Aspose.Tasks for C++
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
oCAspose::Tasks::AsnRepresents properties of ResourceAssignment object.
oCAspose::Tasks::AssignmentBaselineCollectionRepresents a collection of AssignmentBaseline objects.
oCAspose::Tasks::AvailabilityPeriodRepresents a period when a resource is available.
oCAspose::Tasks::AvailabilityPeriodCollectionRepresents a collection which contains AvailabilityPeriod objects.
oCAspose::Tasks::Visualization::BarStyleChange the visual style of the bar for the item in the project view.
oCAspose::Tasks::BaselineRepresents baseline values of a resource.
oCAspose::Tasks::BaselineCollectionRepresents a collection of Baseline objects.
oCAspose::Tasks::BuildVersionInfoContains build version and product information.
oCAspose::Tasks::CalendarRepresents a calendar used in a project.
oCAspose::Tasks::CalendarCollectionRepresents a collection of Calendar objects.
oCAspose::Tasks::CalendarExceptionRepresent exceptional time periods in a calendar.
oCAspose::Tasks::CalendarExceptionCollectionRepresents a collection of CalendarException objects.
oCAspose::Tasks::CopyToOptionsAllows to specify additional options when copying project data.
oCAspose::Tasks::DailyRepetitionBaseRepresents a base class for repetitions in daily recurrence pattern.
oCAspose::Tasks::DayTypeCollectionRepresents a collection of DayType objects.
oCAspose::Tasks::Connectivity::DbSettingsAllows to specify settings to read from project database.
oCAspose::Tasks::DurationRepresents duration in a project.
oCAspose::Tasks::ExtendedAttributeRepresents extended attributes.
oCAspose::Tasks::ExtendedAttributeCollectionRepresents a collection of ExtendedAttribute objects.
oCAspose::Tasks::ExtendedAttributeDefinitionRepresents an extended attribute definition associated with a project.
oCAspose::Tasks::ExtendedAttributeDefinitionCollectionRepresents a collection of ExtendedAttributeDefinition objects.
oCAspose::Tasks::Util::FieldHelperHelper class which provides useful operations with fields.
oCAspose::Tasks::FilterRepresents a filter in Project.
oCAspose::Tasks::FilterCollectionContains a list of Filter objects. Implements ICollection<Filter> interface.
oCAspose::Tasks::FilterCriteriaDefines the criteria that tasks or resources must meet to be displayed in MSP view.
oCAspose::Tasks::Visualization::FontDescriptorRepresents font information.
oCAspose::Tasks::FontResolveEventArgsProvides arguments for the callback that is invoked when font is resolved.
oCAspose::Tasks::FontSettingsSpecifies font settings used when rendering project's view.
oCAspose::Tasks::Visualization::GanttBarStyleRepresents a bar style used by MSP in Gantt Chart view.
oCAspose::Tasks::Properties::GenericProperty< TKey >Represents a container property.
oCAspose::Tasks::GraphicalIndicatorCriteriaRepresents one graphical indicator criteria associated with an extended attribute.
oCAspose::Tasks::GraphicalIndicatorCriteriaValueRepresents a value used in condition check of graphical indicators criteria.
oCAspose::Tasks::GraphicalIndicatorsInfoRepresents an graphical indicators definition associated with an extended attribute.
oCAspose::Tasks::Visualization::GridlineThe horizontal or vertical line that appears in the project view.
oCAspose::Tasks::Visualization::GridlinesRepresents gridlines that appear in a GanttChart view.
oCAspose::Tasks::GroupRepresents a group definition. A Group object is a member of the ResourceGroups collection or the TaskGroups collection.
oCAspose::Tasks::GroupCollectionContains a list of Group objects. Implements ICollection<Group> interface.
oCAspose::Tasks::GroupCriterionRepresents a criterion in a group definition. The GroupCriterion object is a member of the GroupCriterionCollection collection.
oCAspose::Tasks::GroupCriterionCollectionContains a collection of GroupCriterion objects. Implements ICollection<GroupCriterion> interface.
oCAspose::Tasks::Visualization::HeaderFooterInfoRepresents header or footer data which is present in views and used for printing.
oCAspose::Tasks::Util::IAlgorithm< T >Represents an algorithm that can be applied to a list of objects T .
oCAspose::Tasks::ICalculatedPropertyGetterMarker interface for property getter.
