
And<T>.Check method

Returns true if the specified object satisfy the conditions.

public bool Check(T el)
elTThe object to check.

Return Value

True if the object satisfy the conditions.


Shows how to use <see cref=“Aspose.Tasks.Util.And`1” /> condition.

public void WorkWithAnd()
    var project = new Project(DataDir + "Project2.mpp");

    // gather all project tasks
    var coll = new ChildTasksCollector();
    TaskUtils.Apply(project.RootTask, coll, 0);

    // create a filter condition that filters summary tasks
    var condition1 = new SummaryCondition();

    // create a filter condition that filters not null tasks
    var condition2 = new NotNullCondition();

    // and join them by applying <see cref="Aspose.Tasks.Util.And`1" /> condition
    var joinedCondition = new And<Task>(condition1, condition2);

    // apply the condition to the collected tasks
    List<Task> collection = Filter(coll.Tasks, joinedCondition);
    Console.WriteLine("Filtered tasks: ");
    foreach (var task in collection)
        Console.WriteLine(" Name: " + task.Get(Tsk.Name));

        // work with other properties...

    // ...

private static List<T> Filter<T>(IEnumerable<T> array, ICondition<T> cond)
    var result = new List<T>();

    foreach (var item in array)
        if (cond.Check(item))

    return result;

private class NotNullCondition : ICondition<Task>
    public bool Check(Task el)
        return !el.Get(Tsk.IsNull).Value;

private class SummaryCondition : ICondition<Task>
    public bool Check(Task el)
        return el.Get(Tsk.IsSummary);

See Also