
Value class

Represents a value in a value list.

The Value type exposes the following members:


Value()Initializes a new instance of the Value class.


idGets or sets the unique identifier of a value across a project.
value_guidGets a GUID which identifies this value among others in the entire project.
valGets or sets the actual value in internal representation. Prefer using strongly typed properties which are listed below.
string_valueGets or sets the actual value which is used to represent Text string.
numeric_valueGets or sets the actual value which is used to represent number or cost value.
durationGets or sets the actual value which is used to represent Duration.
date_time_valueGets or sets the actual value if it can be represented as DateTime. Default value is min date value.
descriptionGets or sets the description of a value.
phoneticGets or sets the phonetic information about custom field name.

See Also