. More...
void RemoveInvalidResourceAssignments ()
 Eliminates invalid resource assignments from the project resource assignments list. More...
System::DateTime GetBaselineSaveTime (BaselineType baselineNumber)
 Returns the baseline save time. More...
void SetBaselineSaveTime (BaselineType baselineNumber, System::DateTime value)
 Sets the baseline save time. More...
void Recalculate ()
 Reschedules all project tasks ids, outline levels, start/finish dates, sets early/late dates, calculates slacks, work and cost fields. More...
void Recalculate (bool validate)
 Reschedules all project tasks ids, outline levels, start/finish dates, sets early/late dates, calculates slacks, work and cost fields with optional validation. More...
void Save (const System::String &filename, const System::SharedPtr< Saving::SimpleSaveOptions > &options)
 Saves the document to a file using the specified save options. More...
void Save (const System::String &filename, Saving::SaveFileFormat format)
 Saves the project data to the file. More...
void Save (const System::String &filename)
 Saves the project data to the file in mpp format. More...
void Save (const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &stream, const System::SharedPtr< Saving::SimpleSaveOptions > &options)
 Saves the project to a stream using the specified save options. More...
void Save (const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &stream, Saving::SaveFileFormat format)
 Saves the project data to the stream. More...
void SaveReport (const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &stream)
 Saves the project overview report to the stream. More...
void SaveReport (const System::String &fileName)
 Saves the project overview report to PDF file. More...
void SaveReport (const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &stream, Visualization::ReportType reportType)
 Saves the project report of the specified type to the specified stream. More...
void SaveReport (const System::String &fileName, Visualization::ReportType reportType)
 Saves the project report of the specified type in PDF format to the specified file path. More...
void SaveAsTemplate (const System::String &fileName, const System::SharedPtr< Saving::SaveTemplateOptions > &options)
 Saves the project as a template. More...
void SaveAsTemplate (const System::String &fileName)
 Saves the project as a template to the specified file path. More...
void SaveAsTemplate (const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &stream)
 Saves the project as a template to a specified stream. More...
void SaveAsTemplate (const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &stream, const System::SharedPtr< Saving::SaveTemplateOptions > &options)
 Saves the project as a template to a specified stream. More...
int32_t GetPageCount (const System::SharedPtr< Saving::SaveOptions > &saveOptions)
 Returns page count for the project to be rendered using given SaveOptions. More...
int32_t GetPageCount ()
 Returns page count for the project to be rendered using default Timescale(Days). More...
int32_t GetPageCount (Visualization::Timescale scale)
 Returns page count for the project to be rendered using given Timescale. More...
int32_t GetPageCount (Visualization::PresentationFormat format)
 Returns page count for the project to be rendered using default Timescale(Days) and given PresentationFormat More...
int32_t GetPageCount (Visualization::PresentationFormat format, Visualization::Timescale scale)
 Returns page count for the project to be rendered using given Timescale and PresentationFormat. More...
int32_t GetPageCount (Visualization::PageSize pageSize, Visualization::Timescale scale, System::DateTime startDate, System::DateTime endDate)
 Returns page count for the project to be rendered using given Timescale, PresentationFormat and date range. More...
int32_t GetPageCount (Visualization::PageSize pageSize, Visualization::Timescale scale)
 Returns page count for the project to be rendered using given Timescale and PageSize. More...
void CopyTo (const System::SharedPtr< Project > &another)
 Copies project's main data and properties to another project. More...
void CopyTo (const System::SharedPtr< Project > &another, const System::SharedPtr< CopyToOptions > &options)
 Copies project's main data and properties to another project. More...
void SetBaseline (BaselineType baselineType)
 Saves baseline fields to the specified baseline for the entire project. More...
void SetBaseline (BaselineType baselineType, const System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Task >>> &taskCollection)
 Saves baseline fields to the specified baseline for the selected tasks. More...
void UpdateProjectWorkAsComplete (System::DateTime completeThrough, bool setZeroOrHundredPercentCompleteOnly)
 Updates all work as complete through a specified date for the entire project. More...
void UpdateProjectWorkAsComplete (System::DateTime completeThrough, bool setZeroOrHundredPercentCompleteOnly, const System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::List< System::SharedPtr< Task >>> &taskCollection)
 Updates all work as complete through a specified date for the specified list of tasks. More...
void RescheduleUncompletedWorkToStartAfter (System::DateTime after)
 Reschedules uncompleted project work to start after a specified date. More...
void RescheduleUncompletedWorkToStartAfter (System::DateTime after, const System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::List< System::SharedPtr< Task >>> &taskCollection)
 Reschedules uncompleted work for a specified list of tasks to start after a specified date. More...
void RenumberWBSCode ()
 Renumber WBS code of all tasks. More...
void RenumberWBSCode (const System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::List< int32_t >> &taskIds)
 Renumber WBS code of passed tasks. More...
Duration GetDuration (double val)
 Gets Duration object with the specified number of units and default duration format which is defined in project's settings Prj::DurationFormat. More...
Duration GetDuration (double val, TimeUnitType timeUnit)
 Gets Duration object with the specified number of TimeUnitType units. More...
Duration GetDuration (System::TimeSpan timeSpan, TimeUnitType timeUnit)
 Gets Duration object with the specified TimeSpan value and specified TimeUnitType value. More...
Duration GetWork (double val)
 Gets Duration object with the specified double value and default work format. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static System::SharedPtr< ProjectFileInfoGetProjectFileInfo (const System::String &filename)
 Read project file info from the file. More...
static System::SharedPtr< ProjectFileInfoGetProjectFileInfo (const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &stream)
 Gets project file info from the stream. More...

Detailed Description

Represents a project.

The Project is a central class in the Aspose.Tasks library.

One can use Project to read one of supported project management formats: MPP, MPT, MPX, XML.

To load an existing document in any of the supported formats, pass a file name or a stream into one of the Project constructors. To create a blank project, call the parameterless constructor.

Use one of the Save method overloads to save the project in any of the Aspose::Tasks::Saving::SaveFileFormat formats: Primavera: P6 XML, PM XER; Microsoft Excel: XLSX, XML; Fixed Layout: PDF; Images: JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, SVG; Text: TXT; Others: HTML.