oCAspose::Tasks::ICalculatedPropertySetterMarker interface for property setter.
oCAspose::Tasks::Util::ICondition< typename >Represents a condition which can be used by filters or search methods.
oCAspose::Tasks::Util::ICondition< T >
oCAspose::Tasks::ICssSavingCallbackRepresents a callback that is called to create resource to store CSS.
oCAspose::Tasks::IFontSavingCallbackRepresents a callback that is called to create resource to store fonts.
oCAspose::Tasks::IImageSavingCallbackRepresents a callback that is called to create resource to store images.
oCAspose::Tasks::IMessageHandlerRepresents a callback the results of resource leveling.
oCAspose::Tasks::Saving::IPageSavingCallbackRepresents a callback that is called when each page in multi page document is saved to a separate stream.
oCAspose::Tasks::ItemRepresents an item which contains a value of any type and invokes Get/Set Actions.
oCAspose::Tasks::Visualization::ITextStyleModificationCallbackRepresents a callback that is called before TextStyle is applied to a table cell.
oCAspose::Tasks::Util::ITreeAlgorithm< T >Represents an algorithm that can be applied to a tree of objects T .
oCAspose::Tasks::Util::ITreeAlgorithm< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::Task > >
oCAspose::Tasks::IVbaModuleRepresents a module with VBA code.
oCAspose::Tasks::Key< typename, typename >Represents a property key of a class of the specified type. An instance of this class is used when getting or setting property of a container.
oCAspose::Tasks::Key< System::String, PrjKey >
oCAspose::Tasks::Leveling::LevelingOptionsAllows to specify parameters of resource leveling.
oCAspose::Tasks::Leveling::LevelingResultRepresents the results of resource leveling.
oCAspose::Tasks::LicenseProvides methods to license the component.
oCAspose::Tasks::Util::ListUtilsUtility class for list processing.
oCAspose::Tasks::LoadOptionsAllows to specify additional load parameters when loading a project from file or stream.
oCAspose::Tasks::MeteredProvides methods to set metered key.
oCAspose::Tasks::MonthlyRepetitionBaseRepresents a base pattern for monthly day position.
oCAspose::Tasks::NullableBoolA class for boolean values with possibility to check whether the value was defined or not.
oCAspose::Tasks::OleObjectRepresents an OLE object which can be inserter into Gantt Chart View of an MPP file.
oCAspose::Tasks::OleObjectCollectionRepresents a collection containing the instances of the OleObject class.
oCAspose::Tasks::OutlineCodeRepresents a value of an outline code.
oCAspose::Tasks::OutlineCodeCollectionRepresents a collection of OutlineCode objects.
oCAspose::Tasks::OutlineCodeDefinitionRepresents an outline code definition.
oCAspose::Tasks::OutlineCodeDefinitionCollectionRepresents a collection of OutlineCodeDefinition objects.
oCAspose::Tasks::OutlineMaskRepresents four elements of a mask which defines an outline code format.
oCAspose::Tasks::OutlineMaskCollectionRepresents a collection of OutlineMask objects.
oCAspose::Tasks::OutlineValueRepresents an outline value.
oCAspose::Tasks::OutlineValueCollectionRepresents a collection of OutlineValue objects.
oCAspose::Tasks::Visualization::PageInfoRepresents page setup data which is present in MPP file format and used for printing.
oCAspose::Tasks::Visualization::PageLegendRepresents a page legend which is used for project printing.
oCAspose::Tasks::Visualization::PageMarginsRepresents page margins for printing.
oCAspose::Tasks::Saving::PageSavingArgsThis class represents set of data that related to saving of document's page to a stream.
oCAspose::Tasks::Visualization::PageSettingsRepresents printing settings for a page of project view.
oCAspose::Tasks::Visualization::PageViewSettingsRepresents printing settings for a project view.
oCAspose::Tasks::ParseErrorArgsProvides data for the ParseErrorCallback delegate.
oCAspose::Tasks::Saving::PdfDigitalSignatureDetailsContains details for a PDF digital signature.
oCAspose::Tasks::Saving::PdfEncryptionDetailsContains details for a PDF encryption.
oCAspose::Tasks::PrimaveraBaseReaderRepresents a base reader which can be used to read Project UIDs from multi project Primavera XER or XML files.
oCAspose::Tasks::Primavera::PrimaveraProjectInfoRepresents short info about a project loaded from Primavera format.
