
Contains classes for work with Microsoft Project documents without utilizing Microsoft Project.


ApsLayoutBuilderOutOfMemoryExceptionRepresents exception which occurs when there is not enough memory to continue an image layout building.
AsnRepresents properties of ResourceAssignment object.
AssignmentBaselineRepresents Baseline of a resource assignment.
AssignmentBaselineCollectionRepresents a collection of AssignmentBaseline objects.
AvailabilityPeriodRepresents a period when a resource is available.
AvailabilityPeriodCollectionRepresents a collection which contains AvailabilityPeriod objects.
BaselineRepresents baseline values of a resource.
BaselineCollectionRepresents a collection of Baseline objects.
BitmapInvalidSizeExceptionRepresents exception which occurs when there is not enough memory to create a bitmap instance.
BuildVersionInfoContains build version and product information.
ByMonthDayRepetitionRepresents a pattern which is based on the absolute position of a day in a month.
ByMonthWeekDayRepetitionRepresents a pattern which is based on the position of weekday in a month.
ByYearDayRepetitionRepresents a pattern which is based on the absolute position of a day in a month.
ByYearWeekDayRepetitionRepresents a pattern which is based on position of a weekday in a month.
CalendarRepresents a calendar used in a project.
CalendarCollectionRepresents a collection of Calendar objects.
CalendarExceptionRepresent exceptional time periods in a calendar.
CalendarExceptionCollectionRepresents a collection of CalendarException objects.
CompoundDocumentHeaderExceptionRepresents an exception which is thrown when the header of MPP file is broken.
CopyToOptionsAllows to specify additional options when copying project data.
CssSavingArgsThis class represents set of data that related to external CSS file’s saving that occurs during conversion to HTML format.
DailyCalendarRepetitionRepresents a class for repetitions in daily recurrence pattern based on calendar days.
DailyRecurrencePatternRepresents the set of parameters are used to create a daily recurring task in a project.
DailyRepetitionBaseRepresents a base class for repetitions in daily recurrence pattern.
DailyWorkRepetitionRepresents a class for repetitions in daily recurrence pattern based on work days.
DayTypeCollectionRepresents a collection of DayType objects.
EndAfterRecurrenceRangeRepresents the recurrence range of recurring task which is limited by occurrence number.
EndByRecurrenceRangeRepresents the recurrence range of recurring task which is limited by finish day.
ExtendedAttributeRepresents extended attributes.
ExtendedAttributeCollectionRepresents a collection of ExtendedAttribute objects.
ExtendedAttributeDefinitionRepresents an extended attribute definition associated with a project.
ExtendedAttributeDefinitionCollectionRepresents a collection of ExtendedAttributeDefinition objects.
FilterRepresents a filter in Project.
FilterCollectionContains a list of Filter objects. Implements ICollection<Filter> interface.
FilterCriteriaDefines the criteria that tasks or resources must meet to be displayed in MSP view.
FontResolveCallbackDelegateRepresents a method callback to handle font resolve event.
FontResolveEventArgsProvides arguments for the callback that is invoked when font is resolved.
FontSavingArgsThis class represents set of data that related to external fonts file’s saving that occurs during conversion to HTML format.
FontSettingsSpecifies font settings used when rendering project’s view.
GanttChartViewRepresents a GanttChart view.
GroupRepresents a group definition. A Group object is a member of the ResourceGroups collection or the TaskGroups collection.
GroupCollectionContains a list of Group objects. Implements ICollection<Group> interface.
GroupCriterionRepresents a criterion in a group definition. The GroupCriterion object is a member of the GroupCriterionCollection collection.
GroupCriterionCollectionContains a collection of GroupCriterion objects. Implements ICollection<GroupCriterion> interface.
ImageSavingArgsThis class represents set of data that related to external image file’s saving that occurs during conversion to HTML format.
InvalidPasswordExceptionRepresents the exception type which is thrown when password protected file opening with wrong password.
LicenseProvides methods to license the component.
