Aspose.Tasks for C++
Aspose::Tasks::Util::ICondition< typename > Class Template Referenceabstract

Represents a condition which can be used by filters or search methods. More...

#include <ICondition.h>

Inherits Object.

Public Member Functions

virtual bool Check (const T &el)=0
 Returns true if the specified object satisfy the conditions. More...

Detailed Description

class Aspose::Tasks::Util::ICondition< typename >

Represents a condition which can be used by filters or search methods.

Template Parameters
TThe type of object to apply method interface to.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename >
virtual bool Aspose::Tasks::Util::ICondition< typename >::Check ( const T &  el)
pure virtual

Returns true if the specified object satisfy the conditions.

elThe object to check.
True if the object satisfy the conditions.

Implemented in Aspose::Tasks::Util::AndAllCondition< T >, Aspose::Tasks::Util::And< T >, and Aspose::Tasks::Util::Not< T >.