
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public class RiskItemStatistics

Represents an item which stores statistical data for the task of the analyzed project.


getExpectedValue()Gets the expected value of the risk item.
getItemType()Gets an instance of the RiskItemType enumeration.
getMaximum()Gets the maximum value which was generated during Monte Carlo simulation.
getMinimum()Gets the minimum value which was generated during Monte Carlo simulation.
getPercentile(int percent)Gets a value below which a specified percentage of generated samples fall.
getStandardDeviation()Gets the standard deviation of the risk item.
toString()Returns short string representation of a risk item.


public final Date getExpectedValue()

Gets the expected value of the risk item.

Returns: java.util.Date - the expected value of the risk item.


public final int getItemType()

Gets an instance of the RiskItemType enumeration.

Returns: int - an instance of the RiskItemType enumeration.


public final Date getMaximum()

Gets the maximum value which was generated during Monte Carlo simulation.

Returns: java.util.Date - the maximum value which was generated during Monte Carlo simulation.


public final Date getMinimum()

Gets the minimum value which was generated during Monte Carlo simulation.

Returns: java.util.Date - the minimum value which was generated during Monte Carlo simulation.

getPercentile(int percent)

public final Date getPercentile(int percent)

Gets a value below which a specified percentage of generated samples fall.


percentintthe specified percent between 0 and 100.

Returns: java.util.Date - a value below which a specified percentage of generated samples fall.


public final Duration getStandardDeviation()

Gets the standard deviation of the risk item.

Returns: Duration - the standard deviation of the risk item.


public String toString()

Returns short string representation of a risk item. The exact details of the representation are unspecified and subject to change.

Returns: java.lang.String - short string which represents RiskItem object.