
WeekDay class

Represents a weekday which either defines regular days of a week or exception days in a calendar.

The WeekDay type exposes the following members:


WeekDay(day_type)Initializes a new instance of the WeekDay class
WeekDay(day_type, working_times)Initializes a new instance of the WeekDay class
WeekDay(day_type, working_times)Initializes a new instance of the WeekDay class
WeekDay()Initializes a new instance of the WeekDay class.


day_typeGets the type of a day.
day_workingGets or sets a value indicating whether the specified date or day type is working.
from_dateGets or sets the beginning of an exception time.
to_dateGets or sets the end of an exception time.
working_timesGets WorkingTimeCollection for this WeekDay instance.
The collection of working times that define the time worked on the weekday.


create_default_working_day(day_type)Creates default working day.
set_default_working_time(day)Sets default time periods for the specified week day.
get_working_time()Returns the working time for a week day.
clone()Returns a deep copy of the week day.

See Also