LoadOptionsAllows to specify additional load parameters when loading a project from file or stream.
MeteredProvides methods to set metered key.
MonthlyRecurrencePatternRepresents the set of parameters are used to create a monthly recurring task in a project.
MonthlyRepetitionBaseRepresents a base pattern for monthly day position.
NoPrinterInstalledExceptionRepresents an exception which is thrown when there is no installed printer in OS.
OleObjectRepresents an OLE object which can be inserter into Gantt Chart View of an MPP file.
OleObjectCollectionRepresents a collection containing the instances of the OleObject class.
OutlineCodeRepresents a value of an outline code.
OutlineCodeCollectionRepresents a collection of OutlineCode objects.
OutlineCodeDefinitionRepresents an outline code definition.
OutlineCodeDefinitionCollectionRepresents a collection of OutlineCodeDefinition objects.
OutlineMaskRepresents four elements of a mask which defines an outline code format.
OutlineMaskCollectionRepresents a collection of OutlineMask objects.
OutlineValueRepresents an outline value.
OutlineValueCollectionRepresents a collection of OutlineValue objects.
ParseErrorArgsProvides data for the ParseErrorCallback delegate.
ParseErrorCallbackRepresents a method callback to handle parse errors that can happen when reading xml data.
PrimaveraBaseReaderRepresents a base reader which can be used to read Project UIDs from multi project Primavera XER or XML files.
PrimaveraProjectPropertiesRepresents Primavera-specific properties for a project read from Primavera files (XER of P6XML).
PrimaveraReadOptionsAllows to specify additional options when reading Primavera Xml or Primavera Xer files.
PrimaveraTaskPropertiesRepresents Primavera-specific properties for a task read from Primavera files (XER of P6XML).
PrimaveraXerReaderRepresents a reader to read Project UIDs from Primavera XER file
PrimaveraXmlReaderRepresents a reader which allows to retrieve Project UIDs from Primavera Xml file.
PrjRepresents supported properties of Project object.
ProjectRepresents a project.
ProjectDisplayOptionsRepresents the display options for a project instance.
ProjectFileInfoThe class instance contains information about project file format and version of Microsoft Project where the file was created.
ProjectInfoBrief info about the published project available on Project Online.
ProjectOnlineExceptionRepresents an exception which is thrown when errors are found during interaction with Project Online or Project Server instance.
ProjectServerCredentialsCredentials which are used to connect to Project Online or on-premise instance of Project Server.
ProjectServerManagerThe class which provides the methods to read and to perform operations on projects in the specified Project Online account or in the specified on-premise Project Server instance (Project Server’s versions 2016 and 2019 are supported).
ProjectServerSaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when project is saved to Project Server or Project Online.
RateRepresents a definition of a time period and rates applicable for a resource during that period.
RateByDateCollectionRepresents a collection which mappings of DateTime to Rate objects.
RateCollectionRepresents a collection which contains Rate objects.
ReadOnlyCollectionBase<T>Represents a read-only collection of objects.
RecalculationValidationExceptionRepresents an exception which is thrown when errors are found in project after recalculation.
RecurrencePatternBaseRepresents the base class of recurrence pattern.
RecurrenceRangeBaseRepresents the recurrence range of recurring task.
RecurringTaskInfoRepresents the details of a recurring task in a project.
RecurringTaskParametersRepresents the set of parameters are used to create a recurring task in a project.
ResourceRepresents a resource in a project.
ResourceAssignmentRepresents a resource assignment in a project.
ResourceAssignmentCollectionRepresents a collection of ResourceAssignment objects.
ResourceCollectionRepresents a collection of Resource objects.
ResourceSavingArgsThis class represents set of data that related to external resource file’s saving that occurs during conversion to HTML format.
ResourceUsageViewRepresents resource usage view in a project.
ResourceUsageViewFieldCollectionRepresent a collection of ResourceUsageViewField values.
RscRepresents supported properties of Resource object.