The Project stores project-wide information such as Aspose::Tasks::Project::Views, Aspose::Tasks::Project::BuiltInProps, Aspose::Tasks::Project::CustomProps, and Aspose::Tasks::Project::ExtendedAttributes. Most of these objects are accessible via the corresponding properties of the Project class.

The Project is a root entity that contains entry points to manipulate other project entities, such as Aspose::Tasks::Task, Aspose::Tasks::Resource, Aspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignment, Aspose::Tasks::ExtendedAttribute and Aspose::Tasks::Calendar.

The Project entities can be accessed via typed collections, for example Aspose::Tasks::Task::Children, Aspose::Tasks::Project::Resources, Aspose::Tasks::Project::ResourceAssignments, etc.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Project() [1/13]

Aspose::Tasks::Project::Project ( )

Initializes a new instance of the Project class.

◆ Project() [2/13]

Aspose::Tasks::Project::Project ( const System::String &  projectTemplate,
const System::String &  protectionPassword 

Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a password protected template (existent mpp or mpt file).

projectTemplatePath to template to create project from.
protectionPasswordProtection password.

Reading password protected files currently supported for MSP 2003 file format only.

◆ Project() [3/13]

Aspose::Tasks::Project::Project ( const System::String &  projectTemplate)

Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a template (existent mpp or mpt file).

projectTemplatePath to template to create project from.

◆ Project() [4/13]

Aspose::Tasks::Project::Project ( const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &  stream,
const System::SharedPtr< PrimaveraReadOptions > &  options 

Initializes a new instance of the Project class from the Stream with the specified instance of the PrimaveraReadOptions class.

streamStream of the Project System::IO::Streamclass
optionsthe specified instance of the PrimaveraReadOptionsclass which allows to customize reading of Primavera formats (XER or XML).

◆ Project() [5/13]

Aspose::Tasks::Project::Project ( const System::String &  projectTemplate,
ParseErrorCallback  parseErrorHandler 

Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a template (existent mpp or mpt file).

projectTemplatePath to template to create project from.
parseErrorHandlerthe specified callback method to handle xml parse errors.

◆ Project() [6/13]

Aspose::Tasks::Project::Project ( const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &  stream)

Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a stream.

streamStream to load a template from.

◆ Project() [7/13]

Aspose::Tasks::Project::Project ( const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::StreamReader > &  reader)

Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a StreamReader instance.

readerThe stream reader where to load a template from.

◆ Project() [8/13]

Aspose::Tasks::Project::Project ( const System::String &  projectTemplate,
const System::SharedPtr< PrimaveraReadOptions > &  options 

Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a template (existent MPP or MPT file) with the specified instance of the PrimaveraReadOptions class.

projectTemplatePath to template to create project from
optionsthe specified instance of the PrimaveraReadOptions class.

◆ Project() [9/13]

Aspose::Tasks::Project::Project ( const System::SharedPtr< Connectivity::DbSettings > &  settings)

Initializes a new instance of the Project class to read data from a database which is specified by the instance of the DbSettings class.

settingsthe specified instance of the DbSettings class.

◆ Project() [10/13]

Aspose::Tasks::Project::Project ( const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &  stream,
ParseErrorCallback  parseErrorHandler 

Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a template(existent mpp or mpt file).

streamStream to load a template from.
parseErrorHandlerthe specified callback method to handle xml parse errors.

◆ Project() [11/13]

Aspose::Tasks::Project::Project ( const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &  stream,
const System::String &  protectionPassword 

Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a template(existent mpp or mpt file).

streamStream to load a template from.
protectionPasswordProtection password.

Reading password protected files currently supported for MSP 2003 file format only.

◆ Project() [12/13]

Aspose::Tasks::Project::Project ( const System::String &  projectTemplate,
const System::SharedPtr< LoadOptions > &  options 

Initializes a new instance of the Project class from a template (existent mpp or mpt file) with the specified instance of the LoadOptions class.

projectTemplatePath to template to create project from
optionsthe specified instance of the LoadOptions class.

◆ Project() [13/13]

Aspose::Tasks::Project::Project ( const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &  stream,
const System::SharedPtr< LoadOptions > &  options 

Initializes a new instance of the Project class from the Stream with the specified instance of the LoadOptions class.

streamStream of the Project System::IO::Streamclass
optionsthe specified instance of the LoadOptionsclass

Member Function Documentation

◆ CopyTo() [1/2]

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::CopyTo ( const System::SharedPtr< Project > &  another)

Copies project's main data and properties to another project.

anotherAnother project to copy data to.

◆ CopyTo() [2/2]

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::CopyTo ( const System::SharedPtr< Project > &  another,
const System::SharedPtr< CopyToOptions > &  options 

Copies project's main data and properties to another project.

anotherAnother project to copy data to.
optionsCopy options to control copy process.

◆ EnumerateAllChildTasks()

System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable<System::SharedPtr<Task> > > Aspose::Tasks::Project::EnumerateAllChildTasks ( )

Recursively enumerates all project's tasks including root task.

IEnumerable which can be used to iterate over all project's tasks.

Provides a more lightweight way to iterate over tasks compared to SelectAllChildTasks method as it does not allocate memory for all tasks.

◆ Get()

template<typename T >
T Aspose::Tasks::Project::Get ( const Key< T, PrjKey > &  key) const

Returns the value to which the property is mapped in this container.

keythe specified property key. Prj for getting the property key.
Template Parameters
Tthe type of the mapped value.
the value to which the property is mapped in this container.

◆ get_ActualsInSync()

NullableBool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_ActualsInSync ( )

Gets a value indicating whether ActualsInSync is set or not.

◆ get_AdminProject()

NullableBool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_AdminProject ( )

Gets a value indicating whether AdminProject is set or not.

◆ get_AreEditableActualCosts()

NullableBool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_AreEditableActualCosts ( )

Gets a value indicating whether AreEditableActualCosts is set or not.

◆ get_Author()

System::String Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_Author ( )

Gets a value of Author.

◆ get_AutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks()

NullableBool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_AutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks ( )

Gets a value indicating whether AutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks is set or not.

◆ get_AutoCalculateAssignmentCosts()

bool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_AutoCalculateAssignmentCosts ( )

Gets whether assignment cost and remaining cost should be auto calculated using assignment's work and resource rates.

◆ get_Autolink()

NullableBool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_Autolink ( )

Gets a value indicating whether Autolink is set or not.

