
GridlineType enumeration

Type of gridline.


Member nameDescription
GANTT_ROWIndicates Gridline of a gantt row grid line type.
TOP_TIER_COLUMNIndicates Gridline of top tier column grid line type.
BOTTOM_TIER_COLUMNIndicates Gridline of bottom tier column grid line type.
SHEET_ROWIndicates Gridline of a sheet row grid line type.
SHEET_COLUMNIndicates Gridline of a sheet column grid line type.
USAGE_ROWIndicates Gridline of a usage row grid line type.
USAGE_COLUMNIndicates Gridline of a usage column grid line type.
GANTT_TITLE_VERTICALIndicates Gantt title vertical grid line type.
GANTT_TITLE_HORIZONTALIndicates Gantt title horizontal grid line type.
BAR_ROWSIndicates Bar rows grid line type.
GANTT_PROJECT_STARTIndicates Gantt project start grid line type.
GANTT_PROJECT_FINISHIndicates Gantt project finish grid line type.
GANTT_STATUS_DATEIndicates Gantt status date grid line type.
GANTT_CURRENT_DATEIndicates Gantt current date grid line type.
GANTT_PAGE_BREAKSIndicates Gantt page breaks grid line type.
MIDDLE_TIER_COLUMNIndicates Gridline of middle tier column grid line type.

See Also