Aspose::TeX::IO namespace


IFileCollectorDefines methods for selecting collections of files.
IInputTerminalInterface for abstract input terminal.
IInputWorkingDirectoryInterface of generalized input working directory.
InputConsoleTerminalProvides the console as a terminal input source.
InputFileSystemDirectoryImplements the regular file system’s method for getting a file stream to read from.
InputZipDirectoryImplements the method for getting a file stream to write to when working directory is a ZIP archive.
IOutputTerminalInterface for abstract output terminal.
IOutputWorkingDirectoryInterface of generalized output working directory.
NamedStreamAssociates a stream of a random nature with a name.
NamespaceDocThe Aspose.TeX.IO namespace provides classes for I/O that TeX engine performs.
NondisposableMemoryStreamThe class that encapsulates a stream that cannot be disposed by calling the System::IDisposable::Dispose method, whether explicitly or implicitly.
OutputConsoleTerminalProvides the console as a terminal output destination.
OutputFileSystemDirectoryImplements the regular file system’s method for getting a file stream to write to.
OutputFileTerminalImplements a terminal whose output is to be written to a file in some working directory.
OutputMemoryTerminalProvides a memory stream as a terminal output destination.
OutputZipDirectoryImplements the method for getting a file stream to write to when working directory is a ZIP archive.