◆ get_BaselineForEarnedValue()

BaselineType Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_BaselineForEarnedValue ( )

Gets a value of BaselineForEarnedValue.

◆ get_BuiltInProps()

const System::SharedPtr<Properties::BuiltInProjectPropertyCollection>& Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_BuiltInProps ( ) const

Gets project's built-in properties collection.

◆ get_CalculationMode()

Aspose::Tasks::CalculationMode Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_CalculationMode ( ) const

Gets calculation mode of a project. Can be one of the values of CalculationMode enumeration.

◆ get_Calendar()

System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Tasks::Calendar> Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_Calendar ( )

Gets a value of Calendar.

◆ get_Calendars()

const System::SharedPtr<CalendarCollection>& Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_Calendars ( ) const

Gets CalendarCollection object of this Project instance.

◆ get_Category()

System::String Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_Category ( )

Gets a value of Category.

◆ get_Comments()

System::String Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_Comments ( )

Gets a value of Comments.

◆ get_Company()

System::String Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_Company ( )

Gets a value of Company.

◆ get_CreationDate()

System::DateTime Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_CreationDate ( )

Gets a value of CreationDate.

◆ get_CriticalPath()

System::SharedPtr<TaskCollection> Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_CriticalPath ( )

Gets a collection which contains a list of Critical tasks which comprise Critical Path of this project.

This is an O(n) operation, where n is the number of tasks in the project.

a collection which represents a list of all critical tasks.

◆ get_CriticalSlackLimit()

int32_t Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_CriticalSlackLimit ( )

Gets a value of CriticalSlackLimit.

◆ get_CurrencyCode()

System::String Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_CurrencyCode ( )

Gets a value of CurrencyCode.

◆ get_CurrencyDigits()

int32_t Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_CurrencyDigits ( )

Gets a value of CurrencyDigits.

◆ get_CurrencySymbol()

System::String Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_CurrencySymbol ( )

Gets a value of CurrencySymbol.

◆ get_CurrencySymbolPosition()

CurrencySymbolPositionType Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_CurrencySymbolPosition ( )

Gets a value of CurrencySymbolPosition.

◆ get_CurrentDate()

System::DateTime Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_CurrentDate ( )

Gets a value of CurrentDate.

◆ get_CustomDateFormat()

System::String Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_CustomDateFormat ( )

Gets a value of CustomDateFormat.

◆ get_CustomProps()

const System::SharedPtr<Properties::CustomProjectPropertyCollection>& Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_CustomProps ( ) const

Gets project's custom properties collection.

◆ get_DateFormat()

Aspose::Tasks::DateFormat Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_DateFormat ( )

Gets a value of DateFormat.

◆ get_DaysPerMonth()

int32_t Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_DaysPerMonth ( )

Gets a value of DaysPerMonth.

◆ get_DefaultFinishTime()

System::DateTime Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_DefaultFinishTime ( )

Gets a value of DefaultFinishTime.

◆ get_DefaultFixedCostAccrual()

CostAccrualType Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_DefaultFixedCostAccrual ( )

Gets a value of DefaultFixedCostAccrual.

◆ get_DefaultOvertimeRate()

double Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_DefaultOvertimeRate ( )

Gets a value of DefaultOvertimeRate.

◆ get_DefaultStandardRate()

double Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_DefaultStandardRate ( )

Gets a value of DefaultStandardRate.

◆ get_DefaultStartTime()

System::DateTime Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_DefaultStartTime ( )

Gets a value of DefaultStartTime.

◆ get_DefaultTaskEVMethod()

EarnedValueMethodType Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_DefaultTaskEVMethod ( )

Gets a value of DefaultTaskEVMethod.

◆ get_DefaultTaskType()

TaskType Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_DefaultTaskType ( )

Gets a value of DefaultTaskType.

◆ get_DefaultView()

System::SharedPtr<View> Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_DefaultView ( )

Gets default view of the project.

◆ get_DefaultWeekWorkingDays()

const System::SharedPtr<WeekDayCollection>& Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_DefaultWeekWorkingDays ( ) const

Gets the instance of WeekDayCollection class which represents a collection of project default week working days and working times.

The data contains only in mpp files (not in xml).

The instance of WeekDayCollection class which contains a list of WeekDay objects.

◆ get_DisplayOptions()

System::SharedPtr<ProjectDisplayOptions> Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_DisplayOptions ( ) const

Gets an instance of the ProjectDisplayOptions class.

◆ get_DurationFormat()

TimeUnitType Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_DurationFormat ( )

Gets a value of DurationFormat.

◆ get_EarnedValueMethod()

EarnedValueMethodType Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_EarnedValueMethod ( )

Gets a value of EarnedValueMethod.

◆ get_ExtendedAttributes()

const System::SharedPtr<ExtendedAttributeDefinitionCollection>& Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_ExtendedAttributes ( ) const

Gets ExtendedAttributeDefinitionCollection object. The collection of extended attribute (custom fields) definitions associated with a project.

◆ get_ExtendedCreationDate()

System::DateTime Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_ExtendedCreationDate ( )

Gets a value of ExtendedCreationDate.

◆ get_FinishDate()

System::DateTime Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_FinishDate ( )

Gets a value of FinishDate.

◆ get_FiscalYearStart()

NullableBool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_FiscalYearStart ( )

Gets a value indicating whether FiscalYearStart is set or not.

◆ get_FyStartDate()

Month Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_FyStartDate ( )

Gets a value of FyStartDate.

◆ get_Guid()

System::Guid Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_Guid ( )

Gets a value of Guid.

◆ get_HonorConstraints()

NullableBool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_HonorConstraints ( )

Gets a value indicating whether HonorConstraints is set or not.

◆ get_HyperlinkBase()

System::String Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_HyperlinkBase ( )

Gets a value of HyperlinkBase.

◆ get_InsertedProjectsLikeSummary()

NullableBool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_InsertedProjectsLikeSummary ( )

Gets a value indicating whether InsertedProjectsLikeSummary is set or not.

◆ get_KeepTaskOnNearestWorkingTimeWhenMadeAutoScheduled()

NullableBool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_KeepTaskOnNearestWorkingTimeWhenMadeAutoScheduled ( )

Gets a value indicating whether KeepTaskOnNearestWorkingTimeWhenMadeAutoScheduled is set or not.

