
Duration.Parse method

Converts the specified string to the instance of Duration struct.

public static Duration Parse(Project p, string value)
pProjectthe specified instance of Project class to convert duration for.
valueStringthe specified string to convert.

Return Value

Returns the converted instance of Duration struct.


Shows how to parse a string from a specially formatted string.

var project = new Project();

// examples of durations:
// "1d", "1dy", "1d?", "1day", "1 dy", "1 edy? ", "8hr", "8 hour", "8hours", "0.2w?", "0.2wk", "0.2 eweek", "0.2ew?"
// where 1 - number of items (day, week, etc), d - day (h - hour, w - week) ? - estimated flag, e - elapsed flag

// try to parse an estimated duration
var duration1 = Duration.Parse(project, "1d?");
Console.WriteLine("The parsed time span: " + duration1.TimeSpan);
Console.WriteLine("The parsed time unit: " + duration1.TimeUnit);
Console.WriteLine("Is estimated duration?: " + duration1.IsEstimated);
Console.WriteLine("Is elapsed duration?: " + duration1.IsElapsed);

// try to parse an estimated duration
var duration2 = Duration.Parse(project, "0.2 eweek");
Console.WriteLine("The parsed time span: " + duration2.TimeSpan);
Console.WriteLine("The parsed time unit: " + duration2.TimeUnit);
Console.WriteLine("Is estimated duration?: " + duration2.IsEstimated);
Console.WriteLine("Is elapsed duration?: " + duration2.IsElapsed);

See Also