SplitPartRepresents a task portion. The SplitPart is a member of the task’s SplitParts collection.
SplitPartCollectionCollection that represents the portions of a task.
TableRepresents a table in Project
TableCollectionContains a list of Table objects. Implements ICollection<Table> interface.
TableFieldRepresents a field of a table in a project.
TableFieldCollectionContains a list of TableField objects. Implements IList<TableField> interface.
TaskRepresents a task in a project.
TaskBaselineRepresents Baseline of a Task.
TaskBaselineCollectionRepresents a collection of TaskBaseline objects.
TaskCollectionRepresents a collection of Task objects.
TaskLinkRepresents a predecessor link.
TaskLinkCollectionRepresents a collection of Task objects.
TasksExceptionRepresents the standard internal exception type.
TasksLoggedExceptionRepresents the standard internal exception type.
TasksReadingExceptionRepresents the standard internal reading exception type.
TasksRenderingExceptionRepresents the exception that can occur when rendering a project’s view to a graphical format.
TasksWritingExceptionRepresents the standard internal writing exception type.
TaskUsageViewRepresents task usage view in a project.
TaskUsageViewFieldCollectionRepresents a collection of TaskUsageViewField values.
TaskValidationExceptionRepresents an exception which is thrown when errors are found in project’s tasks after recalculation.
TimelineViewRepresents a timeline view of a project.
TimephasedDataRepresents a time phased data.
TimephasedDataCollectionRepresents a collection of TimephasedData objects.
TskRepresents properties of Task object.
UnexpectedFileFormatExceptionRepresents an exception which is thrown when file format has unexpected format or structure.
UsageViewRepresent a usage view in a project.
ValidationExceptionRepresents an exception which is thrown when errors are found during validation of entity.
ValueRepresents a value in a value list.
VbaModuleRepresents a VBA module.
VbaModuleAttributeThe attribute of the VbaModule object
VbaModuleAttributeCollectionRepresents a collection of VbaModuleAttribute objects.
VbaModuleCollectionRepresents a collection of VbaModule objects.
VbaProjectRepresents VbaProject.
VbaReferenceRepresents a reference of the VbaProject.
VbaReferenceCollectionRepresents a collection of VbaReference objects.
ViewRepresents a view in Project.
ViewCollectionContains a list of View objects. Implements ICollection<View> interface.
WBSCodeDefinitionRepresents a WBS Code Definition.
WBSCodeMaskRepresents WBS Code mask.
WBSCodeMaskCollectionRepresents a collection of WBSCodeMask objects.
WebRequestEventArgsProvides arguments for the event that is raised when the client sends a web request to the Project Server’s web API.
WeekDayRepresents a weekday which either defines regular days of a week or exception days in a calendar.
WeekDayCollectionRepresents a collection of WeekDay objects.
WeeklyRecurrencePatternRepresents the set of parameters are used to create a weekly recurring task in a project.
WeeklyRepetitionRepresents a pattern which is based on weekdays.
WeeklyRepetitionBaseRepresents a base class for repetitions in weekly recurrence pattern.
WorkingTimeRepresents a working time during a weekday.
WorkingTimeCollectionRepresents a collection of WorkingTimeCollection objects.
WorkUnitRepresents working hours.
WorkWeekRepresent WorkWeek class
WorkWeekCollectionRepresents a collection of WorkWeek objects.
YearlyRecurrencePatternRepresents the set of parameters are used to create a yearly recurring task in a project.
YearlyRepetitionBaseRepresents a base pattern for yearly day position.


ICssSavingCallbackRepresents a callback that is called to create resource to store CSS.
IFontSavingCallbackRepresents a callback that is called to create resource to store fonts.
IImageSavingCallbackRepresents a callback that is called to create resource to store images.
IMessageHandlerRepresents a callback the results of resource leveling.
IVbaModuleRepresents a module with VBA code.


ApplicationInfoSpecifies the project version where the file was created.
AsnKeyRepresents a list of supported assignment fields.