◆ get_Keywords()

System::String Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_Keywords ( )

Gets a value of Keywords.

◆ get_LastAuthor()

System::String Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_LastAuthor ( )

Gets a value of LastAuthor.

◆ get_LastPrinted()

System::DateTime Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_LastPrinted ( )

Gets a value of LastPrinted.

◆ get_LastSaved()

System::DateTime Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_LastSaved ( )

Gets a value of LastSaved.

◆ get_Manager()

System::String Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_Manager ( )

Gets a value of Manager.

◆ get_MicrosoftProjectServerURL()

NullableBool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_MicrosoftProjectServerURL ( )

Gets a value indicating whether MicrosoftProjectServerURL is set or not.

◆ get_MinutesPerDay()

int32_t Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_MinutesPerDay ( )

Gets a value of MinutesPerDay.

◆ get_MinutesPerWeek()

int32_t Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_MinutesPerWeek ( )

Gets a value of MinutesPerWeek.

◆ get_MoveCompletedEndsBack()

NullableBool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_MoveCompletedEndsBack ( )

Gets a value indicating whether MoveCompletedEndsBack is set or not.

◆ get_MoveCompletedEndsForward()

NullableBool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_MoveCompletedEndsForward ( )

Gets a value indicating whether MoveCompletedEndsForward is set or not.

◆ get_MoveRemainingStartsBack()

NullableBool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_MoveRemainingStartsBack ( )

Gets a value indicating whether MoveRemainingStartsBack is set or not.

◆ get_MoveRemainingStartsForward()

NullableBool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_MoveRemainingStartsForward ( )

Gets a value indicating whether MoveRemainingStartsForward is set or not.

◆ get_MultipleCriticalPaths()

NullableBool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_MultipleCriticalPaths ( )

Gets a value indicating whether MultipleCriticalPaths is set or not.

◆ get_Name()

System::String Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_Name ( )

Gets a value of Name.

◆ get_NewTasksAreManual()

NullableBool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_NewTasksAreManual ( )

Gets a value indicating whether NewTasksAreManual is set or not.

◆ get_NewTasksEffortDriven()

NullableBool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_NewTasksEffortDriven ( )

Gets a value indicating whether NewTasksEffortDriven is set or not.

◆ get_NewTasksEstimated()

NullableBool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_NewTasksEstimated ( )

Gets a value indicating whether NewTasksEstimated is set or not.

◆ get_NewTaskStartDate()

TaskStartDateType Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_NewTaskStartDate ( )

Gets a value of NewTaskStartDate.

◆ get_OleObjects()

System::SharedPtr<OleObjectCollection> Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_OleObjects ( ) const

Gets a collection containing the instances of the OleObject class which are linked or embedded to this project file.

Available for mpp file format only. This collection is read-only except for 'Clear' operation.

◆ get_OutlineCodes()

const System::SharedPtr<OutlineCodeDefinitionCollection>& Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_OutlineCodes ( ) const

Gets OutlineCodeDefinitionCollection object. The collection of outline code definitions associated with a project.

◆ get_PrimaveraProperties()

const System::SharedPtr<PrimaveraProjectProperties>& Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_PrimaveraProperties ( ) const

Gets an object containing Primavera-specific properties for a project read from Primavera file.

◆ get_ProjectExternallyEdited()

NullableBool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_ProjectExternallyEdited ( )

Gets a value indicating whether ProjectExternallyEdited is set or not.

◆ get_RemoveFileProperties()

NullableBool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_RemoveFileProperties ( )

Gets a value indicating whether RemoveFileProperties is set or not.

◆ get_ResourceAssignments()

const System::SharedPtr<ResourceAssignmentCollection>& Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_ResourceAssignments ( ) const

◆ get_ResourceFilters()

System::SharedPtr<FilterCollection> Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_ResourceFilters ( )

Gets all the resource-based filter definitions. ResourceFilters is a collection of Filter objects.

◆ get_ResourceGroups()

System::SharedPtr<GroupCollection> Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_ResourceGroups ( )

Gets all of the resource-based group definitions. ResourceGroups is a collection of Group objects.

◆ get_Resources()

const System::SharedPtr<ResourceCollection>& Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_Resources ( ) const

Gets ResourceCollection object.

◆ get_Revision()

int32_t Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_Revision ( )

Gets a value of Revision.

◆ get_RootTask()

const System::SharedPtr<Task>& Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_RootTask ( ) const

Gets the root of the tree of tasks.

◆ get_SaveVersion()

int32_t Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_SaveVersion ( )

Gets a value of SaveVersion.

◆ get_ScheduleFromStart()

NullableBool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_ScheduleFromStart ( )

Gets a value indicating whether ScheduleFromStart is set or not.

◆ get_ShowProjectSummaryTask()

bool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_ShowProjectSummaryTask ( )

Gets a value indicating whether ShowProjectSummaryTask is set or not.

◆ get_SplitsInProgressTasks()

NullableBool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_SplitsInProgressTasks ( )

Gets a value indicating whether SplitsInProgressTasks is set or not.

◆ get_SpreadActualCost()

NullableBool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_SpreadActualCost ( )

Gets a value indicating whether SpreadActualCost is set or not.

◆ get_SpreadPercentComplete()

NullableBool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_SpreadPercentComplete ( )

Gets a value indicating whether SpreadPercentComplete is set or not.

◆ get_StartDate()

System::DateTime Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_StartDate ( )

Gets a value of StartDate.

◆ get_StatusDate()

System::DateTime Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_StatusDate ( )

Gets a value of StatusDate.

◆ get_Subject()

System::String Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_Subject ( )

Gets a value of Subject.

◆ get_Tables()

System::SharedPtr<TableCollection> Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_Tables ( )

Gets a list of Table objects.

◆ get_TaskFilters()

System::SharedPtr<FilterCollection> Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_TaskFilters ( )

Gets all the task-based filter definitions. TaskFilters is a collection of Filter objects.

◆ get_TaskGroups()

System::SharedPtr<GroupCollection> Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_TaskGroups ( )

Gets all the task-based group definitions. TaskGroups is a collection of Group objects.

◆ get_TaskLinks()

const System::SharedPtr<TaskLinkCollection>& Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_TaskLinks ( ) const

Gets TaskLinkCollection object.

◆ get_TaskUpdatesResource()

NullableBool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_TaskUpdatesResource ( )

Gets a value indicating whether TaskUpdatesResource is set or not.

