
TaskKey enumeration

Represents a list of supported task fields.


Member nameDescription
UIDRepresents the Unique ID (Task) field.
IDRepresents the Id (Task) field.
NAMERepresents the Name (Task) field.
TYPERepresents the Type (Task) field.
IS_NULLRepresents the IsNull (Task) field.
CREATEDRepresents the Created (Task) field.
CONTACTRepresents the Contact (Task) field.
WBSRepresents the WBS (Task) field.
WBS_LEVELRepresents the WBSLevel (Task) field.
OUTLINE_NUMBERRepresents the OutlineNumber (Task) field.
OUTLINE_LEVELRepresents the OutlineLevel (Task) field.
PRIORITYRepresents the Priority (Task) field.
STARTRepresents the Start (Task) field.
FINISHRepresents the Finish (Task) field.
DURATIONRepresents the Duration (Task) field.
DURATION_VARIANCERepresents the DurationVariance (Task) field.
DURATION_FORMATRepresents the DurationFormat (Task) field.
WORKRepresents the Work (Task) field.
STOPRepresents the Stop (Task) field.
RESUMERepresents the Resume (Task) field.
IS_RESUME_VALIDRepresents the IsResumeValid (Task) field.
IS_EFFORT_DRIVENRepresents the IsEffortDriven (Task) field.
IS_RECURRINGRepresents the IsRecurring (Task) field.
IS_OVERALLOCATEDRepresents the IsOverallocated (Task) field.
HAS_OVERALLOCATED_RESOURCERepresents the HasOverallocatedResource (Task) field.
IS_ESTIMATEDRepresents the IsEstimated (Task) field.
IS_MILESTONERepresents the IsMilestone (Task) field.
IS_CRITICALRepresents the IsCritical (Task) field.
IS_SUBPROJECTRepresents the IsSubproject (Task) field.
IS_SUBPROJECT_READ_ONLYRepresents the IsSubprojectReadOnly (Task) field.
IS_MARKEDRepresents the IsMarked (Task) field.
IGNORE_WARNINGSRepresents the IgnoreWarnings (Task) field.
SUBPROJECT_NAMERepresents the SubprojectName (Task) field.
IS_EXTERNAL_TASKRepresents the IsExternalTask (Task) field.
IS_SUMMARYRepresents the IsSummary (Task) field.
EXTERNAL_TASK_PROJECTRepresents the ExternalTaskProject (Task) field.
EXTERNAL_IDRepresents the ExternalId (Task) field.
EARLY_STARTRepresents the EarlyStart (Task) field.
EARLY_FINISHRepresents the EarlyFinish (Task) field.
LATE_STARTRepresents the LateStart (Task) field.
LATE_FINISHRepresents the LateFinish (Task) field.
START_VARIANCERepresents the StartVariance (Task) field.
FINISH_VARIANCERepresents the FinishVariance (Task) field.
WORK_VARIANCERepresents the WorkVariance (Task) field.
COST_VARIANCERepresents the CostVariance (Task) field.
FREE_SLACKRepresents the FreeSlack (Task) field.
TOTAL_SLACKRepresents the TotalSlack (Task) field.
START_SLACKRepresents the StartSlack (Task) field.
FINISH_SLACKRepresents the FinishSlack (Task) field.
FIXED_COSTRepresents the FixedCost (Task) field.
FIXED_COST_ACCRUALRepresents the FixedCostAccrual (Task) field.
PERCENT_COMPLETERepresents the PercentComplete (Task) field.
PERCENT_WORK_COMPLETERepresents the PercentWorkComplete (Task) field.
COSTRepresents the Cost (Task) field.
OVERTIME_COSTRepresents the OvertimeCost (Task) field.
ACTUAL_STARTRepresents the ActualStart (Task) field.
ACTUAL_FINISHRepresents the ActualFinish (Task) field.
ACTUAL_DURATIONRepresents the ActualDuration (Task) field.
ACTUAL_COSTRepresents the ActualCost (Task) field.
ACTUAL_OVERTIME_COSTRepresents the ActualOvertimeCost (Task) field.
ACTUAL_WORKRepresents the ActualWork (Task) field.
ACTUAL_OVERTIME_WORKRepresents the ActualOvertimeWork (Task) field.
OVERTIME_WORKRepresents the OvertimeWork (Task) field.
REGULAR_WORKRepresents the RegularWork (Task) field.
REMAINING_DURATIONRepresents the RemainingDuration (Task) field.
REMAINING_COSTRepresents the RemainingCost (Task) field.
REMAINING_WORKRepresents the RemainingWork (Task) field.
REMAINING_OVERTIME_WORKRepresents the RemainingOvertimeWork (Task) field.
