]Prj class
Represents supported properties of Project
public static class Prj
Name | Description |
static readonly ActualsInSync | Determines whether all actual works have been synchronized with the project. |
static readonly AdminProject | Determines whether a project is an administrative project. |
static readonly AreEditableActualCosts | Determines whether actual costs are editable. |
static readonly Author | The author of a project. |
static readonly AutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks | Determines whether new resources or tasks automatically added to a resource or task pool. |
static readonly AutoCalculateAssignmentCosts | Determines whether assignment cost and remaining cost should be auto calculated using assignment’s work and resource rates. |
static readonly Autolink | Determines whether inserted or moved tasks are auto linked. |
static readonly BaselineForEarnedValue | The specific baseline used to calculate Variance values. |
static readonly Calendar | The project calendar. |
static readonly Category | The category of a project. |
static readonly Comments | Project’s comments. |
static readonly Company | The company where a project was created. |
static readonly CreationDate | The date and time when a project was created. |
static readonly CriticalSlackLimit | The number of days to the end of a task when Microsoft Project marks that task as a critical task. |
static readonly CurrencyCode | The three letter currency character code as defined in ISO 4217. Example of valid values is “USD”. |
static readonly CurrencyDigits | The number of digits after a decimal symbol. |
static readonly CurrencySymbol | The currency symbol used in a project. |
static readonly CurrencySymbolPosition | The placement of the currency symbol. |
static readonly CurrentDate | The system date. |
static readonly CustomDateFormat | Project view custom date format. Used to format dates when DateFormat property is set to Custom. |
static readonly DateFormat | Project view date format. |
static readonly DaysPerMonth | The number of days per month. |
static readonly DefaultFinishTime | The default finish time of new tasks. |
static readonly DefaultFixedCostAccrual | The default type when fixed costs are accrued. |
static readonly DefaultOvertimeRate | The default overtime rate for new resources. |
static readonly DefaultStandardRate | The default standard rate for new resources. |
static readonly DefaultStartTime | The default start time of new tasks. |
static readonly DefaultTaskEVMethod | The default earned value method for tasks. |
static readonly DefaultTaskType | The default type of new tasks. |
static readonly DurationFormat | The format for expressing the bulk duration. |
static readonly EarnedValueMethod | The default method for calculating earned value. |
static readonly ExtendedCreationDate | Date used for calculation and reporting. |
static readonly FinishDate | The finish date of a project. |
static readonly FiscalYearStart | Determines whether the fiscal year numbering is used. |
static readonly FyStartDate | The month when fiscal year is starting. |
static readonly Guid | The GUID of the project. |
static readonly HonorConstraints | Determines whether tasks honor their constraint dates. |
static readonly HyperlinkBase | Project’s hyperlink base. |
static readonly InsertedProjectsLikeSummary | Determines whether subtasks are calculated as summary tasks. |
static readonly KeepTaskOnNearestWorkingTimeWhenMadeAutoScheduled | Determines whether manual tasks must be kept on nearest working time when made as auto scheduled. |
static readonly Keywords | Project’s keywords. |
static readonly LastAuthor | Project’s last author. |
static readonly LastPrinted | Project’s last print time. Saved in UTC format in mpp files. DateTime type. |
static readonly LastSaved | The date when a project was saved last time. Saved in UTC format in mpp files. DateTime type. |
static readonly Manager | The manager of a project. |
static readonly MicrosoftProjectServerURL | Determines whether a project was created by a Project Server user as opposed to an NT user. |
static readonly MinutesPerDay | The number of minutes per day. |
static readonly MinutesPerWeek | The number of minutes per week. |
static readonly MoveCompletedEndsBack | Determines whether the end of completed portions of tasks scheduled to start after the status date but started earlier should be moved back to the status date. |
static readonly MoveCompletedEndsForward | Determines whether the end of completed portions of tasks scheduled to have been completed before the status date but begun later should be moved up to the status date. |
static readonly MoveRemainingStartsBack | Determines whether the beginning of remaining portions of tasks scheduled to start after the status date but started earlier should be moved back to the status date. |
static readonly MoveRemainingStartsForward | Determines whether the beginning of remaining portions of tasks scheduled to have begun later should be moved up to the status date. |
static readonly MultipleCriticalPaths | Determines whether multiple critical paths are calculated. |
static readonly Name | The name of the project. |
static readonly NewTasksAreManual | Determines whether new tasks created as manual. |
static readonly NewTasksEffortDriven | Determines whether new tasks are effort driven. |
static readonly NewTasksEstimated | Determines whether an estimated duration is shown by default. |
static readonly NewTaskStartDate | The default start date type for new tasks. |
static readonly ProjectExternallyEdited | Determines whether the project was externally edited. |
static readonly RemoveFileProperties | Determines whether all file properties will be removed on save. |
static readonly Revision | The number of times a project was saved. |
static readonly SaveVersion | The version of Microsoft Office Project from which a project file was saved. |
static readonly ScheduleFromStart | Determines whether to calculate the project schedule forward from the start date. |
static readonly ShowProjectSummaryTask | Determines whether to display summary information about an entire project on a single row with its own summary task bar at the top of the Gantt Chart view. |
static readonly SplitsInProgressTasks | Determines whether in-progress tasks can be split. |
static readonly SpreadActualCost | Determines whether actual costs are spread to the status date. |
static readonly SpreadPercentComplete | Determines whether a percent complete is spread to the status date. |
static readonly StartDate | The start date of a project. |
static readonly StatusDate | the status date to display progress or to calculate earned value totals. The status date is the same as the current date (today’s date) unless a different status date is specified. |
static readonly Subject | The subject of a project. |
static readonly TaskUpdatesResource | Determines whether updates to tasks update resources. |
static readonly Template | Project’s template. |
static readonly TimescaleFinish | The date that the timescale in the view finishes. |
static readonly TimescaleStart | The date that the timescale in the view starts. |
static readonly Title | The title of a project. |
static readonly Uid | The unique Id of a project. |
static readonly UpdateManuallyScheduledTasksWhenEditingLinks | Determines whether manual tasks must be updated when links were edited. |
static readonly WeekStartDay | First day of a week. |
static readonly WorkFormat | The format used to show the duration of the task. |
Shows how to read/write project name.
var project = new Project(DataDir + "Blank2010.mpp");
project.Set(Prj.Name, "Custom Project Name");
Console.WriteLine("Project name: " + project.Get(Prj.Name));
See Also
- namespace Aspose.Tasks
- assembly Aspose.Tasks