◆ get_Template()

System::String Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_Template ( )

Gets a value of Template.

◆ get_TimescaleFinish()

System::DateTime Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_TimescaleFinish ( )

Gets a value of TimescaleFinish.

◆ get_TimescaleStart()

System::DateTime Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_TimescaleStart ( )

Gets a value of TimescaleStart.

◆ get_Title()

System::String Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_Title ( )

Gets a value of Title.

◆ get_Uid()

System::String Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_Uid ( )

Gets a value of Uid.

◆ get_UpdateManuallyScheduledTasksWhenEditingLinks()

NullableBool Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_UpdateManuallyScheduledTasksWhenEditingLinks ( )

Gets a value indicating whether UpdateManuallyScheduledTasksWhenEditingLinks is set or not.

◆ get_VbaProject()

const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Tasks::VbaProject>& Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_VbaProject ( ) const

Gets an instance of VbaProject class.

◆ get_Views()

System::SharedPtr<ViewCollection> Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_Views ( )

Gets a list of View objects.

◆ get_WBSCodeDefinition()

const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Tasks::WBSCodeDefinition>& Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_WBSCodeDefinition ( ) const

Gets WBS Code Definition for the project.

◆ get_WeekStartDay()

DayType Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_WeekStartDay ( )

Gets a value of WeekStartDay.

◆ get_WorkFormat()

TimeUnitType Aspose::Tasks::Project::get_WorkFormat ( )

Gets a value of WorkFormat.

◆ GetBaselineSaveTime()

System::DateTime Aspose::Tasks::Project::GetBaselineSaveTime ( BaselineType  baselineNumber)

Returns the baseline save time.

baselineNumberThe baseline's number Aspose::Tasks::BaselineType.
The baseline's last save date and time.

Returns DateTime.MinValue if the baseline was not saved.

◆ GetDuration() [1/3]

Duration Aspose::Tasks::Project::GetDuration ( double  val)

Gets Duration object with the specified number of units and default duration format which is defined in project's settings Prj::DurationFormat.

valspecified number of units.
Duration object.

This method should be used carefully because it returns different durations depending on Project.DurationFormat setting. For example, GetWork(1.0) will return 1 hour when Project.DurationFormat is TimeUnitType.Hour or 1 day if Project.DurationFormat is TimeUnitType.Day.

◆ GetDuration() [2/3]

Duration Aspose::Tasks::Project::GetDuration ( double  val,
TimeUnitType  timeUnit 

Gets Duration object with the specified number of TimeUnitType units.

valspecified number of units.
timeUnitspecified TimeUnitType value.
Duration object.

◆ GetDuration() [3/3]

Duration Aspose::Tasks::Project::GetDuration ( System::TimeSpan  timeSpan,
TimeUnitType  timeUnit 

Gets Duration object with the specified TimeSpan value and specified TimeUnitType value.

timeSpanspecified TimeSpan value.
timeUnitspecified TimeUnitType value.
Duration object.

◆ GetPageCount() [1/7]

int32_t Aspose::Tasks::Project::GetPageCount ( )

Returns page count for the project to be rendered using default Timescale(Days).

Page count to be rendered.

◆ GetPageCount() [2/7]

int32_t Aspose::Tasks::Project::GetPageCount ( const System::SharedPtr< Saving::SaveOptions > &  saveOptions)

Returns page count for the project to be rendered using given SaveOptions.

saveOptionsThe save options to get page count for.
a page count to be rendered.

In this example instance of HtmlSaveOptions and the number of pages in resulting HTML is written to the console.

Project project = new Project(@"test.mpp");
HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions
IncludeProjectNameInPageHeader = false,
IncludeProjectNameInTitle = false,
PageSize = PageSize.A4,
Timescale = Timescale.Days,
StartDate = project.Get(Prj.StartDate).Date,
EndDate = project.Get(Prj.FinishDate).Date
Initializes a new instance of the Project class.

◆ GetPageCount() [3/7]

int32_t Aspose::Tasks::Project::GetPageCount ( Visualization::PageSize  pageSize,
Visualization::Timescale  scale 

Returns page count for the project to be rendered using given Timescale and PageSize.

pageSizeThe size to get page count for.
scaleThe scale to get page count for.
Page count to be rendered.

◆ GetPageCount() [4/7]

int32_t Aspose::Tasks::Project::GetPageCount ( Visualization::PageSize  pageSize,
Visualization::Timescale  scale,
System::DateTime  startDate,
System::DateTime  endDate 

Returns page count for the project to be rendered using given Timescale, PresentationFormat and date range.

pageSizeThe size to get page count for.
scaleThe scale to get page count for.
startDateThe start date to get page count for.
endDateThe end date to get page count for.
Page count to be rendered.

◆ GetPageCount() [5/7]

int32_t Aspose::Tasks::Project::GetPageCount ( Visualization::PresentationFormat  format)

Returns page count for the project to be rendered using default Timescale(Days) and given PresentationFormat

formatThe format to get page count for.
Page count to be rendered.

◆ GetPageCount() [6/7]

int32_t Aspose::Tasks::Project::GetPageCount ( Visualization::PresentationFormat  format,
Visualization::Timescale  scale 

Returns page count for the project to be rendered using given Timescale and PresentationFormat.

formatThe format to get page count for.
scaleThe scale to get page count for.
a page count to be rendered.

◆ GetPageCount() [7/7]

int32_t Aspose::Tasks::Project::GetPageCount ( Visualization::Timescale  scale)

Returns page count for the project to be rendered using given Timescale.

scaleThe scale to get page count for.
Page count to be rendered.

◆ GetPredecessors()

System::SharedPtr<TaskLinkCollection> Aspose::Tasks::Project::GetPredecessors ( const System::SharedPtr< Task > &  task)

Returns a collection of task links which are predecessors of the specified task.

taskThe task to get predecessors for.
List of predecessors TaskLink.

◆ GetProjectFileInfo() [1/2]

static System::SharedPtr<ProjectFileInfo> Aspose::Tasks::Project::GetProjectFileInfo ( const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &  stream)

Gets project file info from the stream.

streamThe data stream.
The project file info Aspose::Tasks::ProjectFileInfo.