REMAINING_OVERTIME_COSTRepresents the RemainingOvertimeCost (Task) field.
ACWPRepresents the ACWP (Task) field.
CVRepresents the CV (Task) field.
SVRepresents the SV (Task) field.
CONSTRAINT_TYPERepresents the ConstraintType (Task) field.
CALENDARRepresents the Calendar (Task) field.
CONSTRAINT_DATERepresents the ConstraintDate (Task) field.
DEADLINERepresents the Deadline (Task) field.
LEVEL_ASSIGNMENTSRepresents the LevelAssignments (Task) field.
LEVELING_CAN_SPLITRepresents the LevelingCanSplit (Task) field.
LEVELING_DELAYRepresents the LevelingDelay (Task) field.
PRELEVELED_STARTRepresents the PreleveledStart (Task) field.
PRELEVELED_FINISHRepresents the PreleveledFinish (Task) field.
HYPERLINKRepresents the Hyperlink (Task) field.
HYPERLINK_ADDRESSRepresents the HyperlinkAddress (Task) field.
HYPERLINK_SUB_ADDRESSRepresents the HyperlinkSubAddress (Task) field.
IGNORE_RESOURCE_CALENDARRepresents the IgnoreResourceCalendar (Task) field.
HIDE_BARRepresents the HideBar (Task) field.
IS_ROLLUPRepresents the IsRollup (Task) field.
BCWSRepresents the BCWS (Task) field.
BCWPRepresents the BCWP (Task) field.
PHYSICAL_PERCENT_COMPLETERepresents the PhysicalPercentComplete (Task) field.
EARNED_VALUE_METHODRepresents the EarnedValueMethod (Task) field.
ACTUAL_WORK_PROTECTEDRepresents the ActualWorkProtected (Task) field.
ACTUAL_OVERTIME_WORK_PROTECTEDRepresents the ActualOvertimeWorkProtected (Task) field.
IS_PUBLISHEDRepresents the IsPublished (Task) field.
IS_SCHEDULEDRepresents the IsScheduled (Task) field.
STATUS_MANAGERRepresents the StatusManager (Task) field.
COMMITMENT_STARTRepresents the CommitmentStart (Task) field.
COMMITMENT_FINISHRepresents the CommitmentFinish (Task) field.
COMMITMENT_TYPERepresents the CommitmentType (Task) field.
IS_MANUALRepresents the IsManual (Task) field.
IS_EXPANDEDRepresents the IsExpanded (Task) field.
GUIDRepresents the Guid (Task) field.
NOTES_TEXTRepresents the NotesText (Task) field.
NOTES_RTFRepresents the NotesRTF (Task) field.
MANUAL_STARTRepresents the ManualStart (Task) field.
MANUAL_FINISHRepresents the ManualFinish (Task) field.
MANUAL_DURATIONRepresents the ManualDuration (Task) field.
BUDGET_WORKRepresents the BudgetWork (Task) field.
BUDGET_COSTRepresents the BudgetCost (Task) field.
DISPLAY_AS_SUMMARYRepresents the DisplayAsSummary (Task) field.
SUMMARY_PROGRESSRepresents the Summary Progress (Task) field.
IS_ACTIVERepresents the IsActive (Task) field.
START_TEXTRepresents the StartText (Task) field.
FINISH_TEXTRepresents the FinishText (Task) field.
DURATION_TEXTRepresents the DurationText (Task) field.
CALENDAR_UIDRepresents the CalendarUid (Task) field.
PARENT_TASK_UIDRepresents the ParentTaskUid (Task) field.
DISPLAY_ON_TIMELINERepresents the DisplayOnTimeline (Task) field.
TASK_IS_ASSIGNEDRepresents the TaskIsAssigned (Task) field.
TASK_ORIGINAL_STARTRepresents the original start (Task) field.
TASK_ORIGINAL_FINISHRepresents the original finish (Task) field.
IS_SHOW_BEFORE_PROJECT_START_DATE_WARNINGRepresents the flag which makes MSP show the warning that a task is starting before project start date.
WARNINGRepresents the flag which indicates that task has schedule discrepancies.
PARENT_TASK_GUIDRepresents the ParentTaskGuid (Task) field.
ACTIVITY_IDRepresents the ActivityId field (only applicable to Primavera projects).
FREE_SLACK_TIME_SPANRepresents the FreeSlack (Task) field.
TOTAL_SLACK_TIME_SPANRepresents the TotalSlack (Task) field.
START_SLACK_TIME_SPANRepresents the StartSlack (Task) field.
FINISH_SLACK_TIME_SPANRepresents the FinishSlack (Task) field.
EXTERNAL_UIDRepresents the Unique Id of external task.

See Also