Aspose.Tasks for C++
Aspose::Tasks::WBSCodeMaskCollection Class Reference

Represents a collection of WBSCodeMask objects. More...

#include <WBSCodeMaskCollection.h>

Inherits System::Collections::Generic::IList< typename >.

Public Member Functions

int32_t get_Count () const override
 Gets the number of elements contained in this collection. More...
bool get_IsReadOnly () const override
 Gets a value indicating whether this collection is read-only; otherwise, false. More...
< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerator
< System::SharedPtr
< WBSCodeMask > > > 
GetEnumerator () override
 Returns an enumerator for this collection. More...
void Add (const System::SharedPtr< WBSCodeMask > &item) override
 Adds the specified item to this collection. More...
void Clear () override
 Removes all items from this collection. More...
bool Contains (const System::SharedPtr< WBSCodeMask > &item) const override
 Returns true if the specified item is found in this collection; otherwise, false. More...
void CopyTo (System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< WBSCodeMask >> array, int32_t arrayIndex) override
 Copies the elements of this collection to the specified array, starting at the specified array index. More...
bool Remove (const System::SharedPtr< WBSCodeMask > &item) override
 Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from this collection. More...
< System::Collections::Generic::List
< System::SharedPtr
< WBSCodeMask > > > 
ToList ()
 Converts a WBSCodeMaskCollection to a list of WBSCodeMask objects. More...

Detailed Description

Represents a collection of WBSCodeMask objects.

Member Function Documentation

void Aspose::Tasks::WBSCodeMaskCollection::Add ( const System::SharedPtr< WBSCodeMask > &  item)

Adds the specified item to this collection.

itemthe specified item to add to this collection.
void Aspose::Tasks::WBSCodeMaskCollection::Clear ( )

Removes all items from this collection.

bool Aspose::Tasks::WBSCodeMaskCollection::Contains ( const System::SharedPtr< WBSCodeMask > &  item) const

Returns true if the specified item is found in this collection; otherwise, false.

itemthe specified item to find.
true if the specified item is found in this collection; otherwise, false.
void Aspose::Tasks::WBSCodeMaskCollection::CopyTo ( System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< WBSCodeMask >>  array,
int32_t  arrayIndex 

Copies the elements of this collection to the specified array, starting at the specified array index.

arraythe specified one-dimensional array to copy elements to
arrayIndexthe zero-based index of the specified array at which copying begins.
int32_t Aspose::Tasks::WBSCodeMaskCollection::get_Count ( ) const

Gets the number of elements contained in this collection.

bool Aspose::Tasks::WBSCodeMaskCollection::get_IsReadOnly ( ) const

Gets a value indicating whether this collection is read-only; otherwise, false.

System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerator<System::SharedPtr<WBSCodeMask> > > Aspose::Tasks::WBSCodeMaskCollection::GetEnumerator ( )

Returns an enumerator for this collection.

an enumerator for this collection.
bool Aspose::Tasks::WBSCodeMaskCollection::Remove ( const System::SharedPtr< WBSCodeMask > &  item)

Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from this collection.

itemthe specified object to remove.
true if the specified object was successfully removed from this collection; otherwise, false.
System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::List<System::SharedPtr<WBSCodeMask> > > Aspose::Tasks::WBSCodeMaskCollection::ToList ( )

Converts a WBSCodeMaskCollection to a list of WBSCodeMask objects.

Generic list of WBSCodeMask objects.