◆ GetProjectFileInfo() [2/2]

static System::SharedPtr<ProjectFileInfo> Aspose::Tasks::Project::GetProjectFileInfo ( const System::String &  filename)

Read project file info from the file.

filenameThe project filename.
The project file info Aspose::Tasks::ProjectFileInfo.

◆ GetWork()

Duration Aspose::Tasks::Project::GetWork ( double  val)

Gets Duration object with the specified double value and default work format.

valspecified double value.
Duration object.

This method should be used carefully because it returns different durations depending on Project.WorkFormat setting. For example, GetWork(1.0) will return 1 hour when Project.WorkFormat is TimeUnitType.Hour or 1 day if Project.WorkFormat is TimeUnitType.Day.

◆ Recalculate() [1/2]

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::Recalculate ( )

Reschedules all project tasks ids, outline levels, start/finish dates, sets early/late dates, calculates slacks, work and cost fields.

◆ Recalculate() [2/2]

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::Recalculate ( bool  validate)

Reschedules all project tasks ids, outline levels, start/finish dates, sets early/late dates, calculates slacks, work and cost fields with optional validation.

validateIf true the validation of recalculation will be performed. What data is validated: At the moment only basic validation of task and task link date ranges is implemented. Task's date ranges (e.g. ActualStart - ActualFinish, EarlyStart - EarlyFinish, etc.) as well as Task Links dates will be checked against the date criteria that start date is less or equal than finish date. If any of conditions described above is failed then RecalculationValidationException will be thrown.

◆ RecalculateResourceFields()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::RecalculateResourceFields ( )

Recalculates Id, Start and Finish of resources.

◆ RecalculateResourceStartFinish()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::RecalculateResourceStartFinish ( )

Recalculates Start and Finish of resources.

◆ RemoveInvalidResourceAssignments()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::RemoveInvalidResourceAssignments ( )

Eliminates invalid resource assignments from the project resource assignments list.

MS Project creates an empty resource assignment for each task. Call the method to remove them.

◆ RenumberWBSCode() [1/2]

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::RenumberWBSCode ( )

Renumber WBS code of all tasks.

◆ RenumberWBSCode() [2/2]

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::RenumberWBSCode ( const System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::List< int32_t >> &  taskIds)

Renumber WBS code of passed tasks.

taskIdsTask identifiers to renumber WBS codes.

◆ RescheduleUncompletedWorkToStartAfter() [1/2]

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::RescheduleUncompletedWorkToStartAfter ( System::DateTime  after)

Reschedules uncompleted project work to start after a specified date.

afterThe date to reschedule uncompleted work after.

◆ RescheduleUncompletedWorkToStartAfter() [2/2]

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::RescheduleUncompletedWorkToStartAfter ( System::DateTime  after,
const System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::List< System::SharedPtr< Task >>> &  taskCollection 

Reschedules uncompleted work for a specified list of tasks to start after a specified date.

afterThe date to reschedule uncompleted work after.
taskCollectionList<Task> of tasks to reschedule uncompleted work for.

◆ Save() [1/5]

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::Save ( const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &  stream,
const System::SharedPtr< Saving::SimpleSaveOptions > &  options 

Saves the project to a stream using the specified save options.

streamThe stream.
optionsThe save options.

◆ Save() [2/5]

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::Save ( const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &  stream,
Saving::SaveFileFormat  format 

Saves the project data to the stream.

streamThe stream.
formatthe specified save file format.SaveFileFormat

◆ Save() [3/5]

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::Save ( const System::String &  filename)

Saves the project data to the file in mpp format.

filenameThe file name.

◆ Save() [4/5]

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::Save ( const System::String &  filename,
const System::SharedPtr< Saving::SimpleSaveOptions > &  options 

Saves the document to a file using the specified save options.

filenameThe file name.
optionsThe save options.

◆ Save() [5/5]

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::Save ( const System::String &  filename,
Saving::SaveFileFormat  format 

Saves the project data to the file.

filenameThe file name.
formatThe save file format.

◆ SaveAsTemplate() [1/4]

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::SaveAsTemplate ( const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &  stream)

Saves the project as a template to a specified stream.

streamthe specified stream to save the project to.

◆ SaveAsTemplate() [2/4]

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::SaveAsTemplate ( const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &  stream,
const System::SharedPtr< Saving::SaveTemplateOptions > &  options 

Saves the project as a template to a specified stream.

streamStream to save the project template to.
optionsthe specified save options SaveTemplateOptions.

◆ SaveAsTemplate() [3/4]

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::SaveAsTemplate ( const System::String &  fileName)

Saves the project as a template to the specified file path.

fileNamethe specified file name.

◆ SaveAsTemplate() [4/4]

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::SaveAsTemplate ( const System::String &  fileName,
const System::SharedPtr< Saving::SaveTemplateOptions > &  options 

Saves the project as a template.

fileNameThe file name.
optionsthe specified save options SaveTemplateOptions.

◆ SaveReport() [1/4]

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::SaveReport ( const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &  stream)

Saves the project overview report to the stream.

streamThe stream to save project report to.

◆ SaveReport() [2/4]

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::SaveReport ( const System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > &  stream,
Visualization::ReportType  reportType 

Saves the project report of the specified type to the specified stream.

streamthe specified stream to save project report to.
reportTypethe specified report type.ReportType

◆ SaveReport() [3/4]

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::SaveReport ( const System::String &  fileName)

Saves the project overview report to PDF file.

fileNameThe file name.

◆ SaveReport() [4/4]

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::SaveReport ( const System::String &  fileName,
Visualization::ReportType  reportType 

Saves the project report of the specified type in PDF format to the specified file path.

fileNamethe specified file name.
reportTypethe specified report type.ReportType

◆ SelectAllChildTasks()

System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable<System::SharedPtr<Task> > > Aspose::Tasks::Project::SelectAllChildTasks ( )

Recursively collects all child tasks of the root task.

The collection of tasks.

◆ Set() [1/2]

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::Set ( const Key< System::DateTime, PrjKey > &  key,
const System::DateTime &  val 

Maps the specified property to the specified value in this container.

keythe specified property key. Prj for getting the property key.
valthe value.

◆ Set() [2/2]

template<typename T >
void Aspose::Tasks::Project::Set ( const Key< T, PrjKey > &  key,
const T &  val 

Maps the specified property to the specified value in this container.

keythe specified property key. Prj for getting the property key.
valthe value.
Template Parameters
Tthe type of the mapped value.

