MonthPosition enumeration
Specifies the position of a month item within a month.
public enum MonthPosition
Name | Value | Description |
Undefined | -1 | Indicates Undefined month position. |
First | 0 | Indicates First position month position. |
Second | 1 | Indicates Second position month position. |
Third | 2 | Indicates Third position month position. |
Fourth | 3 | Indicates Fourth position month position. |
Last | 4 | Indicates Last position month position. |
Shows how to define calendar exception by month day.
var project = new Project(DataDir + "project_test.mpp");
// create a calendar
var calendar = project.Calendars.Add("Calendar1");
// create calendar exception for every friday
var exception = new CalendarException();
exception.Type = CalendarExceptionType.MonthlyByDay;
exception.FromDate = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1);
exception.ToDate = new DateTime(2020, 12, 31);
exception.Month = Month.December;
exception.MonthDay = 1;
exception.MonthItem = MonthItemType.Undefined;
exception.MonthPosition = MonthPosition.Last;
exception.Period = 5;
// check that aa friday is exceptional
Console.WriteLine("Is date an exception date: " + exception.CheckException(new DateTime(2012, 12, 1)));
// add the exception to the calendar
See Also
- namespace Aspose.Tasks
- assembly Aspose.Tasks