
PageSettings.AdjustToPercentOfNormalSize property

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to adjust printing to the specified percentage (PercentOfNormalSize) of normal size.

public bool AdjustToPercentOfNormalSize { get; set; }


Is not effective when project is rendered in HTML format.


Shows how to render view with the specified scale factor.

var project = new Project(DataDir + "Input.mpp");

var view = project.Views.First(v => v.Screen == ViewScreen.Gantt);

// set a value indicating that view should be scaled using the specified scale factor
view.PageInfo.PageSettings.AdjustToPercentOfNormalSize = true;
// specify the scale factor
view.PageInfo.PageSettings.PercentOfNormalSize = 33;

PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions()
    ViewSettings = view,
    Timescale = Timescale.DefinedInView

project.Save(OutDir + "PrintViewWithSpecifiedScaleFactor_out.pdf", saveOptions);

See Also