◆ set_ActualsInSync()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_ActualsInSync ( NullableBool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether ActualsInSync is set or not.

◆ set_AdminProject()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_AdminProject ( NullableBool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether AdminProject is set or not.

◆ set_AreEditableActualCosts()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_AreEditableActualCosts ( NullableBool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether AreEditableActualCosts is set or not.

◆ set_Author()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_Author ( const System::String &  value)

Sets a value of Author.

◆ set_AutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_AutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks ( NullableBool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether AutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks is set or not.

◆ set_AutoCalculateAssignmentCosts()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_AutoCalculateAssignmentCosts ( bool  value)

Sets whether assignment cost and remaining cost should be auto calculated using assignment's work and resource rates.

◆ set_Autolink()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_Autolink ( NullableBool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether Autolink is set or not.

◆ set_BaselineForEarnedValue()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_BaselineForEarnedValue ( BaselineType  value)

Sets a value of BaselineForEarnedValue.

◆ set_CalculationMode()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_CalculationMode ( Aspose::Tasks::CalculationMode  value)

Sets calculation mode of a project. Can be one of the values of CalculationMode enumeration.

◆ set_Calendar()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_Calendar ( const System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::Calendar > &  value)

Sets a value of Calendar.

◆ set_Category()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_Category ( const System::String &  value)

Sets a value of Category.

◆ set_Comments()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_Comments ( const System::String &  value)

Sets a value of Comments.

◆ set_Company()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_Company ( const System::String &  value)

Sets a value of Company.

◆ set_CreationDate()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_CreationDate ( System::DateTime  value)

Sets a value of CreationDate.

◆ set_CriticalSlackLimit()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_CriticalSlackLimit ( int32_t  value)

Sets a value of CriticalSlackLimit.

◆ set_CurrencyCode()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_CurrencyCode ( const System::String &  value)

Sets a value of CurrencyCode.

◆ set_CurrencyDigits()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_CurrencyDigits ( int32_t  value)

Sets a value of CurrencyDigits.

◆ set_CurrencySymbol()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_CurrencySymbol ( const System::String &  value)

Sets a value of CurrencySymbol.

◆ set_CurrencySymbolPosition()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_CurrencySymbolPosition ( CurrencySymbolPositionType  value)

Sets a value of CurrencySymbolPosition.

◆ set_CurrentDate()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_CurrentDate ( System::DateTime  value)

Sets a value of CurrentDate.

◆ set_CustomDateFormat()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_CustomDateFormat ( const System::String &  value)

Sets a value of CustomDateFormat.

◆ set_DateFormat()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_DateFormat ( Aspose::Tasks::DateFormat  value)

Sets a value of DateFormat.

◆ set_DaysPerMonth()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_DaysPerMonth ( int32_t  value)

Sets a value of DaysPerMonth.

◆ set_DefaultFinishTime()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_DefaultFinishTime ( System::DateTime  value)

Sets a value of DefaultFinishTime.

◆ set_DefaultFixedCostAccrual()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_DefaultFixedCostAccrual ( CostAccrualType  value)

Sets a value of DefaultFixedCostAccrual.

◆ set_DefaultOvertimeRate()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_DefaultOvertimeRate ( double  value)

Sets a value of DefaultOvertimeRate.

◆ set_DefaultStandardRate()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_DefaultStandardRate ( double  value)

Sets a value of DefaultStandardRate.

◆ set_DefaultStartTime()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_DefaultStartTime ( System::DateTime  value)

Sets a value of DefaultStartTime.

◆ set_DefaultTaskEVMethod()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_DefaultTaskEVMethod ( EarnedValueMethodType  value)

Sets a value of DefaultTaskEVMethod.

◆ set_DefaultTaskType()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_DefaultTaskType ( TaskType  value)

Sets a value of DefaultTaskType.

◆ set_DefaultView()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_DefaultView ( const System::SharedPtr< View > &  value)

Sets default view of the project.

◆ set_DurationFormat()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_DurationFormat ( TimeUnitType  value)

Sets a value of DurationFormat.

◆ set_EarnedValueMethod()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_EarnedValueMethod ( EarnedValueMethodType  value)

Sets a value of EarnedValueMethod.

◆ set_ExtendedCreationDate()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_ExtendedCreationDate ( System::DateTime  value)

Sets a value of ExtendedCreationDate.

◆ set_FinishDate()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_FinishDate ( System::DateTime  value)

Sets a value of FinishDate.

◆ set_FiscalYearStart()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_FiscalYearStart ( NullableBool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether FiscalYearStart is set or not.

◆ set_FyStartDate()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_FyStartDate ( Month  value)

Sets a value of FyStartDate.

◆ set_Guid()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_Guid ( System::Guid  value)

Sets a value of Guid.

◆ set_HonorConstraints()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_HonorConstraints ( NullableBool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether HonorConstraints is set or not.

◆ set_HyperlinkBase()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_HyperlinkBase ( const System::String &  value)

Sets a value of HyperlinkBase.

◆ set_InsertedProjectsLikeSummary()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_InsertedProjectsLikeSummary ( NullableBool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether InsertedProjectsLikeSummary is set or not.

◆ set_KeepTaskOnNearestWorkingTimeWhenMadeAutoScheduled()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_KeepTaskOnNearestWorkingTimeWhenMadeAutoScheduled ( NullableBool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether KeepTaskOnNearestWorkingTimeWhenMadeAutoScheduled is set or not.

◆ set_Keywords()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_Keywords ( const System::String &  value)

Sets a value of Keywords.

◆ set_LastAuthor()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_LastAuthor ( const System::String &  value)

Sets a value of LastAuthor.

◆ set_LastPrinted()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_LastPrinted ( System::DateTime  value)

Sets a value of LastPrinted.

◆ set_LastSaved()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_LastSaved ( System::DateTime  value)

Sets a value of LastSaved.

◆ set_Manager()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_Manager ( const System::String &  value)

Sets a value of Manager.

◆ set_MicrosoftProjectServerURL()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_MicrosoftProjectServerURL ( NullableBool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether MicrosoftProjectServerURL is set or not.

◆ set_MinutesPerDay()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_MinutesPerDay ( int32_t  value)

Sets a value of MinutesPerDay.