oCAspose::Tasks::PrimaveraProjectPropertiesRepresents Primavera-specific properties for a project read from Primavera files (XER of P6XML).
oCAspose::Tasks::PrimaveraReadOptionsAllows to specify additional options when reading Primavera Xml or Primavera Xer files.
oCAspose::Tasks::PrimaveraTaskPropertiesRepresents Primavera-specific properties for a task read from Primavera files (XER of P6XML).
oCAspose::Tasks::PrjRepresents supported properties of Project object.
oCAspose::Tasks::Visualization::ProgressLinesRepresents progress lines in a Gantt Chart view.
oCAspose::Tasks::ProjectRepresents a project.
oCAspose::Tasks::ProjectDisplayOptionsRepresents the display options for a project instance.
oCAspose::Tasks::ProjectFileInfoThe class instance contains information about project file format and version of Microsoft Project where the file was created.
oCAspose::Tasks::ProjectInfoBrief info about the published project available on Project Online.
oCAspose::Tasks::ProjectServerCredentialsCredentials which are used to connect to Project Online or on-premise instance of Project Server.
oCAspose::Tasks::ProjectServerManagerThe class which provides the methods to read and to perform operations on projects in the specified Project Online account or in the specified on-premise Project Server instance (Project Server's versions 2016 and 2019 are supported).
oCAspose::Tasks::ProjectServerSaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when project is saved to Project Server or Project Online.
oCAspose::Tasks::Visualization::ProjectViewProject's view class
oCAspose::Tasks::Properties::PropertyRepresents a base class of a property.
oCAspose::Tasks::Properties::PropertyCollection< T >A base class of collection of properties.
oCAspose::Tasks::PropertyContainer< typename >Represents property container.
oCAspose::Tasks::RateRepresents a definition of a time period and rates applicable for a resource during that period.
oCAspose::Tasks::RateByDateCollectionRepresents a collection which mappings of DateTime to Rate objects.
oCAspose::Tasks::RateCollectionRepresents a collection which contains Rate objects.
oCAspose::Tasks::ReadOnlyCollectionBase< T >Represents a read-only collection of objects.
oCAspose::Tasks::ReadOnlyCollectionBase< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::VbaModule > >
oCAspose::Tasks::ReadOnlyCollectionBase< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::VbaModuleAttribute > >
oCAspose::Tasks::ReadOnlyCollectionBase< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Tasks::VbaReference > >
oCAspose::Tasks::RecurrencePatternBaseRepresents the base class of recurrence pattern.
oCAspose::Tasks::RecurrenceRangeBaseRepresents the recurrence range of recurring task.
oCAspose::Tasks::Visualization::RecurringIntervalRepresents recurring intervals used in progress lines of a Gantt Chart view.
oCAspose::Tasks::RecurringTaskInfoRepresents the details of a recurring task in a project.
oCAspose::Tasks::RecurringTaskParametersRepresents the set of parameters are used to create a recurring task in a project.
oCAspose::Tasks::ResourceRepresents a resource in a project.
oCAspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignmentRepresents a resource assignment in a project.
oCAspose::Tasks::ResourceAssignmentCollectionRepresents a collection of ResourceAssignment objects.
oCAspose::Tasks::ResourceCollectionRepresents a collection of Resource objects.
oCAspose::Tasks::Leveling::ResourceLevelerContains resource leveling methods.
oCAspose::Tasks::ResourceSavingArgsThis class represents set of data that related to external resource file's saving that occurs during conversion to HTML format.
oCAspose::Tasks::ResourceUsageViewFieldCollectionRepresent a collection of ResourceUsageViewField values.
oCAspose::Tasks::RiskAnalysis::RiskAnalysisResultRepresents a result of risk analysis.
oCAspose::Tasks::RiskAnalysis::RiskAnalysisSettingsSpecifies settings for performing risk analysis.
oCAspose::Tasks::RiskAnalysis::RiskAnalyzerPerforms a Monte Carlo simulation based on the specified risk analysis settings.
oCAspose::Tasks::RiskAnalysis::RiskItemStatisticsRepresents an item which stores statistical data for the task of the analyzed project.
oCAspose::Tasks::RiskAnalysis::RiskItemStatisticsCollectionRepresents a collection containing the instances of the RiskItemStatistics class.
