Aspose.Tasks for C++
Aspose::Tasks::RiskAnalysis::RiskItemStatisticsCollection Class Reference

Represents a collection containing the instances of the RiskItemStatistics class. More...

#include <RiskItemStatisticsCollection.h>

Inherits System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< typename >.

Public Member Functions

< RiskItemStatistics
Get (const System::SharedPtr< Task > &task)
 Returns an instance of the RiskItemStatistics class containing in this collection which is associated with the specified Task object; null if the item is not found. More...
< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerator
< System::SharedPtr
< RiskItemStatistics > > > 
GetEnumerator () override
 Returns an enumerator for this collection. More...

Detailed Description

Represents a collection containing the instances of the RiskItemStatistics class.

Member Function Documentation

System::SharedPtr<RiskItemStatistics> Aspose::Tasks::RiskAnalysis::RiskItemStatisticsCollection::Get ( const System::SharedPtr< Task > &  task)

Returns an instance of the RiskItemStatistics class containing in this collection which is associated with the specified Task object; null if the item is not found.

taskthe specified instance of the Task class.
risk item which is associated with the specified task object if found; null otherwise.
System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerator<System::SharedPtr<RiskItemStatistics> > > Aspose::Tasks::RiskAnalysis::RiskItemStatisticsCollection::GetEnumerator ( )

Returns an enumerator for this collection.

an enumerator for this collection.