BackgroundPatternSpecifies the background pattern.
BaselineTypeSpecifies the baseline type used to calculate Variance values.
BookingTypeSpecifies the booking type of a resource.
CalculationModeSpecifies project calculation mode.
CalculationTypeSpecifies the type of a calculation of the custom attribute’s value.
CalendarExceptionTypeSpecifies the calendar exception type.
ConstraintTypeSpecifies the constraint on the start or finish date of a task.
CostAccrualTypeSpecifies the type of an accrual cost.
CurrencySymbolPositionTypeSpecifies the position of a currency symbol.
CustomFieldTypeSpecifies the type of a custom field.
DateFormatSpecifies the date format.
DayLabelDisplaySpecifies how the day label displays.
DayTypeSpecifies the day of a week.
EarnedValueMethodTypeSpecifies the method used for calculating earned value.
ElementTypeSpecifies the type of an element.
ExtendedAttributeResourceSpecifies the extended attributes FieldId used in a resource.
ExtendedAttributeTaskSpecifies the extended attributes FieldId used in a task.
FieldSpecifies a field in the Microsoft Office Project.
FileFormatSpecifies the project’s file format.
FilterComparisonTypeThe type of comparison made between FieldName and Value that acts as selection criteria for the filter.
FilterOperationSpecifies how the criterion established with FieldName, FilterComparisonType, and Value relates to other criteria in the filter.
FontFaceTypeEnumerates font face types
GanttBarSizeSpecifies the height of a bar in points.
GroupOnSpecifies the type of grouping.
HourLabelDisplaySpecifies how the hour label displays.
HtmlImageTypeRepresents HTML image type.
ItemTypeSpecifies the type of an item.
MaskTypeSpecifies the type of a mask.
MessageLevelDefines the possible message verbosity levels.
MinuteLabelDisplaySpecifies how the minute label displays.
MonthSpecifies the month.
MonthItemTypeSpecifies the month item for which an exception recurrence is scheduled.
MonthLabelDisplaySpecifies how the month label displays.
MonthPositionSpecifies the position of a month item within a month.
OrdinalNumberRepresents an ordinal number in the instance of RecurringTaskInfo class.
OutlineValueTypeSpecifies the type of an outline value.
PrjKeyRepresents a list of supported project fields.
RateFormatTypeSpecifies the units used by Microsoft Project to display a rate.
RateScaleTypeSpecifies the rate scale type.
RateTypeSpecifies the unique identifiers of a rate table.
RecurrencePatternRepresents a type of recurrence pattern of a recurrent task.
ResourceExportTypeSpecifies the resource export type for HTML format.
ResourceTypeSpecifies the type of a resource.
ResourceUsageViewFieldRepresents possible fields in ResourceUsageView object resource usage view field.
RollupTypeSpecifies the rollup type.
RscKeyRepresents a list of supported resource fields.
SummaryRowsCalculationTypeSpecifies the type of a calculation of the custom attribute’s value for summary rows.
TaskKeyRepresents a list of supported task fields.
TaskLinkTypeSpecifies the type of tasks dependency.
TaskStartDateTypeSpecifies the type of a task’s start date.
TaskStatusSpecifies the status of a task.
TaskTypeSpecifies the type of a task.
TaskUsageViewFieldRepresents possible fields in TaskUsageView object.
TimephasedDataTypeSpecifies the type of time phased data.
TimeUnitTypeSpecifies the type of a time unit.
UndefinedConstraintHandlingBehaviorSpecifies the behavior used to handle tasks with undefined constraints.
ViewScreenSpecifies the screen type for a view.
WBSSequenceSpecifies sequence for WBSCodeMask
WeekdayTypeRepresents a weekday of a project in the instance of RecurringTaskInfo class.
WeekLabelDisplaySpecifies how the week label displays.
WorkContourTypeSpecifies the contour of a work.
WorkGroupTypeSpecifies the type of a workgroup.
YearLabelDisplaySpecifies how the year label displays.