◆ set_MinutesPerWeek()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_MinutesPerWeek ( int32_t  value)

Sets a value of MinutesPerWeek.

◆ set_MoveCompletedEndsBack()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_MoveCompletedEndsBack ( NullableBool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether MoveCompletedEndsBack is set or not.

◆ set_MoveCompletedEndsForward()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_MoveCompletedEndsForward ( NullableBool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether MoveCompletedEndsForward is set or not.

◆ set_MoveRemainingStartsBack()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_MoveRemainingStartsBack ( NullableBool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether MoveRemainingStartsBack is set or not.

◆ set_MoveRemainingStartsForward()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_MoveRemainingStartsForward ( NullableBool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether MoveRemainingStartsForward is set or not.

◆ set_MultipleCriticalPaths()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_MultipleCriticalPaths ( NullableBool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether MultipleCriticalPaths is set or not.

◆ set_Name()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_Name ( const System::String &  value)

Sets a value of Name.

◆ set_NewTasksAreManual()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_NewTasksAreManual ( NullableBool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether NewTasksAreManual is set or not.

◆ set_NewTasksEffortDriven()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_NewTasksEffortDriven ( NullableBool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether NewTasksEffortDriven is set or not.

◆ set_NewTasksEstimated()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_NewTasksEstimated ( NullableBool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether NewTasksEstimated is set or not.

◆ set_NewTaskStartDate()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_NewTaskStartDate ( TaskStartDateType  value)

Sets a value of NewTaskStartDate.

◆ set_ProjectExternallyEdited()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_ProjectExternallyEdited ( NullableBool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether ProjectExternallyEdited is set or not.

◆ set_RemoveFileProperties()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_RemoveFileProperties ( NullableBool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether RemoveFileProperties is set or not.

◆ set_Revision()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_Revision ( int32_t  value)

Sets a value of Revision.

◆ set_SaveVersion()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_SaveVersion ( int32_t  value)

Sets a value of SaveVersion.

◆ set_ScheduleFromStart()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_ScheduleFromStart ( NullableBool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether ScheduleFromStart is set or not.

◆ set_ShowProjectSummaryTask()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_ShowProjectSummaryTask ( bool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether ShowProjectSummaryTask is set or not.

◆ set_SplitsInProgressTasks()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_SplitsInProgressTasks ( NullableBool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether SplitsInProgressTasks is set or not.

◆ set_SpreadActualCost()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_SpreadActualCost ( NullableBool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether SpreadActualCost is set or not.

◆ set_SpreadPercentComplete()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_SpreadPercentComplete ( NullableBool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether SpreadPercentComplete is set or not.

◆ set_StartDate()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_StartDate ( System::DateTime  value)

Sets a value of StartDate.

◆ set_StatusDate()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_StatusDate ( System::DateTime  value)

Sets a value of StatusDate.

◆ set_Subject()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_Subject ( const System::String &  value)

Sets a value of Subject.

◆ set_TaskUpdatesResource()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_TaskUpdatesResource ( NullableBool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether TaskUpdatesResource is set or not.

◆ set_Template()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_Template ( const System::String &  value)

Sets a value of Template.

◆ set_TimescaleFinish()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_TimescaleFinish ( System::DateTime  value)

Sets a value of TimescaleFinish.

◆ set_TimescaleStart()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_TimescaleStart ( System::DateTime  value)

Sets a value of TimescaleStart.

◆ set_Title()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_Title ( const System::String &  value)

Sets a value of Title.

◆ set_Uid()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_Uid ( const System::String &  value)

Sets a value of Uid.

◆ set_UpdateManuallyScheduledTasksWhenEditingLinks()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_UpdateManuallyScheduledTasksWhenEditingLinks ( NullableBool  value)

Sets a value indicating whether UpdateManuallyScheduledTasksWhenEditingLinks is set or not.

◆ set_WBSCodeDefinition()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_WBSCodeDefinition ( const System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::WBSCodeDefinition > &  value)

Sets WBS Code Definition for the project.

◆ set_WeekStartDay()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_WeekStartDay ( DayType  value)

Sets a value of WeekStartDay.

◆ set_WorkFormat()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::set_WorkFormat ( TimeUnitType  value)

Sets a value of WorkFormat.

◆ SetBaseline() [1/2]

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::SetBaseline ( BaselineType  baselineType)

Saves baseline fields to the specified baseline for the entire project.

baselineTypeThe baseline type to save baseline data to.

◆ SetBaseline() [2/2]

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::SetBaseline ( BaselineType  baselineType,
const System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Task >>> &  taskCollection 

Saves baseline fields to the specified baseline for the selected tasks.

baselineTypeThe baseline type to save baseline data to.
taskCollectionList of tasks to save baseline data for.

◆ SetBaselineSaveTime()

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::SetBaselineSaveTime ( BaselineType  baselineNumber,
System::DateTime  value 

Sets the baseline save time.

baselineNumberThe baseline's number Aspose::Tasks::BaselineType.
valueThe baseline's last save date and time.

Set value to DateTime.MinValue if the baseline was not saved.

◆ UpdateProjectWorkAsComplete() [1/2]

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::UpdateProjectWorkAsComplete ( System::DateTime  completeThrough,
bool  setZeroOrHundredPercentCompleteOnly 

Updates all work as complete through a specified date for the entire project.

completeThroughThe date to update work as completed through.
setZeroOrHundredPercentCompleteOnlyIf set to true updates only those tasks as 100% complete whose finish date is before specified complete-through date. Otherwise, calculates a percentage complete value based on scheduled start and complete-through dates.

◆ UpdateProjectWorkAsComplete() [2/2]

void Aspose::Tasks::Project::UpdateProjectWorkAsComplete ( System::DateTime  completeThrough,
bool  setZeroOrHundredPercentCompleteOnly,
const System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::List< System::SharedPtr< Task >>> &  taskCollection 

Updates all work as complete through a specified date for the specified list of tasks.

completeThroughThe date to update work as completed through.
setZeroOrHundredPercentCompleteOnlyIf set to true updates only those tasks as 100% complete whose finish date is before specified complete-through date. Otherwise, calculates a percentage complete value based on scheduled start and complete-through dates.
taskCollectionList<Task> of tasks to update work for.