
GanttBarStyle class

Represents a bar style used by MSP in Gantt Chart view.

The GanttBarStyle type exposes the following members:


GanttBarStyle()Initializes a new instance of the GanttBarStyle class.


bottom_fieldGets or sets data to be displayed on the bottom of the bar.
end_shapeGets or sets an end shape of the bar.
end_shape_colorGets or sets a color of the end shape.
end_shape_typeGets or sets a type of the end shape.
from_addressGets or sets a start point position of the gantt bar.
inside_fieldGets or sets data to be displayed inside of the bar.
left_fieldGets or sets data to be displayed on the left of the bar.
middle_fill_patternGets or sets a fill pattern of the gantt bar.
middle_shapeGets or sets a middle shape of the bar.
middle_shape_colorGets or sets a color of the middle shape.
nameGets or sets a name of the style.
right_fieldGets or sets data to be displayed on the right of the bar.
rowGets or sets a row number.
show_for_categoriesGets or sets task categories for which the style is applied. Is applicable for parent (or common) styles of bars in Gantt chart
show_for_task_uidGets or sets Unique Id of a task for which the style is applied. Is applicable for task-specific styles of bars in Gantt chart (see
start_shapeGets or sets a start shape of the bar.
start_shape_colorGets or sets a color of the start shape.
start_shape_typeGets or sets a type of the start shape.
toGets or sets a finish point position of the gantt bar.
top_fieldGets or sets data to be displayed on the top of the bar.
parent_styleGets or sets parent (or common) style for custom task-specific style.

See Also