oCAspose::Tasks::RiskAnalysis::RiskPatternRepresents a risk pattern for a project task.
oCAspose::Tasks::RiskAnalysis::RiskPatternCollectionRepresents a collection containing the instances of the RiskPattern class.
oCAspose::Tasks::RscRepresents supported properties of Resource object.
oCAspose::Tasks::Saving::SaveTemplateOptionsAllows to specify additional options when saving a project as a template.
oCAspose::Tasks::Saving::SimpleSaveOptionsThis is an abstract base class that allow the user to specify basic options when saving a project into a particular format.
oCAspose::Tasks::SplitPartRepresents a task portion. The SplitPart is a member of the task's SplitParts collection.
oCAspose::Tasks::SplitPartCollectionCollection that represents the portions of a task.
oCAspose::Tasks::TableRepresents a table in Project
oCAspose::Tasks::TableCollectionContains a list of Table objects. Implements ICollection<Table> interface.
oCAspose::Tasks::TableFieldRepresents a field of a table in a project.
oCAspose::Tasks::TableFieldCollectionContains a list of TableField objects. Implements IList<TableField> interface.
oCAspose::Tasks::TaskRepresents a task in a project.
oCAspose::Tasks::TaskBaselineCollectionRepresents a collection of TaskBaseline objects.
oCAspose::Tasks::TaskCollectionRepresents a collection of Task objects.
oCAspose::Tasks::TaskLinkRepresents a predecessor link.
oCAspose::Tasks::TaskLinkCollectionRepresents a collection of Task objects.
oCAspose::Tasks::Visualization::TaskTextStyleEventArgsThis class represents set of data that related to the rendering of table cell's content.
oCAspose::Tasks::TaskUsageViewFieldCollectionRepresents a collection of TaskUsageViewField values.
oCAspose::Tasks::Util::TaskUtilsHelper class which provides useful operations with tasks.
oCAspose::Tasks::Visualization::TextStyleChange the visual style of the text for an item in the project view.
oCAspose::Tasks::Visualization::ThicknessRepresents margins of visual object.
oCAspose::Tasks::TimephasedDataRepresents a time phased data.
oCAspose::Tasks::TimephasedDataCollectionRepresents a collection of TimephasedData objects.
oCAspose::Tasks::Visualization::TimescaleTierRepresents a single tier of the timescale on a Gantt Chart.
oCAspose::Tasks::TskRepresents properties of Task object.
oCAspose::Tasks::ValueRepresents a value in a value list.
oCAspose::Tasks::VbaModuleAttributeThe attribute of the VbaModule object
oCAspose::Tasks::VbaProjectRepresents VbaProject.
oCAspose::Tasks::VbaReferenceRepresents a reference of the VbaProject.
oCAspose::Tasks::ViewRepresents a view in Project.
oCAspose::Tasks::ViewCollectionContains a list of View objects. Implements ICollection<View> interface.
oCAspose::Tasks::Visualization::ViewColumnRepresents a column in a project view.
oCAspose::Tasks::Visualization::VisualObjectPlacementRepresents placement and appearance of OleObject in a view.
oCAspose::Tasks::WBSCodeDefinitionRepresents a WBS Code Definition.
oCAspose::Tasks::WBSCodeMaskRepresents WBS Code mask.
oCAspose::Tasks::WBSCodeMaskCollectionRepresents a collection of WBSCodeMask objects.
oCAspose::Tasks::WebRequestEventArgsProvides arguments for the event that is raised when the client sends a web request to the Project Server's web API.
oCAspose::Tasks::WeekDayRepresents a weekday which either defines regular days of a week or exception days in a calendar.
oCAspose::Tasks::WeekDayCollectionRepresents a collection of WeekDay objects.
oCAspose::Tasks::WeeklyRepetitionBaseRepresents a base class for repetitions in weekly recurrence pattern.
oCAspose::Tasks::WorkingTimeRepresents a working time during a weekday.
oCAspose::Tasks::WorkingTimeCollectionRepresents a collection of WorkingTimeCollection objects.
oCAspose::Tasks::WorkUnitRepresents working hours.
oCAspose::Tasks::WorkWeekRepresent WorkWeek class
oCAspose::Tasks::WorkWeekCollectionRepresents a collection of WorkWeek objects.
\CAspose::Tasks::YearlyRepetitionBaseRepresents a base pattern for yearly day position.