
FontDescriptor(string, float)

Initializes a new instance of the FontDescriptor class with the specified font family and size.

public FontDescriptor(string fontFamily, float size)
fontFamilyStringName of the font family.
sizeSingleSize of the font.

See Also

FontDescriptor(string, float, FontStyles)

Initializes a new instance of the FontDescriptor class with the specified font family, size and style.

public FontDescriptor(string fontFamily, float size, FontStyles style)
fontFamilyStringName of the font family.
sizeSingleSize of the font.
styleFontStylesStyle of the font.

See Also

FontDescriptor(FontDescriptor, FontStyles)

Initializes a new instance of the FontDescriptor class with the specified font and style.

public FontDescriptor(FontDescriptor font, FontStyles style)
fontFontDescriptorInstance of FontDescriptor to copy.
styleFontStylesStyle of the font.

See Also